RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 Data Handling Ex 3.2

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 Data Handling Ex 3.2 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

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RBSE Class 7 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Data Handling Ex 3.2

Question 1.
The Scores in mathematics test (out of 25) of 15 students is as follows :
19, 25, 23, 20, 9, 20, 15, 10, 5, 16, 25, 20, 24,12, 20
Find the mode and median of this data. Are they same?
By arranging the data in ascending order, we get:
5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 23, 24,25,25
Median = \(\left(\frac{15+1}{2}\right)^{t h}\) observation
= 8th observation
∴ Median = 20
Again observation 20 came maximum number of times, i.e. 4 times.
Therefore, Mode = 20
Yes, Median and Mode are same for this data.

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 Data Handling Ex 3.2

Question 2.
The runs scored in a cricket match by 11 players is as follows :
6, 15, 120, 50, 100, 80, 10, 15, 8, 10, 15
Find the mean, mode and median of this data. Are the three same?
The runs scored by 11 players are :
6, 15, 120, 50, 100, 80, 10, 15, 8, 10, 15
By arranging these scores in ascending order, we get:
6, 8, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 50, 80, 100, 120
RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 Data Handling Ex 3.2 1

Mode: As it is observed that 15 occurs maximum number of times, i.e. 3 times, therefore, Mode = 15

Median: As there are 11 terms in this data, therefore,
Median = \(\left(\frac{11+1}{2}\right)^{t h}\) observation
= 6th observation = 15
Hence, median = 15
No, the three are not the same.

Question 3.
The weights (in kg) of 15 students of a class are:
38, 42, 35, 37, 45, 50, 32, 43, 43, 40, 36, 38, 43, 38, 47
(i) Find the mode and median of this data.
(ii) Is there more than one mode?
(i) By arranging the data in ascending order, we get:
32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 38, 38, 40, 42, 43, 43, 43, 45, 47, 50

Median: Since there are 15 observations, then
Median = \(\left(\frac{15+1}{2}\right)^{\text {th }}\) observation
= 8th observation = 40

Mode: The observation 38 and 43 occur maximum, i.e. 3 times.
Therefore, Mode ='38 kg and 43 kg
(ii) Yes, there are 2 modes.

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 Data Handling Ex 3.2

Question 4.
Find the mode and median of the data:
13, 16, 12, 14, 19, 12, 14, 13, 14
Arranging the given data in ascending order :
12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 16, 19
Mode is the observation occured the highest number of times = 14
Median = \(\left(\frac{9+1}{2}\right)^{\text {th }}\) observation
= 5th observation = 14

Question 5.
Tell whether the statement is true or false:
(i) The mode is always one of the numbers in a data.

(ii) The mean is of the numbers in a data.

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 Data Handling Ex 3.2

(iii) The median is always one of the numbers in a data.

(iv) The data 6, 4, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 9 has mean 9.

Last Updated on June 4, 2022, 3:12 p.m.
Published June 4, 2022