RBSE Solutions for Class 11 English Compulsory (English Course) Hornbill & Snapshots

Rajasthan Board NCERT New Syllabus RBSE Solutions for Class 11 English Compulsory (English Course) Hornbill & Snapshots Guide Pdf free download are prepared by our subject experts in such a way that the students understand all the topics covered in the syllabus. Here we have given RBSE Class 11th English Book Solutions Hornbill & Snapshots.

The questions presented in the RBSE Solutions for Class 11 English are solved in a detailed manner. Get the accurate RBSE Solutions for Class 11 all subjects will help students to have a deeper understanding of the concepts. Our team has come up with Tenses Class 11 to ensure that students have basic grammatical knowledge.

RBSE Class 11 English Compulsory Solutions Hornbill & Snapshots

RBSE Class 11 English Hornbill Prose

RBSE Class 11 English Hornbill Poetry

RBSE Class 11 English Supplementary Reader Snapshots

RBSE Class 11 English Grammar

RBSE Class 11 English Compulsory Reading Comprehension

RBSE Class 11 English Compulsory Writing

RBSE Class 11 English Course (Compulsory) Syllabus

Time: 3.15 Hours
Marks: 100

Areas of Learning Marks
Reading 20
Writing 30
Grammar 20
Textual Questions
(i) Text Book – Hornbill
(ii) Supplementary Book – Snapshots

1. Reading (20)
Two unseen passages (around 350 words for both)
(Besides comprehension questions, lexical items should also be tested)

2. Writing (30)
(i) One out of two tasks – description of any event or incident, or a process based on hints 100-120 words. (10)
(ii) One out of two compositions – an article, a report, a speech (Around 100-120 words) (10)
(iii) One out of two letters (Business or official letters for enquiries, complaints, asking for information placement of a person or an order, etc. or letter to the school authorities regarding admissions, school issues, requirements, suitability of courses, etc. (10)

3. Grammar (20)
The questions type will include gap-filling, sentence reordering, dialogue completion, and sentence-transformation
(i) Determiners (7)
(ii) Tenses (6)
(iii) Modals (7)

4. Text Books (30)
Hornbill – Prose (10)
(i) One out of two extracts from the prescribed text for comprehension (6)
(ii) Four out of six short answer type questions (around 10 – 15 words) (4)

Hornbill – Poetry (10)
(i) One out of two extracts from the prescribed poems for comprehension and literary interpretation (4)
(ii) Three out of four short answer type questions (around 10 – 15 words) (6)

Supplementary Reader – Snapshots (10)
(i) One out of two questions to test the evaluation of characters, events, and episodes (in about 50 – 60 words) (6)
(ii) Two out of three short answer type questions to be answered in about 30-40 words on content, events, and episodes. (4)

Prescribed Books
1. Hornbill – NCERT’s Book Published under Copyright.
2. Snapshots – NCERT’s Book Published under Copyright.

We hope the given Rajasthan Board NCERT New Syllabus RBSE Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill & Snapshots Guide Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding RBSE Class 11th English Book Solutions Hornbill & Snapshots, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

Last Updated on Aug. 30, 2022, 3:35 p.m.
Published July 22, 2022