RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

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RBSE Class 6 Our Rajasthan Solutions Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

RBSE Class 6 Our Rajasthan Water Resources and Conservation In-Text Questions and Answers

Lets Practice

Question 1.
Make a list of advantages of dams on rivers.
Advantages of dams on rivers
1. Hydroelectricity generation,
2. Irrigation facility,
3. Drinking water,
4. Plantation plan,
5. Rise in groundwater level,
6. Flood Control,
7. Soil erosion Control,
8. Construction of tourist places,
9. Fishing etc.

Question 2.
Is there any river valley project in your district? If yes, collect information about it.
I live in the Banswara district. There is a Mahi
BEy'sg Sagar Project in our district. The project is located on the Mahi river.

This is a joint venture of Rajasthan and Gujarat states. Irrigation and hydropower facilities are made available in these states through this project.

RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

RBSE Class 6 Our Rajasthan Water Resources and Conservation Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Write the correct option of the following questions in the given bracket

1. The Banas is the tributary of which river?
(a) The Chambal River
(b) The Luni River
(c) The Banganga River
(d) The Mahi River.
(a) The Chambal River

2. Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project developed at
(a) Banswara     
(b) Dungarpur
(c) Udaipur         
(d) Kota.

(a) Banswara

II. Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
Write the names of major tributaries of the Chambal River.
The major tributaries of the Chambal river are the Banas, the Berach, the Kothari, the Kalisindh, the Parvati etc.

Question 2. 
Write the names of major river valley projects of Rajasthan.
(1) The Chambal Project, 
(2) The Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project. 
(3) The Bisalpur Project 
(4) The Sardar Sarovar Project.

III.  Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
Write a short note on the Chambal River Project.
The Chambal Project-It is a common project between Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Four dams have been constructed under this project. Out of these dams the Gandhi Sagar Dam is located at Mandsaur district in Madhya Pradesh. Iii Rajasthan the Rana Pratap Sagar Dam is located in Chittorgarh, the Jawahar Sagar and the Kota Barrage are located in Kota district. Both these states get benefits of hydropower and irrigation through this project.

RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

Question 2. 
Explain briefly about traditional water harvesting techniques of Rajasthan.
Water harvesting in Rajasthan has been very important since ancient times. Traditional water harvesting techniques have been adopted in almost every region of Rajasthan. Traditional sources of water like wells, Baori, Johad, Tanka, Khadeen etc. are used as traditional water harvesting techniques of Rajasthan. King and rulers made many efforts for the construction of lakes to harvest and conserve water.

RBSE Class 6 Our Rajasthan Water Resources and Conservation Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The river of drainage system of Arabaian Sea
(a) Parvati    
(b) Kalisindh
(c) Banas    
(d) Luni
(a) Parvati
2. Som and Jakham rivers are the tributaries of which river?
(a) Mahi    
(b) Chambal
(c) Ghaggar    
(d) Banas
(d) Banas

3. Which river is known as The Ganga of Arjun’?
(a) Ghaggaar    
(b) Banganga
(c) Mahi    
(d) Luni
(b) Banganga

4. In which state is the Rana Pratap Sagar dam situated?
(a) Udaipur    
(b) Kota
(c) Chittorgarh    
(d) Jaipur
(c) Chittorgarh    

5. Which is considered to be the largest fresh water man-made lake of the world?
(a) Jaisamand    
(b) Pokaran
(c) Rajsamand    
(d) Kaylana lake.
(a) Jaisamand

RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

Fill in the blanks

1. River drainage system of Rajasthan is divided into ............ categories.
2. The Ghaggar river is an example of .......... drainage system.
3. Garisar lake is in ............    
4. We should not dump domestic and industrial waste in ...........
1. three, 
2. inland, 
3. Jaisalmer, 
4. Water bodies.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
What is water often used for? 
Water is used for drinking, daily domestic chores, irrigation and in industries.

Question 2. 
What are the major water resources of Rajasthan?
Major water resources of Rajasthan are lakes, rivers, dams made on rivers, canals, ponds, wells and tubewells. 

RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

Question 3. 
What is a river system?
A particular system of water flow created by a river or its tributaries, governed by topography of land and geological structure, is known as a river system or water system.'

Question 4. 
What do you mean by ‘tributaries’?
Small rivers which pour into a larger river later on, are known as ‘tributaries’.

Question 5. 
Where does the Banganga river originate?
The Banganga originates from Bairath hills of the Aravalli in Jaipur.

Question 6. 
Name the nugor tributaries of Banas.
Megor tributaries of Banas are the Menal, the kothari, the Berach and the Khari.

Question 7. 
Which river is considered as the ancient Saraswati river or its tributary?
The Ghagghar river.

Question 8. 
Sardar Sarovar Project is a joint project of which states?
This is a joint venture of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.

Question 9. 
In how many categories is Rajasthan river drainage system divided?
River drainage system (Apvaah. Tantra) of Rajasthan is divided into three categories:
(1) Bay of Bengal Drainage system, 
(2) Arabian Sea Drainage System,
(3) Inland Drainage System.

Question 10. 
Who is considered as the watershed of Rajasthan?
The Aravalli mountain range.

Question 11. 
Name the major rivers of Rajasthan included in the drainage system of Bay of Bengal.
Chambal, the Kalisindh, Parvati, the Baiias and their tributaries.

Question 12. 
Which are the main river of Rajasthan which falls in the Arabian sea?
The Mahi, the Luni, the Sabarmati, the West Banas and their tributaries.

RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

Question 13. 
What is meant by ‘inland drainage system’?
A river, which does not pour into the sea, and gets exinct on plains or drains into a lake, is known as an inland or underground drainage system.

Question 14. 
Which rivers from inland river drainage system in Rqjasthan?
The Ghaggar, the Banganga, the Kantali, the Sabi, the Ruparel, and the Mendfia river etc.

Question 15. 
Name the dams built in Rajasthan under the Chambal project.
(1) Rana Pratap Sagar Dam, 
(2) Jawahar Sagar Dam, 
(3) Kota Barrage.

Question 16. 
Chambal project is a joint/ common project of which states?
It is a common project between Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh!

Question 17. 
Which city is known as ‘the city of lakes’?
Udaipur is known as the City of Lakes’.

Question 18. 
Write the names of two saline water lakes.
(1) Sambhar lake, 
(2) Lunka- ransar lake.    

Question 19. 
What is a Tanka?
A cylindrical under ground rain water storage in specially west Rajasthan is known as tanka.

Question 20. 
Define Johad.
Traditional harvested rain water storage tank is known as Johad.

Question 21. 
What do you mean by Khadeen?
In western Rajasthan, the structure built for water conservation for agriculture is called Khadeen.

Question 22. 
Who called river valley projects as the temples of modern India, and why?    
Owing to the importance of the river valley projects, first Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru called them as ‘the temples of modem India’.

Question 23. 
What do you understand by the Watershed?
A highland between two water systems, which sheds rainwater in different directions, is known as watershed. 

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
Tell us about the Luni river.
Luni river: River Luni orignates at the confluence of two streams Saraswati and Sagarmati near Gonvindgarh in Ajmer. After flowing through Ajmer, Nagaur, Pah, Jodhpur, Banner and Jalore, it drains into the Rana of Kutch. Its water remains fresh (sweet) till Balotra of Barmer district afterwards it becomes saline. Its tributaries include the Jojri, the Bandi, the Jawai, the Mithari, the Khari, the Sukri, the Sagi and the Guhiya etc.

RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

Question 2. 
Briefly describe the following rivers:
(1) Mahi, 
(2) Banganga.
(1) Mahi: The Vindhya Range in Madhya Pradesh is the place of its origin. After flowing in Banswara and Pratapgarh districts of Rajasthan it pours into the Bay of Khambhat. Its main tributaries are the Som and the Jakham.
(2) Banganga: The Banganga originates from Bairath hills of the Aravalli in Jaipur. The water of this river creates wetland in Ghana National Park in Bharatpur. It is also known as ‘the Ganga of Arjun’.

Question 3. 
What do you know about the Ghaggar river?
The Ghaggar: This is the river of inland flow, which originates in the Shivalik Range in the Himalyas in Himachal Pradesh. This river enters Hanumangarh in Northern Rajasthan and goes underground in Shree Gangangar. This river is said to be either the ancient Saraswati river or its tributary.

Question 4. 
Why are river valley projects called as multipurpose projects?
Many objectives' are fulfilled by making dams on rivers like production of hydropower, irrigation, drinking water, tree plantation, and increase in groundwater level, flood control and tourism. For these reasons dams are referred to as multipurpose projects.

Question 5. 
Name the eight river valley projects of Rajasthan.
The eight river valley projects of Rajasthan are:
(1) The Chambal Project, 
(2) The Sardar Sarovar Project, 
(3) The Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project, 
(4) The Bisalpur Project, 
(5) The Jawai Project (Pali), 
(6) The Som Kamla Amba Project (Dungarpur), 
(7) The Jakham project (Pratapgarh), 
(8) The Mansi Vakal Project (Udaipur).

Question 6. 
Briefly describe Bisalpur project and Saratdar Sarvoar Project.
(1) The Bisalpur Project: This project is built on the Banas river near Bisalpur village at Todaraisingh Nagar in Tonk district to fulfil the purpose of irrigation and drinking water. Through this project drinking water is supplied to the different areas of the state including Jaipur, Ajmer and Tonk.
(2) The Sardar Sarovar Project: This is a joint venture of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. It was built on the Narmada river in Gujarat. Under this project irrigation and drinking water facilities are made available in Barmer and Jalore districts of south¬western Rajasthan.

Question 7. 
Describe the classical water management systems of Udaipur.
Classical water management system of Udaipur: Classical water management systems were developed for water conservation in Udaipur from the 14th to 19th century. Ranas of Udaipur constructed Pichhola, Uday Sagar, Fateh Sagar, Goverdhan Sagar, Rang Sagar, Swaroop Sagar and Jana Sagar lakes from time to time and connected them through canals. During the rainy season water gets transferred from one lake to another. Due to these lakes Udaipur is known as ‘the city of lakes’.

RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

Question 8. 
Describe saline water lakes in Rajasthan.
There are many saline water lakes in Rajasthar Among them Sambhar lake in Jaipur, Ajmer and Nagaur, Pachpadra lake in Barmer, Deedwana lake in Nagaur, Lunkaransar lake in Bikaner, Pokaran lake in Jaisalmer and Falaudi lake in Jodhpur etc. are saline water lakes. '

Question 9. 
What do you know about Tooftop water harvesting’ and ‘Water harvesting’ techniques?
At present ‘rooftop water harvesting’ and ‘water harvesting’ techniques are prevalent. In rooftop water harvesting technique rainwater is captured from the roof and collected in underground wells while in water harvesting technique ranoff rainwater is stored under the ground. There is an absolute necessity to adopt these techniques on a large scale.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
What do you understand about the river drainage system? Describe the river drainage system of Rajasthan.
River Flow System: A particular system of water flow created by a river or its tributaries, governed by topography of the land and geological structure, is known as a river system or water system. River Drainage System of Rajasthan

River drainage system (Apvaah Tantra) of Rajasthan is divided into three categories:
(i) Bay of Bengal Drainage System: Rivers like the Banas, the Kalisindh, the Parvati etc. flow on the eastern part of the Aravali mountain range and drain into the Yamuna river. Later on the Yamuna river drains into the bay of Bengal. So these rivers form the drainage system of the Bay of Bengal.
(ii) Arabian Sea Drainage System: Rivers like the Mahi, the Luni, the Sabarmati, the West Banas and their tributaries, which flow on the western side of the Aravalli mountain range and drain into Arabian Sea form Arabian Sea drainage System.
(iii) Inland Drainage System: A River, which does not pour into the sea, and gets extinct on plains or drains into a lake, is known as an inland or underground drainage system. The Ghaggar, the Banganga, the Kantali, the Sabi, the Ruparel and the Mendha rivers form inland river drainage system in Rajasthan.

Question 2. 
Describe the Chambal and Banas river.
(1) The Chambal: It originates from the Vindhya Mountain Range in Madhya Pradesh. It is the longest and only river of Rajasthan which flows throughout the year. This river enters Rajasthan from Bhainsrorgrah in Chittorgarh district. It flows through Kota, Bundi, Sawai Madhopur, Karauli and Dholpur then it joins the Yamuna river in Uttar Pradesh. The major tributaries of the Chambal are the Banas, the Berach, the Kothari, the Kalisindh and the Parvati etc. Kota, the industrial city of Rajasthan, is located on the banks of the Chambal.
(2) The Banas: River Banas originates from the hills of Khamnor in Rajsamand district. It flows through Rajasmand, Chittorgarh, Bhilwara and Tonk districts and drains into the Chambal river at Rameshwar in Sawai Madhopur. It is a seasonal river. It is the longest river that flows completely within Rajasthan. It is approximately 480 kilometres long. Tonk and Sawai Madhopur are located on the banks of the Banas. Major tributaries of the Banas are the Menal, the Kothari, the Berach and the Khari.

Question 3.
Describe the lakes of Rajasthan as a water resource.
Lakes of Rajasthan: Lakes are also a major form of water resources in Rajasthan. Many lakes are found here. They can be divided into two parts:
(1) Fresh water Lake: Udaipur has many freshwater lakes, due to which it is also called ‘the city of lakes’. Ranas of Udaipur constructed Pichhola, Uday Sagar, Fateh Sagar, Goverdhan Sagar, Rang Sagar, Swaroop Sagar and Jana Sagar lakes from time to time and connected them through canals. During the rainy season water gets transferred from one lake to another. Due to these lakes Udaipur is known as ‘the city of lakes’.
Maharana Jaisingh of Mewar constructed Jaisamand lake on the Gomati river from 1687 to 1691 AD. It is the largest freshwater man-made lake of the world. Pushkar in Ajmer is a natural lake of religious importance. Aana Sagar is also a famous lake of Ajmer. Nakki Lake at Mount Abu in Sirohi is the natural lake, which is situated at the highest level in the state. Rajsamand lake on Rajsamand is well- known. Its northern part is known as Nau Chowki.
Besides these lakes Bal Samand, Kaylana and Ummed Sagar in Jodhpur, Garisar in Jaisalmer, Gepsagar in Dungarpur, Kolayat in Bikaner, Silisedh in Alwar are important sources of water in the state.
(2) Sambhar lake among Jaipur, Ajmer and Nagaur, Pachpadra lake in Banner, Deedwana lake in Nagaur, Lunkarnasar lake in Bikaner, Pokran lake in Jaisalmer and Falaudi lake in Jodhpur etc. are saline water lakes.

RBSE Solutions for Class 6 Our Rajasthan Chapter 7 Water Resources and Conservation

Question 4. 
What measures should he taken to conserve water?
Measures to conserve water:
(1) Every citizen should cooperate with the administration for the conservation of water.
(2) We should not dump domestic and industrial waste in water bodies.
(3) We should not bathe aroiind the sources of drinking water.
(4) It is possible by water harvesting, population control, use of advanced ‘ techniques of irrigation, afforestation, rational exploitation of groundwater and reuse of water.
(5) The government is providing favourable conditions to people and industries by transferring water through canals from the areas of heavy rainfall to the areas of low rainfall. 

Last Updated on Aug. 1, 2022, 5:53 p.m.
Published July 29, 2022