RBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and their Surroundings

Rajasthan Board  RBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and their Surroundings Important Questions and Answers.

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RBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Important Questions The Living Organisms and their Surroundings

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.    
The place where living beings live is called their:
(a) adaptation    
(b) habitat
(c) home    
(d) environment
(b) habitat

RBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and their Surroundings  

Question 2.    
In the sea, plants and animals are surrounded by:
(a) sweet water 
(b) saline water 
(c) hot water 
(d) cold water
(b) saline water 

Question 3.    
Which of the following metabolic activity is responsible for replacing and repairing tissues?
(a) Reproduction    
(b) Cell division
(c) Digestion    
(d) Growth
(b) Cell division

Question 4.    
All living organisms die but still their kind continues to live on Earth. Which feature of living organisms makes this possible?
(a) Respiration    
(b) Reproduction
(c) Excretion    
(d) Movement
(b) Reproduction

Question 5.    
Living organisms throw body wastes from its bodies by a process called
(a) respiration    
(b) excretion
(c) digestion    
(d) reproduction
(b) excretion

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.    
The term .................. refers to the surroundings where an organism lives.

Question 2.    
In desert plants,, the .................. are either absent or in the shape of .................. 
leaves, spines

Question 3.    
The mountain goat has .................. for running up the rocky slopes of the mountains.
strong hooves

Question 4.    
Squids and octopuses stay deeper near the ..................     and catch any prey that moves towards them.
sea bed

Question 5.    
In aquatic plants, the roots do not play a very important role in the .................. of nutrients.

State whether True or False

Question 1.    
Squids and octopus acquire a streamlined shape when they move in water.

Question 2.    
In some submerged plants, leaves are often highly divided, so that it is easier to perform photosynthesis.

Question 3.    
Acclimatization does not take place in a short time.'It occurs over several thousands of years.

Question 4.    
All fishes have flat fins and tails that help them to change directions and keep their bodies balanced in the water.

Question 5.    
In most desert plants, the stem is covered with a thick waxy layer, which helps to perforin photosynthesis.

RBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and their Surroundings

Match the followings

Column I

Column II

1. Adaptation

(a) mountain regions

2. Terrestrial habitat

(b) fishes

3. Abiotic component

(c) volcanoes

4. Excretion

(d) long-term process

5. Respiration

(e) grassland

6. Stimulus

(f) sunlight

7. Succulent

(g) cactus

8. Thermophile

(h) response

9. Streamlined body

(i) exchange of gases

10. Thick fur

(j) waste matter


Column I

Column II

1. Adaptation

(d) long-term process

2. Terrestrial habitat

(e) grassland

3. Abiotic component

(f) sunlight

4. Excretion

(j) waste matter

5. Respiration

(i) exchange of gases

6. Stimulus

(h) response

7. Succulent

(g) cactus

8. Thermophile

(c) volcanoes

9. Streamlined body

(d) long-term process

10. Thick fur

(a) mountain regions

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
Name three organisms that live in deserts.
Three organisms living in the deserts are cactus, camel, and desert rat.

Question 2. 
Name the animal which is called the ship of the desert.
Camel is called the ship of the desert.

Question 3. 
What do you mean by germination of seeds?
The sprouting of a new plant from the seeds is called its generation.

Question 4. 
Name two animals living in aquatic habitats. 
Dolphins and frogs.

RBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and their Surroundings

Question 5. 
Name two terrestrial organisms. Answer: Cat and buffalo. 

Question 6. Name two examples of animals living in aerial habitats.
Birds and mosquitoes;

Question 7. 
What are predators
The animals which kill other animals for food are called predators

Question 8.
What do you mean by ‘prey’?
The animals which are killed by predators for their food are called prey.

Question 9.
What is respiration?
The process of taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide is called respiration or breathing.

Question 10. 
What are stimuli?
Answer: A stimulus is a change in the. the environmental condition of a living organism that makes a living thing respond in some way or the other to it.

Question 11. 
What is reproduction?
The process by which living organisms produce more of their own kind is called reproduction.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
Give an example of animals found in beaches and mountains.
Beaches: Crab, starfish, etc. Mountains: Yak, goat.

Question 2. 
What is an organism?
An organism refers to any living thing that can react to environmental changes, reproduce, grow, respire and excrete. For example, viruses, bacteria, fungi, plant,s or an animal.

Question 3. 
Does adaptation take place in a short time? What happens to the animals that do not adopt changes?
No, adaptation does not take place in short time. It is affected by several abiotic changes that take place in thousands of years in the surroundings. Animals that cannot adapt to changes, die and only the adapted ones survive.

Question 4. 
Explain with example how organisms adapt to a particular habitat?
Fish has gills that help them to live in water and use the air to dissolve in water for breathing. Camels have long legs which keep their body away from heat of sand and they can live many days without water. This is how animals adapt their surroundings.

Question 5. 
Name two aquatic animals which have no gills. How do they breathe in water?
Animals that do not have gills are dolphins and whales. They breathe with the help of nostrils or blowholes attached on the upper part of their head.

Question 6. 
Explain, how trees are adapted to live in mountain regions?
The trees grown on mountains are cone-shaped and have sloping branches. The leaves of trees have needle-like structure to slide off the snow and rainwater.

Question 7.
What is excretion? 
The process of eliminating wastes in the form of urine, stool or sweat from the body is called excretion.

Question 8. 
Do plants also move?
Plants are generally fixed in the soil. So they do not move from one place to another. They bend their stems towards light and roots towards the soil.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
Explain two types of habitats. 
The two types of habitats are: 
Terrestrial habitats: The habitats of plants and animals that live on land are known as terrestrial habitats. For example, forests, mountains, grasslands, deserts, coastal and mountain regions. Aquatic habitats: The habitats of plants and. animals that live in water are known as aquatic habitats. For example, ponds, swamps, lakes, rivers, seas and oceans were.

RBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and their Surroundings

Question 2. 
What are the components of a habitat?
The components of habitat are biotic components and abiotic components:

  1. Biotic components: All types of living things such as plants and animals in a habitat are known as biotic components.
  2. Abiotic components: All non-living things such as air, water, heat, sunlight, rock, soil, etc. are known as abiotic components. All the biotic components depend on abiotic components for their survival.

Question 3. 
Explain what adaptations plants have to live in water?
The roots of aquatic plants are very small. These plants have hollow, long and light stems that grow upto the surface of the water while leaves and flowers float on water. The leaves are covered by a wary layer that protects them from excessive water. Submerged plants have highly divided leaves through which water can flow easily without damaging them.

Question 4. 
Frogs can live both on land and in water, name the adaptations seen in these animals.
Frogs are known as amphibians because they have adaptations for both terrestrial as well as aquatic habitats.

  1. They have strong back legs that help them in leaping and. catching their prey.
  2. Their webbed feet help them to swim in water.    
  3. They breathe underwater through their moist skin, and inland through their lungs. 

Question 5.
Explain what adaptations animals have to live in Water?
They have streamlined body which is narrow in the front and back and broader in middle. Such a structure makes the movement easy in the water. They have fins and tails, which help them to swim, change direction and to keep their bodies balanced in water. They have gills that help them to breathe by using oxygen from water.

Question 6. 
How are camels adapted to live in a desert?

  1. Camels have long legs that help them to keep their body away from the heat of the sand.
  2. Their feet have thick, flat and large soles which help them in walking on sand.
  3. Their dung is dry which also helps to prevent loss of water.
  4. They store water in their hump for future uses.
  5. They release very little urine to prevent loss of water.

Question 7. 
Differentiate between living and non-living things. 
Differences between living and non-living things are:

Living things

Non-living things

1. They require food to survive.

1. They do not require food.

2. They respire.

2. They do not respire.

3. They excrete.

3. They do not excrete.

4. They respond to external stimuli.

4. They do not respond to external stimuli.

RBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and their Surroundings

Question 8. 
Explain the Characteristics of living organisms.

  1. All living organisms require food for growth and to maintain other life processes.
  2. They respire. Animals and humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide.
  3. All living organisms respond to environmental conditions.
  4. All living organisms excrete.
  5. All living organisms reproduce.
Last Updated on June 21, 2022, 5:40 p.m.
Published June 21, 2022