These comprehensive RBSE Class 7 Social Science Notes Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions will give a brief overview of all the concepts.
RBSE Class 7 Social Science Notes Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions
→ Life in the Amazon Basin
- The Amazon River flows through the equator.
- Numerous tributaries join the Amazon River to form the Amazon basin.
- The river basin drains portions of Brazil, parts of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia and a small part of Venezuela.
→ Climate : The climate remains warm and famous throughout the year. It rains almost daily. Daytime temperatures are high and humidity is very high. The temperature decreases during the night, but the humidity remains the same. Rainforests : As it rains heavily in this region, thick forests grow. The rainforest . is rich in fauna.
→ People of the Rainforests
- Men hunt and fish along the rivers, women take care of the crops. They practice “slash and burn agriculture”. The staple food is manioc, also known as cassava.
- Some families live in thatched houses shaped like beehives. There are other large apartment-like houses called “Maloca” with a steeply slanting roof.
- The major routes of transport are river, airplane and helicopter.
- The developmental activities are leading to the gradual destruction of the biologically diverse rainforests.

→ Life in the Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin
- The tributaries of rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra together form the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin in the Indian subcontinent.
- The tributaries of the River Ganga like the Ghaghra, the Son, the Chambal, the Gandak, the Kosi and the tributaries of Brahmaputra drain it.
- The area is dominated by monsoon climate.
- The basin area has varied topography. Like-Mountain region, plains, sloping mountains and hills.
- Variation is also found in the vegetation according to the different geographical features.
- Various types of wildlife are found in the basin. .
- In densely mountainous areas, the density is low, in the plains, the density is high.
- Fish and rice are the staple food among the inhabitants of the delta region.
- Many big cities and towns are located in the plains of Ganga Brahmaputra.
- A well-developed system of transport is present in the basin.
- Tourism is an important activity of this basin.