RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 11 Paths to Modernisation

These comprehensive RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 11 Paths to Modernisation will give a brief overview of all the concepts.

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RBSE Class 11 History Chapter 11 Notes Paths to Modernisation

→ China and Japan are situated in Far East Asia. Both these countries adopted the path of modernization in 19th century.

→ At the beginning of the 19th century East was dominated by China.

→ China is a vast continental country. It occupies 3rd position in term of area and 1st in terms by population.

→ China is dominated by three major river systems. These rivers are Huang Ho (Yellow river), the Yangtse river and the river Pearl.

→ Large part of the China is mountainous.

→ World’s third largest river Yangtse River (Chang-Jiang) is in China.

→ ‘Han’ is the most dominated ethnic group in China.

→ Chinese food reflect the regional diversity of China with at least four dinstinct types.

→ Chinese are supposed to be come from Canton area.

RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 11 Paths to Modernisation 

→ Japan is situated in the Pacific Ocean and considered as the most beautiful charming country (nation) in the world.

→ Japan is an archipelago. It consists of more than 3000 islands.

→ The four main Japanese islands are Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido.

→ Japan is also called "The Land of the Rising Sim’. 

→ The Shoguns made Edo, present Tokyo as their capital city.

→ Japanese emperor was known as Mikado.

→ The Samurai played an important role in Japanese administration. They were a warrior class who helped the Shogun in running the administration.

→ By the mid of the 17th century Edo, the capital city of Japan become the most populated city.

→ The Meiji’s restoration is termed as one of the most monentous event in the Japanese history.

→ Edo was renamed Tokyo by Mutsohito who become the Japanese emperor in 1868. Feudalism was abolished in Japan in 1871 under Meiji’s rule.

→ Setting up of Tokyo University in 1877 C.E. is a major step toward education reforms under Meiji’s era.

→ Military reforms introduced during Meiji era can not be forgotten.

→ Introduction of new constitution was the major achievement of the Meiji’s rule. In 1889 new constitution was adopted by Japan.

→ Miyake Setsurei was a well-known Japanese philosopher. He viewed that every nation must develop its special talent in the interest of the world civilisation.

→ Sino-Japanese war in 1894-95. In this war China suffered a humiliating defeat. Treaty of Shimonesaki was signed between China and Japan on 17 April 1895.

→ Defeat of China in the Sino-Japanese war of 1894-95, made China vulnerable to the whole world.

→ The Chinese intellectuals were shocked at defeat of China and the argued that like Japan, China too need modem reforms to became a modem state.

→ Sino-Japanese war become the basis of Anglo-Japanese Alliance in 1902 C.E. Russo-Japanese war was fought between the two for the Far-east country in 1904-05. Two opium wars were fought between China and England in between 1839-42 and 1856-60 respectively.

RBSE Class 11 History Notes Chapter 11 Paths to Modernisation

→ The Chinese Revolution of 1911 put an end to power of Manchu dynasty.

→ In China the path adopted for modernisation is different from Japan. A new chapter began in China’s history with the comming of Communist government in 1949.

→ The earliest civilisation was by the Shang (Chou) Dynasty, followed by the Chin and Han Dynastry.

→ In 3rd century BC, the ruler of China dynasty built the Great wall.

→ Chinese script was pictographic and their calendar was a combination of solar-lunar calendar.

→ Silk became the chief item of export during the Hangs.

→ The two major religions were Taoism and Confucianism. They invented water clock, abacus and umbrella. 

→ In Japan the democratically elected government, increasingly embarrassed by economic, financial and political problems, fell under the influence of the army in the early 1930s.

→ The military soon involved Japan in war with Chins and later took the country into the Second World War with its attack on Pearl Harhar (1941).

→ After a brilliant start, the Japanese eventually suffered defeat and devastation when the two atomic bombs were dropped.

→ After the Second World War, Japan returned to democracy and made a remarkable recovery, soon becoming one of the world’s most powerful states economically.

→ Buddhism was brought into China by Indian during the Han rule.

→ The Great Wall is a mightly monument to the building skill of ancient China. This wall, built of stone and earth to a height of 6 metres and extending over 2400 km.

→ The Chinese script was standardized by the Chin ruler. The Chinese script spread to other countries also. It influenced the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese scripts.

→ In the 1st century AD, paper was invented in China. The invention of paper and its importance in spreading knowledge within the outside China makes it one of the great contribution of China to the world.

→ Some of the first historical works in the world were written in China. Each dynasty compiled its own history. The pattern of these hisories was set by Ssuma Chien (1st or 2nd cent. BC), and is commonly remembered as the ‘Herodotus of China’.

→ The water clock, abacus, umbrella were invented by Chinese.

→ In the 2nd cent. AD, Chinese invented a seismograph.

→ Timeline





Tokugawa Ieyasu establishes the Edo shogunate.


Japan closes country to Western Powers except for restricted trade with the Dutch.


Japan and the USA conclude the Treaty of Peace, ending Japan’s seclusion.


Restoration of Meiji.


Compulsory education system, First railway line between Tokyo and Yokohama.


Meiji Constitution enacted.


War between Japan and China.


War between Japan and Russia.


Korea annexed, colony till 1945.


First World War.


Universal male suffrage.


Japan’s invasion of China.


The Pacific War


Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki


US-led Occupation of Japan Reforms to democratise and demilitarise Japan.


Japan becomes a member of the United Nations.


Olympic Games in Tokyo, the first time in Asia




Qing dynasty.


Two Opium Wars


Sun Yat-Sen founds Guomingdang.


May Fourth Movement.


CCP founded.


Civil Wars in China.


Long March.


People’s Republic of China Chiang Kai-Shek founds Repi^blic of China in Taiwan.


China attacks India over border dispute.


Cultural Revolution.


Death of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai.


Hong Kong returned to China by Britain.

Last Updated on Sept. 27, 2022, 12:24 p.m.
Published Sept. 27, 2022