RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 8 Confrontation of Cultures

These comprehensive RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 8 Confrontation of Cultures will give a brief overview of all the concepts.

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RBSE Class 11 History Chapter 8 Notes Confrontation of Cultures

→ Europeans made geographical discoveries during the 15th century. These discoveries marked the beginning of a new era.

→ These discoveries were inspired by many new scientific inventions, travellers’ accounts, political and religious motives, etc.

→ Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 and flaged Spanish Flag at a place named ‘Guanahani’.

→ An Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci came to (reached) South America in 1499.

→ Portuguese and Spanish were pioneered geographical discoverers during the 15th century.

→ Economic motives gave a great impetus to European voyages and discoveries.

→ The invention of Compass in 1380, helped the sailors to sale freely in any direction.

RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 8 Confrontation of Cultures 

→ The invention of the Astrolab, helped the sailors to measure distance from the equator.

→ Invention of Telescope in 1609 helped the sailors to look beyond the normal vision and helped them to avoid the marine danger.

→ Ptolemy’s geographical invention helped in locating places on the basis of latitudinal and longitudinal extents.

→ Christopher Columbus was bom in 1451 and held a lot in discoveries to the new world.

→ Columbus started his voyage expedition on 3rd August 1492 and completed his mission on 12 Oct. 1492.

→ Columbus and his companians reached back to his native land on 15th March 1493. On his return he was bestowed upon the title of the Admiral of the Ocean Sea.

→ Hernando Cortes was a Spanish conqueror who conquered Mexico.

→ Francisco Pizarro born in Trujillo in 1478 CE was assassinated by one of his hostile groups on 26th June, 1541.

→ Arawak tribals lived on a cluster of small islands situated in Caribbean sea. It is presently called Bahamas.

→ Arawaks were also called Arawakian Lucayos and preferred to solve the dispute across the table, rather than going for an all-out war.

→ The Arawaks grow mainly crops like com, sweet potatoes, tubers and casava.

→ The Aztecs were the inhabitants of North Mexico and was a ferocious nomadic tribe.

→ The Aztecs had established a very vast empire, which was nearly spread over an area of nearly 2 lakh sq. kilometres.

→ Aztecs were an incredibly blood thirsty people and their empire was more a military machine than a political state.

→ Aztec king enjoyed supreme powers. Their words were regarded as law.

→ Aztec women enjoyed special status in the society. They regained a respectful position in the society.

→ According to P.S. Fry, all central American civilisations were deeply involved with religious beliefs, but the Aztecs were probably the most absorbed with the mysticism and superstitions.

RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 8 Confrontation of Cultures

→ The Incas civilisation was founded by Manco-Capac in 12th century.

→ Inca society was divided into many classes. Society was divided into the levels. Its upper two levels enjoyed many privileges while the slave stood at the lowest level.

→ The women of Inca society enjoyed good social status and were given respect in the society.

→ Inca society laid a special emphasis on the education. Every child went to school to acquire education.

→ Men were imparted military and priestly training in Incan society.

→ Incan {people of Inca society) were inspired to live an honest and pious life style.

→ A number of occupations were prevalent in the Inca society.

→ The Incan had also made a glorious progress in the field of science.

→ Mayan civilisation was an important Mexican civilisation. It flourished in 1500 BC.

→ Mayan civilisation was its Zenith during the period from 300 to 900 CE.

→ Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El-Salvador were some of the important centres of Mayan civilisation.

→ Agriculture was the mainstay of Maya civilisation. People used to grow several crops— beans, potatoes and cotton.

→ Mayan made an important contribution in the field of Calendar. They prepared two types of calendar—Secular Calendar and Solar Calendar.

→ Mayans were the first American civilisation to develop pictographic script.

→ Olaudah Equiano was a native of Nigeria who was enslaved on the age of eleven year.

RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 8 Confrontation of Cultures

→ Denmark was the first country to ban slave trade in 1803.

→ Slavery was abolished in USA in 1865.

→ A great development which marked the beginning of the modem age in Europe was series of geograpical discoveries.

→ Helped by the inventions of the Compass and Astrolabe, daring sailors sailed from distant lands.

→ They were financed by rulers and merchants.

→ The main motivation behind these adventures was the lure of profits that trade with the East would bring.

→ During 1288-93, Marco Polo (1256-1326), Venetian traveller, travelled from Venice to China and Japan. He was the ‘first European to visit China’. From his travelogue the Europeans learned about the all round prosperity of the East.

→ The first great steps in the exploration of the earth were taken by the silors under the patronage of Portuguese and Spanish rulers.

→ Prince Henry (1394-1460), the Navigator of Portugal, encoruaged sailors by making maps based on trips to the African coast.

→ In 1487, Bartholomew Dias, reached the point which the Portuguese named Cape of Good Hope (the southern-most point of Africa).

→ Vasco da Gama followed this route and sailed on round the cape and reached Calicut in India in 1498.

→ Italian silor Columbus trip was financed by Spain from where he sailed in 1492. When he had reacheed land, he thought he had reached India; so he called the islands, the ‘Indies’; but is was America.

→ The land discovered by Columbus was soon to be called the ‘Americas’ after the name of a later Italian explorer.
RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 8 Confrontation of Cultures 1

RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 8 Confrontation of Cultures

→ Voyages By Europeans



Columbus claims Bahama Islands and Cuba for Spain.


The ‘undiscovered world’ divided between Portugal and Spain.


John Cabot, Englishman, explores North American coast.


Vasco da Gama reaches Calicut/Kozhikode.


Amerigo Vespucci sights South American coast.


Cabral claims Brazil for Portugal.


Balboa crosses Panama Isthmus, sights Pacific Ocean.


Cortes defeats Aztecs.


Magellan circumnavigates the globe.


Pizarro conquers Inca kingdom.


Spanish conquer the Philippines.


British East India Company formed.


Dutch East India Company formed

→ Abolition of Slavery

Abolition of Slavery


Denmark banned slavery.


England abolished slavery system.


Slavery was abolished in USA.


Slavery was abolished in Brazil.

Last Updated on Sept. 27, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Published Sept. 27, 2022