RBSE Class 12 Chemistry Notes Chapter 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

These comprehensive RBSE Class 12 Chemistry Notes Chapter 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids will give a brief overview of all the concepts.

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RBSE Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 12 Notes Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

→ Oxidation of primary (1°) and secondary (2°) alcohols with acidified K2Cr2O7 or aqueous or alkaline KMnO4 give aldehydes and catalytic dehydrogenation of primary and secondary alcohols give ketones.

→ Some other reagents have been developed for selective oxidation of 1° alcohols to aldehydes such as:

  • Collin's reagent (CrO3.2C5H5N).
  • Corey's reagent (Pyridinium chlorochromate, PCC (CrO3.C5H5N, HCl).
  • Pyridinium dichromate, PDC i.e., (C5H5NH+)2 Cr2O72-
  • Jone's reagent : It is a solution of chromium- trioxide (CrO3) inH2SO4 in aqueous acetone.

→ Oppenauer oxidation of secondary alcohols with aluminium tert-butoxide in presence of excess of acetone gives ketones in good yield without the danger of being further oxidised to carboxylic acids.

→ Dry distillation of calcium salts of fatty acids or passing the vapours of fatty acids over heated MnO at 573 K gives aldehydes and ketones.

→ Aldehydes and ketones can be prepared by the hydration of alkynes in presence of dil H2SO4 and HgSQ4 as catalyst.

→ Aldehydes and ketones can be prepared by hydroboration-oxidation of alkynes.

RBSE Class 12 Chemistry Notes Chapter 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 

→ Alkenes react with O3 to form ozonide which upon subsequent cleavage with zinc dust and H2O give aldehydes and ketones.

→ Gem-dihalides containing two halogens on the same carbon upon alkaline hydrolysis give the corresponding aldehydes or ketones.

→ Acid chlorides are easily converted into aldehydes by catalytic hydrogenation or reduction in presence of Pd-BaSO4 (Rosenmund reduction).

→ When an ethereal solution of an alkyl cyanides is reduced with SnCl4 in presence of HCl gas, imine hydrochloride is precipitated which upon hydrolysis with boiling H2O gives aldehydes (Stephen reduction).

→ Alkyl benzenes can be oxidised to benzaldehyde with a solution of chromyl chloride in CCl4 or CS2 (Etard Reaction).

→ Aromatic aldehydes, can also be prepared by the oxidation of toluene and its derivatives with CrO3 in (CH3C0)2O.

→ Side chain chlorination of toluene gives benzal chloride which upon hydrolysis gives benzaldehyde (Commercial preparation).

→ Benzene and its derivatives are converted to benzaldehyde or substituted benzaldehyde by treatment with CO and HCl in presence of anhydrous AlCl3 or Cu2Cl2 as catalyst (Gattermann-Koch aldehyde synthesis).

→ Aldehydes can be prepared from hydrocyanic acid (HCN) on treatment with Grignard reagent subse¬quently followed by hydrolysis give an aldehyde. Phenolic aldehydes are prepared by treating the phenol with chloroform in aqueous NaOH solution at about 343 K. (Reimer-Tiemann reaction).

→ Ketones can be easily prepared by the action of a suitable dialkyl cadmium on acid chloride.

→ Both aliphatic and aromatic ketones can be prepared by the action of a suitable Grignard reagent on an alkyl or arylnitrile followed by acid hydrolysis of the intermediate addition product.

→ Friedel Craft's reaction is a typical example of electrophilic substitution reactions.

→ Fries rearrangement of phenyl esters with anhydrous AlCl3 in presence of CS2 gives a mixture of o—and p-hydroxy ketones.

→ Boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are higher than those of corresponding alcohols.

→ Due to polar carbonyl group, aldehydes and ketones undergo nucleophilic addition reactions. Reactivity orders are (i) CH2O > CH3CHO > (CH3)2 CO > [(CH3)2CH] CO > [(CH3)3C]2 CO-decreases as the steric hindrance and +1 effect of the alkyl group increases.

→ Two molecules of an aldehyde or a ketone containing an a-Hydrogen combine each other to form aldols. This reaction is called aldol condensation.

→ Aldol condensation between two different aldehydes or two ketones or between one aldehyde and one ketone is called cross aldol condensation.

→ Aldehydes which do not contain a-hydrogens on treatment with cone, alkali undergo disproportionation to form the corresponding acid and the alcohol. This reaction is known as Cannizzaro reaction.

RBSE Class 12 Chemistry Notes Chapter 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

→ On heating with an ethanolic solution of KCN, two molecules of an aromatic aldehyde condense to form benzoins. This reaction is called Benzoin condensation.

→ Acidic or alkaline hydrolysis of esters, anhydrides, amides and acid chloride gives carboxylic acids.

→ Oxidation of methyl ketones with sodium hypohalite gives caboxylic acids with one C-atom less than the corresponding ketones. This reaction is called haloform reaction.

→ The boiling points of carboxylic acids are higher than those of alcohols with comparable molecular masses.

→ The greater stability of carboxylate ion is responsible for the acidic character of carboxylic acids.

→ Effect of substituents on the acid strength of alipha-tic carboxylic acids.

  • Acid strength decreases as the +1 effect of the alkyl group increases.
  • Acidic strength decreases as the -I effect of the halogen decreases.
  • Acidic strength decreases as the number of halogen atoms decreases.
  • Acidic strength decreases as the distance of the halogen atom from the carboxyl group increases.

→ Electron withdrawing group (EWG) stabilizes the carboxylate ion by dispersing the negative charge and hence increase the acidic strength of the carboxylic acid.

→ Electron donating group (EDG) destabilizes the caboxylate ion by intensifying the negative charge and hence decreases the acidity of the carboxylic acid.

→ Carboxylic acids react with active metals such as Na, K, Ca, Mg, Zn etc to from their respective salts liberating hydrogen gas.

RBSE Class 12 Chemistry Notes Chapter 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

→ Being stronger acids than cabonic acid, carboxylic acids decompose carbonates and bicarbonates evolving CO2 with brisk effervescences.

→ Carboxylic acids neutralize alkalies forming salt and water.

→ The — OH group of carboxylic acids can be replaced by atoms/ groups like Cl, OR', NH2 and OOCR' to form acid chlorides, ester, amides and anhydries respectively. These derivatives are colletively known as functional derivatives of carboxylic acids.

→ When carboxylic acids are heated with alcohols or phenols in presence of cone. H2SO4 or dry HCl gas esters are formed. This reaction is called esterification reaction.

Last Updated on Nov. 28, 2023, 9:36 a.m.
Published Nov. 27, 2023