RBSE Class 11 Biology Notes Chapter 1 The Living World

These comprehensive RBSE Class 11 Biology Notes Chapter 1 The Living World will give a brief overview of all the concepts.

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Biology in Hindi Medium & English Medium are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 11. Students can also read RBSE Class 11 Biology Important Questions for exam preparation. Students can also go through RBSE Class 11 Biology Notes to understand and remember the concepts easily.

RBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 Notes The Living World

→ Biology is the branch of science which deals with the study of various life forms and living processes occur in them.

→ About 1.7-1.8 millions kinds (species) of living organisms are known at present,

→ Detailed system of classification is based on similarities and disimilarities among living organisms.

→ Life is an unique, complex organisation of ions and molecules which perform certain chemical reactions in order to bring about life processes.

→ A living refers to any organism that shows the characteristics of being alive such as presence of protoplasm, cellular organisation, nutrition, metabolism, growth, reproduction and response to environment etc.

→ Protoplasm is called ‘Physical basis of life’.

→ Systematics is the classification of organisms on the basis of evolutionary and other relationships. It enables us to deal with the enormous diversity of life.

RBSE Class 11 Biology Notes Chapter 1 The Living World 

→ Taxonomy deals with the laws and principles of classifying organisms. Taxon is a group of similar organisms.

→ Grouping levels in classification are termed categories. There are seven categories which in hierarchial order are—kingdom, phylum/division, class, order, family, genus and species.

→ Classifying a group of species and naming them and understand the evolutionary relationships is called revision of the group.

→ Botanical gardens and herbaria educate public about country’s plant wealth and stimulate people to grow more trees.

→ Zoological parks exhibit living organisms. On the otherhand zoological museum display inanimate objects. .

→ Flora, manuals, monographs and catalogues are some other means of recording descriptions of organisms.
→ Biodiversity: The variety of living organisms present on a particular area.

→ Life: It is an unique, complex organisation of ions and molecules which perform certain chemical reactions in order to bring about life activities.

→ Protoplasm: Physical basis of life.

→ Morphous: Objects having morphological forms i.e., living organisms.

→ Amorphous: Formless objects. .

→ Growth: Parmanent and irreversible change in the size of a cell, an organ or whole organism.

→ Development: It is the some of changes occur in an organ or an organism during its life times.

→ Reproduction: A property of living organisms to produce more of its own kind.

→ Metabolism: Chemical reactions going in the living cells are collectively termed as metabolism.

RBSE Class 11 Biology Notes Chapter 1 The Living World

→ Anabolism: Biochemical reactions concerned with the synthesis of complex substances from simple ones.

→ Catabolism: Biochemical reactions concerned with the ‘break down’ of organic nutrient molecules into simple substances.

→ Homeostasis: Maintenance of internal body conditions under adverse environmental conditions.

→ Response: Visible change in an organism produces as a result of applied stimulus is called response.

→ Irritability or Sensitivity: Ability of an organism to produce the response against the applied stimulus is called irritability or sensitivity.

→ Adaptations: These are useful inheritable variations or changes that make an organism to adjust well and suited to its way of life.

→ Classifications: Scientific ordering of organisms in a hierarchial series of groups on the basis of their morphological, evolutionary and other relationships.

→ Nomenclature: Scientific naming of organisms.

→ Taxonomy: It is the branch of biology that deals with the framing of laws and principles of classifying the organisms on the basis of their evolutionary relationship.

→ Taxonomic Categories: The various grouping levels or ranks in classification are known as taxonomic categories i.e., kingdom, phylum, class, order, family genus and species.

→ Species: It is a group of actually or potentially inbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated from each other. 

→ Genus: It is a group of species alike in the broad feature but different in detail.

→ Family: A group of related genera, sfs Order: A group of related families.

→ Class: A group of related orders.

→ Phylum: A group of related animal classes.

→ Division: A group of related plant classes.

RBSE Class 11 Biology Notes Chapter 1 The Living World

→ Kingdom: It is the highest category in the biological classification.

→ Herbarium: It is a collection of pressed, dried and preserved plants mounted on paper sheets, properly labelled, systematically arranged and available for reference or study.

→ Botanical Garden: It is a place where plants from various groups are grown for scientific study, conservation, public education, aesthetics and recreation.

→ Zoological Museum: It is a building used for the preservation, storage and exhibition of inanimate objects which illustrate the human or natural history.

→ Zoological Park: An enclosed place where live wild animals are kept for public exhibition.

→ Keys: The term key refers to a set of alternate characters in such a manner that helps in the identification of organisms by selecting and eliminating the characters according to their presence or absence in the organism under study.

Last Updated on July 26, 2022, 9:44 a.m.
Published July 8, 2022