These comprehensive RBSE Class 7 Social Science Notes Civics Chapter 1 On Equality will give a brief overview of all the concepts.
RBSE Class 7 Social Science Notes Civics Chapter 1 On Equality
→ Equality is a key feature of democracy and influences all aspects of its functioning.
→ Equal right to vote
- In a democratic country, like India, all adults irrespective of inequality are allowed to vote. This is called universal adult franchise.
- Due to poverty, the daily life and conditions of work of many poor people like universal franchise in India is far from equality.
→ Other kinds of equality
- One of the more common forms of inequality in India is the caste system.
- By using the word T)alit’, people like Omprakash Valmiki are pointing to how they were, and continue to be, seriously discriminated against.
- Inequality is also practiced in India on religious grounds. The practice of inequality with the Ansaris reflects this.
- It is clear that often inequality with some people is treated on the basis of religion, caste, gender and class.
→ Recognising dignity : When persons are treated unequally, their dignity is violated.

→ Equality in Indian democracy
- The Indian Constitution recognises every person as equal. At present there are several that work to see that people are treated with dignity and as equals.
- This recognition of equality includes some of the following provisions in the Constitution:
- Every person is equal before the law.
- No person can be discriminated against on the basis of their religion, race, caste, place of birth.
- Every person has access to all public places.
- Untouchability has been abolished.
- The two ways in which the government has tried to implement the equality that is guaranteed in the Constitution :
- Through laws
- Through government programmes or schemes to help disadvantaged communities. For example-the midday meal scheme in government primary schools.
- While government programmes play an important role in increasing equality of opportunity, however, inequality in attitudes still persists.
- Establishing equality in a democratic society is a continuous struggle and one in which individulas as well as various communities in India contribute to.
→ Issues of equality in other democracies :
In many democracias around the world, the issue of equality continues to be the key issue around which communities struggle-for example, in the United States of America, the African Americans.