RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Ex 12.1

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Ex 12.1 Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

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RBSE Class 7 Maths Solutions Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Ex 12.1

Question 1.
Get the algebraic expressions in the following cases using variable, constants and arithmetic operations:
(i) Subtraction of z from y.
y - z

(ii) One-half of the sum of numbers x and y.
\(\frac{1}{2}\)(x + y)

(iii) The number * multiplied by itself.

(iv) One-fourth of the product of numbers p and q.

(v) Numbers x and y both squared and added.
x2 + y2

(vi) Number 5 added to three times the product of numbers m and n.
3mn + 5

(vii) Product of numbers y and z subtracted from 10.
10 - yz

(viii) Sum of numbers a and b subtracted from their product.
ab - (a + b)

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Ex 12.1

Question 2.
(i) Identify the terms and their factors in the following expressions : Show the terms and factors by tree diagrams:
(a) x - 3
Tree diagram:
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(b) 1 + x + x2
Tree diagram:
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(c) y - y3
Tree diagram:
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(d) 5xy2 + 7x2y
Tree diagram:
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(e) - ab + 2b2 - 3a2
Tree diagram:
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(ii) Identify terms and factors in the expressions given below:
(a) - 4x + 5
Expression : - 4x + 5
Terms: - 4x and 5
Factors : - 4, x and 5

(b) - 4x + 5y
Expression: - 4x + 5y
Terms: - 4x and 5y
Factors : - 4, x and 5 ,y

(c) 5y + 3y2
Expression : 5y + 3y2
Terms: 5y and 3y2
Factors : 5, y and 3, y, y

(d) xy + 2x2y2
Expression : xy + 2x2y2
Terms: xy and 2x2y2
Factors: x, y and 2, x, x, y, y

(e) pq + q
Expression: pq+q
Terms: pq and q
Factors : p, q and q

(f) 1.2ab - 2.4b + 3.6a
Expression : 1.2 ab - 2.4b + 3.6a
Terms : 1.2ab and - 2.4b and 3.6a
Factors : 1.2, a, b and - 2.4, b and 3.6, a

(g) \(\frac{3}{4}\)x + \(\frac{1}{4}\)
Expression : \(\frac{3}{4}\)x + \(\frac{1}{4}\)
Terms: \(\frac{3}{4}\) x and \(\frac{1}{4}\)
Factors: \(\frac{3}{4}\), x and \(\frac{1}{4}\)

(h) 0.1p2 + 0.2q2
Expression: 0.1p2 + 0.2q2
Terms : 0.1p2 and 0.2q2
Factors: 0.1, p, p and 0.2, q, q

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Ex 12.1

Question 3.
Identify the numerical coefficients of terms (other than constants) in the following expressions:
(i) 5 - 3t2
Expression : 5 - 3t2
Terms (other than constants): - 3t2
Numerical coefficients : - 3

(ii) 1 + t + t2 + t3
Expression : 1 + t + t2 + t3
Terms (other than constants): t, t2 and t3
Numerical coefficients : 1,1 and 1

(iii) x + 2xy + 3y
Expression : x + 2xy + 3y
Terms (other than constants): x, 2xy, 3y
Numerical coefficients : 1, 2 and 3

(iv) 100m + 1000n
Expression : 100m + 1000n
Terms (other than constants): 100m and 1000n
Numerical coefficients : 100 and 1000

(v) -p2q2 + 7pq
Expression: -p2q2 + 7pq
Terms (other than constants): -p2q2 and 7pq
Numerical coefficients : - 1 and 7

(vi) 1.2a + 0.8b
Expression : 1.2a + 0.8b
Terms (other than constants): 1.2a and 0.8b
Numerical coefficients : 1.2 and 0.8

(vii) 3.14r2
Expression : 3.14r2
Terms (other than constants) : 3.14r2
Numerical coefficients : 3.14

(viii) 2(l + b)
Expression : 2(l + b) or 21 + 2b
Terms (other than constants): 21 and 2b
Numerical coefficients : 2 and 2

(ix) 0.1y + 0.01y2
Expression : 0.1y + 0.01y2
Terms (other than constants): 0.1y and 0.01y2
Numerical coefficients ; 0.1 and 0.01

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Ex 12.1

Question 4.
(a) Identify terms which contain x and give the coefficient of x :
(i) y2x + y
(i) Expression : y2x+y
Terms containing x : y2x
Coefficients of x: y2

(ii) 13y2 - 8yx
Expression: 13y2 - 8yx
Terms containing x : -8yx
Coefficients of x : -8y

(iii) x + y + 2
(iii) Expression: x + y + 2
Terms containing x: x
Coefficients of x : 1

(iv) 5 + z + zx
Expression : 5 + z + zx
Terms containing x : zx
Coefficients of x: z

(v) 1 + x + xy
Expression : 1 + x + xy
Terms containing x : x and xy
Coefficients of x in the term x : 1
Coefficients of x in the term xy : y

(vi) 12xy2 + 25
Expression : 12xy2 + 25
Terms containing x: 12xy2
Coefficients of x : 12y2

(vii) 7x + xy2
Expression: 7x + xy2
Terms containing x: 7x and xy2
Coefficients of x in the terms 7x: 7
Coefficients of x in the term xy2: y2

(b) Identify terms which contain y2 and give the coefficient of y2:
(i) 8 - xy2
Expression : 8 - xy2
Terms containing y2 : - xy2
Coefficients of y2 : - x

(ii) 5y2 + 7x
Expression : 5y2 + 7x
Terms containing y2 : 5y2
Coefficients of y2 : 5

(iii) 2x2y - 15xy2 + 7y2
Expression : 2x2y - 15xy2 + 7y2
Terms containing y2 15xy2 and 7y2
Coefficients of y2 in the term - 15xy2 : -15x
Coefficients of y2 in the term 7y2 : 1

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Ex 12.1

Question 5.
Classify into monomials, binomials and trinomials:
(i) 4y - 7z
4y - 7z is a binomial as it contains two terms.

(ii) y2
y2 is a monomial as it contains only one term.

(iii) x + y - xy
x + y - xy is a trinomial as it contains three terms.

(iv) 100
100 is a monomial as it contains only one term.

(v) ab - a - b
ab - a - b is a trinomial as it contains three terms.

(vi) 5 - 3t
5 - 3t is a binomial as it contains two terms.

(vii) 4p2q - 4pq2
4p2q - 4pq2 is a binomial as it contains two terms.

(viii) 7mn
7mn is a monomial as it contains only one term.

(ix) z2 - 3z + 8
z2 - 3z + 8 is a trinomial as it contains three terms.

(x) a2 + b2
a2 + b2 is a binomial as it contains two terms.

(xi) z2 + 3
z2 + 3 is a binomial as it contains two terms.

(xii) 1 + x + x2
1 + x + x2 is a trinomials as it contains three terms.

RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions Ex 12.1

Question 6.
State whether a given pair of terms is of like or unlike terms:
(i) 1, 100
1, 100 are like terms as they are constants.

(ii) - 7x, \(\frac{5}{2}\)x
-7x, \(\frac{5}{2}\)x are like terms as their algebraic factors are same.

(iii) - 29x, - 29y
- 29x, - 29y are unlike terms as their algebraic factors are different.

(iv) 14xy, 42yx
14xy, 42yx are like terms as their algebraic factors are same.

(v) 4m2p, 4mp2
4m2p, 4mp2 are.unlike terms as their algebraic factors are different.

(vi) 12xz,12x2z2
12x2, 12x2z2 are unlike terms as their algebraic factors are different.

Question 7.
Identify like terms in the following:
(a) - xy2, - 4yx2, 8x2, 2xy2, 7y, - 11x2, - 100x, - 11yx, 20x2y, - 6x2, y, 2xy, 3x.
- xy2 and 2xy2 are the like terms; - 4yx2 and 20x2y are like terms; 8x2, - 11x2 and - 6x2 are like terms; - 11yx and 2xy are like terms; 7y and y are like terms; - 100x.and 3x are like terms.

(b) 10pq, 7p, 8q, - p2q2, - 7qp, - 100q, - 23, 12q2p2, - 5p2, 41, 2405p, 78qp, 13p2q, qp2, 701p2.
10pq, -7qp and 18qp are like terms; 7p and 2405p are like terms; 8q and - lOOg are like terms; - p2q2 and 12q2p2 are like terms; - 23 and 41 are like terms; - 5p2 and 701p2 are like terms; 13p2q and qp2 are like terms.

Last Updated on June 15, 2022, 12:40 p.m.
Published June 14, 2022