RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters Exercise Questions and Answers.

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RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Informal Letters or Personal Letters (अनौपचारिक पत्र या व्यक्तिगत पत्र)-ये वे पत्र होते हैं जो एक मित्र, परिवार के किसी सदस्य, रिश्तेदार, किसी परिचित, किसी प्रियजन आदि को लिखे जाते हैं। ये व्यक्ति ऐसे होते हैं जिन्हें हम व्यक्तिगत रूप से जानते हैं। ये पत्र अक्सर निमंत्रण, सहानुभूति, निवेदन, सूचना, शोक प्रकटन, बधाई, खेद, प्रस्ताव, परामर्श, आज्ञा, धन्यवाद आदि विषयों के लिए लिखे जाते हैं। इनमें अक्सर first person pronouns (I, my, me, we, our, us) व second person pronouns (you, yourself, your) का अधिक प्रयोग किया जाता है। इनमें Active Voice का अधिक प्रयोग किया जाता है। इनमें निकटता व सहृदयता का भाव होता है। Format of an Informal Letter (एक अनौपचारिक पत्र का प्रारूप)

Format of an Informal Letter (एक अनौपचारिक पत्र का प्रारूप)
[Full Block Form]

Address ................

Date ................................

Salutation ................... 


Courteous end .......................

Subscription ................

Signature ................

Parts of an Informal Letter (एक अनौपचारिक पत्र के भाग) 

• Address (पता)-यह पेज पर बाईं तरफ सबसे ऊपर निम्न प्रकार लिखें। वर्तमान में इसमें Punctuation Marks (विराम चिह्नों) का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है जब तक कि बहुत आवश्यक 
न हो। 42 Tilak Nagar 
Near Ganesh Mandir 
पत्र लिखने वाला पहले अपने मकान का नम्बर लिखे। फिर अपनी कॉलोनी का नाम लिखे। कॉलोनी के नाम के प्रथम अक्षर Capital (बड़े) होने चाहिए। फिर अपने क्षेत्र का नाम लिखना चाहिए। क्षेत्र के नाम के प्रथम अक्षर Capital होने चाहिए। फिर अपने शहर का नाम लिखना चाहिए। ग्रामीण क्षेत्र का पता निम्न प्रकार लिखा जा सकता है
House No. 42 
Village : Mohanpura 
Post Office : Saipura 
Tehsil : Sanganer 
District : Jaipur

• Date (दिनांक)-इसे address के नीचे निम्न प्रकार लिखें। Address की अन्तिम पंक्ति व
दिनांक के बीच थोड़ा-सा space रखें, जैसा कि ऊपर 'प्रारूप' में दिखाया गया है।
15 March 20XX

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters
• Salutation (संबोधन)-इसे date के नीचे निम्न प्रकार लिखें। इसके व date के बीच थोड़ा space रखें।  -बड़ों के लिए 
My dear Father 
My dear Aunt 
My dear Sister -मित्र व छोटों के लिए
Dear Arjun
My dear Arjun 
-परिचितों के लिए 
Dear Mr. Sharma 
Dear Mrs. Gupta 
Dear Miss Saloni 
Dear Ms Mathur 

• Communication (संदेश)-जिस बारे में पत्र लिखने को कहा गया है, उससे सम्बन्धित सभी सूचना दें। संदेश को छोटे-छोटे paragraphs में लिखना चाहिए। प्रश्न में दिए गए verbal inputs (बिन्दुओं) के आधार पर संदेश लिखना है। Paragraphs के बीच थोड़ा space छोड़ना है, जैसा कि 'प्रारूप' में दिखाया गया है। 

• Courteous end (शिष्टाचारपूर्ण समाप्ति)
-बड़ों के लिए 
With regards 
With best regards to mom and love to Anju 
-मित्रों व छोटों के लिए 
With best wishes With love 
With deep sympathy

• Subscription  (प्रियोक्ति ) -बड़ों के लिए 
Your loving son/daughter/brother/sister/niece/nephew etc. 
Yours affectionately 
-छोटों के लिए 
Yours affectionately
-मित्रों के लिए
Yours sincerely 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

• Signature (हस्ताक्षर)-पत्र लिखने वाला अपने हस्ताक्षर करता है।
How to write an Informal Letter (एक अनौपचारिक पत्र कैसे लिखें) 

• सम्पूर्ण पत्र Complete Block Style में (आरम्भ से अंत तक पृष्ठ के बाईं तरफ उचित space छोड़कर) लिखना है। 

• प्रश्न-पत्र में दिए गए प्रश्न को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर सुनिश्चित करें कि कौन, किसे पत्र लिखेगा व किस विषय पर लिखेगा। 

•  सर्वप्रथम, पत्र लिखने वाला व्यक्ति अपने घर का पता पूर्व में समझाए गए तरीके से पृष्ठ के बाईं तरफ लिखेगा।

• घर के पते के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर, दिनांक, पूर्व में समझाये गए तरीके से लिखनी है। 

• दिनांक के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर, संबोधन, पूर्व में समझाये गए तरीके से, जिस व्यक्ति को पत्र लिखा जा रहा है उसके सम्मान के अनुकूल रखते हुए, लिखना है।।

• संबोधन के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर, संदेश/सम्प्रेषण लिखना है। सम्प्रेषण को छोटे-छोटे paragraphs में लिखना है। एक paragraph में एक ही विचार प्रस्तुत करना है। सभी paragraphs के बीच उचित space छोड़ना है। वाक्य छोटे, सरल व बोधगम्य रखने हैं। वाक्य, प्रश्न में दिए गए verbal inputs (बिन्दुओं) को सम्मिलित करते हुए बनाने हैं। सम्प्रेषण क्रमबद्ध (orderly) रखना है। 

• पत्र की समाप्ति अनुकूल शिष्ट अभिव्यक्ति (appropriate courteous expression), जैसा कि
पूर्व में समझाया गया है, से करनी है। 

• शिष्ट समाप्ति के नीचे थोड़ा space छोड़कर, subscription (प्रियोक्ति), पूर्व में समझाए गए तरीके के अनुसार लिखनी है। 

• प्रियोक्ति के ठीक नीचे signature (हस्ताक्षर) करने हैं। ध्यान रखें, हस्ताक्षर के रूप में नाम उसी
व्यक्ति का लिखना है जो व्यक्ति प्रश्न में दिया गया है। कहीं ऐसा न हो कि आप भूल से अपना नाम लिख दें।

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Sample Informal Letter अनौपचारिक पत्र का नमूना 

You are Seema Soni of Jaipur. Write a letter to your friend Priti Gupta inviting her to attend your parents’ Silver Jubilee Marriage Anniversary Function. You may touch upon the following points : 
(i) Pleased to invite.
(ii) Function - 15 March 20XX at residence at 6 p.m. 
(iii) Reach a day earlier. 
(iv) Supervise arrangements. 
(v) Enjoy a lot. 

Address ..........
15 Roop 
Nagar Airport 

Date .............. 10 March 20XX 
Salutation .............. Dear Priti 
Communication........... I am pleased to invite you cordially on my parents Silver Jubilee Marriage anniversary function on Sunday, 15 March 20XX at our residence at 6 p.m and onwards. 

You are to reach a day earlier. We are to supervise the arrangements. No excuse will be considered.
We'll enjoy a lot. 

Courteous Ending ...... With best wishes 
Subscription ................ Yours sincerely 
Signature...................... Seema Soni

Various Informal Letters 

Question 1. 
Write a letter to your uncle informing him about your improvement of performance in II term tests. Suppose you are Garima/Gaurav. You may use the following hints/clues :
(i) Your performance in the earlier tests. 
(ii) The subjects that you improved upon. 
(iii) Your efforts for the improvement of performance.
Gargi Hostel 
Govt. Sr. Sec. School 
11 Nov. 20xx 
My dear Uncle 
I am hale and hearty here and hope you to be the same there. 
You will be pleased to know that my performance in the Second Term Tests has improved significantly. In the First Term Tests, my overall percentage was 70. I did ‘scheduled study' for this test. I read 12 hours a day. I read my six subjects daily. I devoted 2 hours to each subject daily . I improved my performance in English, Mathematics and Science. My overall percentage now is 98. Please convey my best regards to my aunt and love to Aarti and Bharti. 
With regards 
Your loving niece/nephew 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 2.
Suppose you are Sumana/Sunil living at Civil Lines, Agra. Write a letter to your friend describing about your new school. You may use the following points :
(i) The building, classroom etc.
(ii) The Principal, the staff, the students. 
(iii) Other facilities of computer, games etc. .
21 Civil Lines 
2 July 20XX 
My dear Seema/Suresh 
I am quit well here and I hope you to be the same there. 
Now I have taken admission to Maharani Maharaja school in Jaipur. The following features make it one of the best schools of the City. Theschool building is of double storey. It is in E-shape. The classrooms are spacious, airy, well-ventilated, well furnished, air conditioned andcomputerized. The Principal is a prominent educationist. She/He is a friend, philosopher and guide to every student. The staff is highlyprofessional. Teachers here use modern technology in teaching. The students of this school are well-behaved. They focus their attention on allround development. It has other facilities of computer, games, debates, cultural programmes etc. Thus, it's an outstanding school.
Please convey my best regards to your parents. 
With deep love. 
yours Sumana/Sunil

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 3. 
You are Zaara living in Pune. Your friend Radha has won a gold medal in the State English Debate Competition. Write a letter to congratulate her. You may take help of the following points :
(i) How did you come to know about it? 
(ii) Congratulate her on her success. 
(iii) How does she feet about her achievement ? 
(iv) Good wishes for a bright future? 
(v) Invite her for a visit to your place.
21 Nehru Nagar 
Near Bus Stand 
11 February 20XX 
Dear Radha 
I was highly glad when your mother informed me that you had won a gold medal in the State English Debate Competition concluded recently. I heartily congratulate you on your grand success. ‘You deserve your achievement' I feel so. You have devejoped your oratory skills superbly. I express my heartfelt good wishes for your bright future. I cordially invite you to visit Pune. 
With kind regards to your parents 
Your loving friend 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 4. 
You are Sarika living in Bikaner. Last month you went to Jaipur. Write a letter to your friend Radhika describing her how you enjoyed this trip. You may take help of the following points.
(i) With whom did you go to Jaipur? 
(ii) Where did you stay? 
(iii) Duration of the trip. 
(iv) What places did you visit there?
(v) Which things did you buy?
21 Bhati Nagar 
Ganga Singh Road 
21 March 20XX 
Dear Radhika 
I am well and good here and hope you to be the same there. I would like to tell you about my trip to Jaipur of the last month. It's as under.I went with my parents by Volvo bus. The journey was comfortable and enjoyable. We reached Jaipur at 8 a.m. We stayed there at the Rajmahal Palace Hotel. The duration of the trip was for two days. The first day we visited the Jantar-Mantar, the City Palace, the Sargasuli, the Govind Devji Temple, the Nahargarh and Jaigarh - forts and the Legislative Assembly Building. The next day we did shopping. We bought Jaipuri Jootis, quilts, bedsheets and costumes of Sanganeri prints. Thus, I enjoyed it a lot. With kind regards to your parents 
Your loving friend 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 5. 
You are Rakesh living in Jaipur. Your friend Anil has invited you to attend his younger brother's birthday party. Write a letter to him expressing your inability to attend the function. You may touch upon the following points
(i) Your annual exams are at hand. 
(ii) It is a long way to go to attend the function. 
(iii) Your mother too is not keeping well. 
(iv) Your father mostly remains out of station. 
(v) Send your good wishes.
11 Sanjiv Nagar 
Ajmer Road 
21 Feb. 20XX 
Dear Anil 
I sincerely thank you for your cordial invitation to attend your younger brother's ‘Birthday Party' on 21 March 20XX at 6.00 p.m. and onwards at Hotel Five Star, Pichhola Lake, Udaipur. I with my family pray to the Supreme God to bless your younger brother on his auspicious ‘Birthday'. I do hope, you won't mind my inability to attend the function owing to the following reasons. My annual exams are at hand. It is a long way to go to attend the function. My mother too is not keeping well. My father mostly remains out of station. Once again I send my good wishes. 
Your loving friend 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 6. 
You are Alok living in Jodhpur. Your friend Kamlesh has failed in Secondary Examination this year. Write a letter expressing your sympathy to him. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) When did you come to know of it ? 
(ii) How did you feel ? 
(iii) In what way you do sympathise with him ? 
(iv) Suggestions you will like to give.
157 Sardarpura 
28 June 20XX
My dear Kamlesh 
Yesterday, I saw your Board's examination results. I was eager to know your --- examination result. So I searched your roll number in the newspaper. But I was pained not to find your roll number therein. You have always been a hardworking and serious student. I had never thought of your failure in the examination. However, you should not lose heart. Failures are the pillars of success. Now you should start studying seriously and regularly. I am sure you will fare very much better next year. Please, convey my regards to your parents. With best of luck to you 
Yours sincerely 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 7. 
Imagine that you are Ankit living at Subhas Nagar, Ajmer. You want a camera during your summer vacation. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you his camera. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Why you need camera ? 
(ii) Who will operate it ? 
(iii) Where you will take it ? 
(iv) When you will return it ?
141 Subhas Nagar 
15 March 20XX 
My dear Radhey 
I hope you will be fine there. My examinations are over. I have fared well in them. The summer vacation in our school will commence from 16th May. I have planned to visit Mount Abu during these vacations. I want to have some pictures to keep the memories of my visit to that place for future. So I need a camera during these vacations. My elder brother and I know how to operate it. He and I will operate it. I shall take it to Mount Abu. I shall return it to you as soon as I come back from there. I hope you will not refuse me for it. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. 
Yours sincerely Ankit

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 8. 
You are Anubhuti living in Ajmer. Your friend Sansarika's father has died. Write a letter to her expressing deep condolences on the death of her father. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Shocked to learn about your father's sad demise. 
(ii) He was kind and gentle. 
(iii) Law of nature and have to bear.
(iv) God give you strength. 
(v) God grant peace to his soul.
155 Madar Gate Ajmer 
12 March 20xx 
My dear Sansarika 
I was deeply shocked to learn about your father's sad and untimely demise (death). He was a kind and gentle man. He always treated me like his own son. A man in the world, must go one day. It is the law of Nature. No one can change it. It is a sad and irreparable loss to you. But we are helpless here. We have to bear it. I cannot express in words my grief at the loss of your father. I pray to God to give you strength to bear this loss. May God grant peace to his soul! With deep sympathy 
Yours sincerely 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 9. 
You are Khushi living in Jaipur. Your friend Tejasvita has passed Secondary Examination with first division. Write a letter to her congratulating her on her success in the examination. You may touch upon the following points
(i) Saw your roll number in the newspaper. 
(ii) Passed with first division. 
(iii) Congratulate you. 
(iv) Worked hard. 
(v) For the next examination.
145 Shastri Nagar 
Jaipur 24 
June 20XX 
My dear Tejasvita 
Today I saw your roll number in the 'Rajasthan Patrika'. You passed Secondary Examination with first division. I congratulate you. It is the kindness of God. I am proud of you. I feel very happy. You worked hard and got the fruit. I wish you a long and happy life. You should also work hard for the next examination. You will get a brilliant success. I again congratulate you. 
With love 
Your loving friend Khushi

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 10. 
Imagine that you are Suresh. Write a letter to your friend telling him about the district tournaments held in your school this year. You may touch upon the following points
(i) When did the tournaments start ? 
(ii) How long did they last ? 
(iii) In what games did you take part ? 
(iv) Who gave away the prizes ? 
(v) What was the programme on the closing day ?
Examination Hall 
15 November 20XX 
My dear Amit 
I received your letter. This year our school organised District Tournaments from 17th October to October 23. All the Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools of the district took part in it. I took part in table-tennis. I played excellently and got a prize. On 23rd October, the Collector of the district was invited to give away the prizes to the winners. He was the chief guest. A cultural programme was also displayed on the stage that day. It was a nice programme. I am doing well here. How are you going on with your studies ? Please, write to me. With good wishes 
Yours sincerely Suresh

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 11. 
You are Mohan living at 18, Janta Colony, Jaipur. Write a letter of apology to your friend Sohan whom you have offended by your rude and insulting behaviour. You may touch upon the following points : .
(i) Sorry for what happened yesterday. 
(ii) Thought it was intentional. 
(iii) Rohan told me the truth. 
(iv) Ashamed of my rude and insulting behaviour. 
(v) Apologize for it.
18 Janta Colony 
15 Feb. 20XX 
My dear Sohan 
I am extremely sorry for what happened yesterday during the recess. I thought you intentionally aimed the ball at me, to hit file. I lost my temper and said insulting and rude words to you. Rohan who was watching your game told me that rather I had walked into your field and the ball hit me. Dear Sohan I am ashamed of my rude and insulting behaviour. I apologize for it. Please don't let this incident affect our friendship. Hoping for forgiveness 
Yours sincerely

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 12. 
You are Rajkumar living in Udaipur. You want to join Mobile Repairing Course in summer vacation. Write a letter to your friend Rajnish to join the same course. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Mobile Repairing Course in summer vacation. 
(ii) Cost Rs. 10 a day. 
(iii) Certificate.
(iv) Fee deposited. 
(v) Help to earn and keep studies continue.
21 Raja Udai Singh Enclave 
Near Pichhola Lake 
6 May 20XX 
Dear Rajnish 
I am joining a Mobile Repairing Course for 45 days in summer vacation in Udaipur city. It will begin from 17 May and end on 30 June 20XX. It will cost Rs. 10 a day. A certificate will be given by the institute. It is a govt. recognised institute. My father has deposited the fee of both of us. As you have no parents so this profession course will help you earn some money and keep your studies continue. 
Hoping for your favourable reply 
Yours sincerely 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 13. 
You are Vishnu living in Alwar. Your friend Moantoo Singh is very much obsessed. Write a letter to him highlighting the benefits of Yoga to keep physically and mentally fit. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Very much obsess. 
(ii) Yoga therapy can help. 
(iii) Melts fat and establishes equilibrium. 
(iv) Keep physically and mentally fit. 
(v) Hope to act upon.
15 Shramik Nagar 
Sardar Bhagat Singh Road 
16 March 20XX 
Dear Moantoo 
I have came to know that you are very much obsessed. Yoga therapy can help you in it. As we know that this therapy melts fat and establishes equilibrium in hormonal secretions, blood circulation and nervous system. Thus, you can keep yourself physically and mentally fit by Yoga. 
I hope that you will act upon my advice 
Yours sincerely 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 14. 
Suppose you are Bharat. You topped IX class. The school is going to reward all the meritorious students. Write a letter to your father requesting him to be with you on this ceremony. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Pleased to know. 
(ii) Topped IX class. 
(iii) School rewards the meritorious students. 
(iv) Annual function 20 Feb. 20XX 
(v) Your presence will boost up confidence.
11 Vivekanand Hostel 
P. G. Road 
11 Feb. 20xx 
My dear Father You will be much pleased to know that I have topped IX class in my school by your blessings, God's grace and my hardwork. The school is going to reward all the meritorious students at the Annual Function to be held on 20 Feb. 20XX. 
Your presence with me on this ceremony will boost up my confidence. 
With best regards to mom and love to Bharati 
Your loving son 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 15. 
Imagine that you are Aditya living in Govt. Hostel, Doon. Write a letter to your father telling him about your hostel life. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) The facilities in the hostel. 
(ii) Daily routine. 
(iii) Study hours. 
(iv) Room partner's and warden's behaviour.
Room No. 58 
Govt. Hostel 
1 March 20XX 
My dear Father 
Thanks a lot for your loving letter. 
You want to know about my hostel life. It's as under : 
This hostel has all the necessary facilities of a good standard with regard to lodging and boarding. It is peaceful, green and open. 
The warden, Mr. Vishnu Kaushik, is a man of discipline. He behaves with deep love and guides affectionately. 
My room partner, Arjun Gupta, is my classmate. He is an intelligent student. He is well behaved and cultured. :
The life here is regular and disciplined. The routine begins at 5.30 a.m. and lasts at 10.30 p.m. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are served only at allotted times. Novel reading, card playing etc. are prohibited. I daily study 6-8 hours during school days and 10-12 hours during holidays. I have a schedule for all the subjects. My percentage has been 90 by now. 
With regards to mother and love to Bharati 
Your loving son Aditya

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 16. 
You are Rohan living in Nehru Hostel, Kota. Write a letter to your father requesting him for the permission to go for a historical tour. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) Where will you go ? 
(ii) Duration of the tour. 
(iii) How much money do you need ? 
(iv) Who are going with you on the tour ?
21 Nehru Hostel 
10 December 20XX 
My dear Father 
I am quite well here. Our school is organising a historical (educational) tour. About thirty students and two teachers will go in the tour during the winter vacation. It is a ten days' tour. We shall leave Kota on 21st December. We shall visit Udaipur, Mt. Abu, Ajmer, Jodhpur and Jaipur. All my friends are joining this tour. It will give us good historical knowledge about these places. So, please, permit me to join this tour. I need one thousand rupees to meet the expenses of this tour. I am hopeful you will send me the needful amount and your permission to join the tour. Please, convey my regards to my dear mother and love to Kamala. 
With regards 
Your loving son 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 17. 
Imagine that you are Arun living in Prabha Nagar. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you money to buy a bicycle. You may touch upon the following points : 
(i) your school has been shifted to a new building 5 kilometres away from the town. 
(ii) no bus is available to reach school in time. 
(iii) necessity of a bicycle. 
(iv) request for sending money.
137 Nehru Road 
Prabha Nagar
July 20XX 
My dear Father Our school has been shifted to a new building. It is about 5 kilometres away from the town. No bus is available to reach school in time. A bicycle is necessary for me. A new bicycle costs about Rs. 2400/-. Please send me the money so that I may purchase a bicycle. I hope I shall be able to reach the school in time. If it is possible, I can do my studies regularly. I hope to get money as early as possible. 
Please, convey my regards to my dear mother. I remember her very much. 
With regards 
Your loving son 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 18. 
You are Avinash living in a hostel. Last Sunday your science teacher took you and your classmates for a picnic on a riverside where you saved a drowning classmate. Write a letter to your mother describing the incident. You may take help of the following points :
(i) Pleasant weather, decided to go for a picnic.
(ii) Packed eatables and other essentials, rode on bicycles. 
(iii) Enjoyed singing, dancing and boating. 
(iv) A classmate didn't know how to swim. 
(v) Saw him sinking, shouting for help. 
(vi) Happy to have him saved. 
(vii) Rewarded by his parents and the institution.
31 Veer Hostel 
Tonk Road 
21 April 20XX 
My dear Mother 
I'm well and good here and hope you to be the same. 
In this letter, I'm describing an act of bravery of your son. Last Sunday, the weather was pleasant. I and my classmates decided to go for a picnic. We packed eatables and other essentials. We requested our science teacher to accompany us. He became ready. We took our bicycles. We were accompanied by him to a riverside. We enjoyed singing, dancing and boating. A classmate didn't know how to swim. Suddenly he fell down into the river. We saw him drowning and shouting for help. I saved the drowning classmate. I was happy. I was rewarded by his parents and the institution. 
With regards 
You loving son 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 19. 
You are Vishakha living in Bharatpur. You have won the first prize in the debate held in your school recently. Write a letter to your mother telling her about it. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) When and where was the debate held? 
(ii) Number of participants. 
(iii) Topic of the debate.
(iv) Prize received by you.
21 Raja Surajmal Hostel 
Bharatpur Public School 
11 January 20XX 
Dear Mummy 
You will be glad to know that I won the first prize in the debate held in our school on 10 Jan. Twenty-one schools of the Bharatpur district participated in it. The topic of the debate was : In the opinion of the house 'Girls and Boys should have equal rights’. I spoke in favour of the motion. I got a cycle as the first prize. 
With kind regards 
Your loving daughter 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 20. 
Imagine you are Vinit living in Baroda. Your aunt sent you a dictionary as a birthday gift. Write a letter to her to thank for the gift. V may touch upon the following points :
(i) Thanks for the gift. 
(ii) How you celebrated your birthday ? 
(iii) Whom you invited ? 
(iv) The usefulness of the gift.
58 Ram Nagar 
Air Port 
27 March 20XX 
My dear Aunt
Thanks a lot for sending a dictionary as my birthday gift. My birthday was celebrated by lighting fifteen candle-sticks. All the friends and relatives were invited. Music, dance and sumptuous dishes were the attractions. The party was over at 11.00 p.m. 
I received many gifts. But the dictionary, you sent, is the best. Your precious gift is most useful to find meanings of difficult words and for learning correct pronunciation. Thanks, once again for the lovely gift. 
With kind regards 
Your loving nephew

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 21. 
You are Ved Prakash living at Dashrathpur. Write a letter to your uncle inviting him to attend your birthday celebration and bring you a nice and useful present. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) day and date of the birthday. 
(ii) programme to be organised. 
(iii) other relatives and friends likely to attend. 
(iv) the present expected from the uncle. 
(v) usefulness of the present. 
(vi) thanks.
125 Station Road 
12 March 20XX 
My dear Uncle 
I am pleased to inform you that my birthday falls on Monday the 24th March. I invite you to attend this celebration. 
A good programme will be arranged. The programme will start at 7 o'clock in the evening. About 40 relatives and friends are likely to attend the function. There will be a beautiful birthday cake. I shall cut the birthday cake. There will be songs and dances. After that, we shall serve delicious dinner. 
I know that you love me very much. I know that you will bring some good present for me. I do not have a watch. I feel difficulty without a watch. I expect you to bring me a beautiful watch. I thank you in advance. Kindly convey my regards to aunt and Bablu. 
Yours lovingly 
Ved Prakash

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 22. 
You are Deendayal. Your uncle is admitted in Bikaner Hospital, Bikaner for operation. He has asked you for a help of one lac rupee.- Write a letter to him showing sympathy and sending money. You are living in Hanumangarh.
21 Dyal Nagar 
20 March 20XX 
My dear Uncle 
I am pained to know that you are in hospital to be operated upon. But you'll be healthy again. 
I have enclosed a demand draft of Rs. One lac as you have asked for. 
I pray to God for your speedy recovery. 
With kind regards 
Your loving nephew 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 23. 
Imagine that you are Reeta living in Raj Nagar. Write a letter to your elder brother telling him about the progress you are making in your studies. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) half-yearly examination and its results. 
(ii) good marks in English, Hindi and Social Science. 
(iii) weak in Science and Maths. 
(iv) steps you are taking to score better marks in the annual examination.
37 Station Road 
Raj Nagar 
15 January 20XX 
My dear Brother 
I received your letter yesterday. I have come to know that you are very anxious about me regarding my studies. 
My half-yearly examinations are over. I have got the progress report. I have secured distinction marks in English, Hindi and Social Studies. However, I have not secured good marks in Science and Mathematics. I face difficulty in these subjects. I am working hard to improve these subjects. I have joined a coaching institute to remove difficulty in these subjects. I hope I will farewell in the ensuing Board Examinations. 
Your blessings will encourage me. Please pay my regards to Bhabhiji and love to baby. 
With regards 
Your loving sister 

RBSE Class 11 English Literature Letter Writing Informal Letters

Question 24.
Imagine that you are Prakash living in Jaipur. You have received a very bad report about your younger brother Aamir from his Principal. Write a letter to Aamir advising him to work hard and avoid the company of bad boys. You may touch upon the following points :
(i) What is the problem with him ?
(ii) How can he get rid of problems ?
(iii) Why do you want him to work hard ?
(iv) What do you expect from him ?
137 Johri Bazar
10 March 20XX
My dear Aamir
I am pained to receive a very bad report about you from your Principal that you have joined a bad company. You do not attend the classes regularly. You are careless about your studies.
You should avoid the company of bad boys. You should play games in the evening. You should study till 10 p.m. You should read news-paper daily. You should attend the classes regularly.
If you do not work hard, you will fail. You will lose one valuable year of your life. I hope that I will not hear anything against you a future.
Your loving brother

Last Updated on Aug. 26, 2022, 12:40 p.m.
Published Aug. 26, 2022