RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Social Science  History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

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RBSE Class 7 Social Science Solutions  History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans

RBSE Class 7 Social Science The Delhi Sultans InText Questions and Answers

Page 32

Question 1. 
What are the four steps to prepare a manuscript?
Following are the four steps to prepare a manuscript:

  1. Preparing the paper.
  2. Writing the text.
  3. Melting gold to highlight important words and passages.
  4. Preparing the binding.

Question 2. 
Do you think the circle of justice is an appropriate term to describe the relationship between the king and his subjects?
Yes, the circle justice is an appropriate term. Fakhr-i-Mudabbir was a writer in the 13th century. A king cannot survive without soldiers and soldiers cannot live without salaries. Salaries come from the revenue collected from peasants. But peasants can pay revenue only when they are prosperous and happy. This happens when the king promotes justice and honest governance.

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans

Page 33 

Question 3.
Express Minhaj’s ideas in your own words. Do you think Raziyya shared these ideas? Why do you think it was so difficult for a woman to be a ruler?
Minhaj-i-siraj thought that the queen’s rule went against the ideal social  order created by God, in which the women were supposed to be subordinate to men. Raziyya rose to the throne of Delhi due to her qualities. Raziyya did not share these ideas on her inscriptions and coins. Raziyya mentioned that she was the daughter of Sultan Dtutmish. It was difficult for women to be a ruler because women were considered as the weaker gender. This was in contrast to queen Rudramadevi who changed her name on her inscriptions and pretended to be a man.

Page 37 

Question 4.
Compare figures 2, 3, 4 and 5. What similarities and differences do you notice amongst the mosques? The mosques in figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 show evolution in architectural tradition that culminates in Shah Jahan’s mosque in Delhi.



(i) Gate of all the mosques have similar shapes.

Quwwat-Al-Islam has large spacesfor Namaz unlike other mosques.

(ii) All the mosques were built during the reign of different Delhi Sultans.

Begumpuri mosque is known as ‘Sanctuary of the World’.

(iii) Moth ki masjid, Begampuri mosque and mosque of Jamali kamali have evolution in architectural traditions.

Moth ki Masjid was built by the minister of Sikandar Lodi in his reign

Page 38 

Question 1.
Can you think of any reason why a slave would be better than a son?

  1. Because slaves are more loyal, faithful and dedicated in comparison to sons.
  2. The sons could disobey their father and protest for the throne.

Question 2. 
Why do you think Barani criticised the Sultan?
Ziyauddin Barani criticised Sultan for his loss of political judgement and incapability to rule. He was against the appointment of several administrators by sultan.

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans

Page 40 

Question 3.
Describe the ways in which the chieftains arranged for their defence.
The chieftains arranged for then- defence in following ways:

  1. The chieftains fortified themselves in mountains, in rocky, uneven and rugged places as well as in bamboo groves.
  2. In India, the bamboo is not hollow, it is big. Its several parts are so intertwined that even fire cannot affect them.
  3. The chieftains five in these forests which serve them as ramparts, inside which are their cattle and their crops.
  4. There is also water for them within that is, rain water which collects there. Hence they cannot be subdued except by powerful armies who could enter these forests, cut down the bamboos with specially prepared instruments.

RBSE Class 7 Social Science The Delhi Sultans Textbook Questions and Answers


Question 1.
You are a peasant in Alauddin Khajji’s or Muhammad Tughlaq’s reign and you cannot pay the taxes demanded by the sultan. What will you do?
Under Alauddin Khalji’s reign, we will have to sacrifice our land. Under Muhammad Bin Tughlaq’s reign heavy penalties would be imposed.

Let’s recall 

Question 1. 
Which ruler first established his or her capital at Delhi?
Tomara Rajput ruler.

Question 2. 
What was the language of administration under the Delhi sultans?

Question 3. 
In whose reign did the sultanate reach its farthest extent?
In Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq’s reign.

Question 4. 
From which country did Ibn Battuta travel to India?
From Morocco Africa

Let’s understand

Question 5. 
According to the Circle of justice’ why was it important for the military commanders to keep the interests of the peasantry 'in mind?
According to the ‘circle of justice’ it was important for the military commanders to keep the interests of the peasantry in mind because the salaries of the soldiers come from the revenue collected from peasants. But peasants can pay revenue only when-they are prosperous and happy. And this will happen when there is honest governance and justice.

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans

Question 6. 
What is meant by the ‘internal’ and ‘external’ frontiers of the sultanate?
Internal frontiers-Hinterland of the garrisons towns.
External frontiers-Area beyond the hinterland of the garrison towns.

Question 7. 
What were the steps taken to ensure that muqtis performed their duties? Why do you think they have wanted to defy the orders of the sultans? 
Following steps are taken to ensure that muqtis performed their duties well :

  1. With the help of some officers, it was noticed that muqtis collected taxes which was prescribed by the state.
  2. With the collected revenue, muqtis were supposed to maintain required number of soldiers.
  3. Accountants were appointed by the state to check the collection of revenue by the muqtis. The muqtis may have wanted to deny the orders of the Sultans because many restrictions were imposed and their appointment was not permanent and they could be shifted to another area also.

Question 8. 
What was the impact of the Mongol invasions on the Delhi Sultanate?
During the Khalji rule, the Mongols under Genghis Khan invaded India several times. Their invasions began at Transoxiana in north-east Iran. The attacks of the Mongol on the Delhi Sultanate increased during the reign of Alauddin Khalji and in earlier years of Muhammad Bin TughluQuestion This forced the two sultans to mobilise a large standing army in Delhi which created a huge administrative challenge.
(a) Alauddin Khalji and Mongol Invasions

  • Alauddin Khalji.raised standing army as to take defensive measures.
  • New garrison town was constructed for the soldiers named Siri.
  • To feed the soldiers, 50% tax on the - production was fixed.
  • Soldiers were paid in cash so that they could purchase their supplies from merchants.
  • Through surveys* prices of goods were controlled.

(b) Muhammad Bin Tughluq and Mongol Invasions

  • In the early years, the Mongol army was defeated, so Tughlaq was confident about the strength of his army and resources. He planned to attack Transoxiana.
  • He raised a large standing army.
  • He emptied the Garrison town from the soldiers and the residents of the old city were sent to Daulatabad.
  • To maintain the expenses of large army, additional taxes were imposed.
  • Soldiers were paid in cash, he used a token currency made out of cheap metal. This cheap currency could be imitated easily. 

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans

Let’s discuss

Question 9. 
Do you think that the authors of tawarikh would provide infor¬mation about the lives of ordinary men and women.
Yes, the author of tawarikh would provide information about the lives of ordinary men and women.

Question 10. 
Raziyya Sultan was unique in the.history of the Delhi Sultanate. Do you think women leaders are accepted more readily today?
I think that women leaders are not accepted easily even today. The government is still working a lot for women empowerment.

Question 11. 
Why were the Delhi sultans interested in cutting down forests? Does deforestation occur for the same reason today?
The Delhi sultans were interested in Cutting down the forests because they wanted to expand their kingdom. Sometimes forests were also cleared for the expansion of agriculture. No, deforestation does not occur for the expansion of kingdom today. It occurs for the expansion of roads, industries, etc

Last Updated on June 10, 2022, 3:33 p.m.
Published May 21, 2022