RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth

Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth Important Questions and Answers. 

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RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is the main source of energy in the natural cycles?
(A) Carbon 
(B) Vegetation
(C) Solar radiation 
(D) Environment.
(C) Solar radiation 

RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth  

2. Which of the following element is nutritious found in the biosphere?
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Water
(C) Vegetation
(D) Air.
(A) Nitrogen

3. What is the action of plants using light energy called?
(A) Decomposition
(B) Dissolution
(C) Photosynthesis
(D) Radiation.
(B) Dissolution

4. What are the organisms that depend on other organisms for food called?
(A) Manufacturer
(B) Consumer
(C) Carnivores
(D) Vegetation.
(B) Consumer

5. Coniferous forests are called
(A) Selva
(B) Taiga
(C) Savannah 
(D) Steple.
(A) Selva

6. Who first used the term Ecology?
(A) Haeckle
(B) Retner
(C) Hartshorne
(D) Brunch.

7. Which consumer is not included in first- stage?
(A) Deer
(B) Goat
(C) Mouse
(D) Lion.
(D) Lion.

8. What name is given to grassland Biome in Asia?
(A) Praries 
(B) Pampas
(C) Savannah 
(D) Steppe.
(D) Steppe.

9. Which forests are found in Taiga biome?
(A) Equatorial
(B) Coniferrous
(C) Decidous
(D) Gir.
(B) Coniferrous

10. What is not an organic element?
(A) Soil 
(B) Water
(C) Minerals 
(D) Vitamins.
(D) Vitamins.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
Name three main components of environment.
Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere.

Question 2. 
Name two main types of ecosystem. Answer: Terrestrial and Aquatic.

Question 3. 
What is a Biome?
It is a community of plants and animals.

Question 4. 
What is the position of energy at top level in food chain?
Energy is reduced.

RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth

Question 5. 
State two parts of Aquatic Ecosystem. 
Marine and Freshwater.

Question 6. 
Name the components of freshwater ecosystem.
Lakes, Ponds, Streams, Marshes.

Question 7. 
Which two words make up Ecology? 
Two Greek words oikos and logy.

Question 8. 
Who first presented the concept of Ecology?
A German zoologist Ernest Hackel.

Question 9. 
What is food chain?
It is a process in which energy flows from one level to another. 

Question 10. 
Name two types of food chains.
Grazing food chain and detritus food chain.

Question 11. 
Name the abiotic components of Ecosystem.
Temperature, Rainfall, Sunlight, Humidity, Soil.

Question 12. 
Name the abiotic elements of Ecosystem.
Carbon dioxide, Water, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium.

Question 13.
What is a Biome?
A large area with distinct group of plants and animals.

Question 14. 
On what factors does the nature of Biomes depend?
Rainfall, Temperature, Soils.

Question 15. 
Name the major Biomes of the world.

  1. Tropical Rain forest 
  2. Savanna 
  3. Mediterranean forest 
  4. Deciduous forests 
  5. Grasslands 
  6. Deserts 
  7. Taiga 
  8. Tundra.

Question 16. 
What are lianas?
Climbers reaching the top of trees.

Question 17. 
In which season gets rainfall in Mediterranean Biome?

Question 18. 
Name the major grasslands of the world.
Prairies, Pampas, Steppe, Veld, Downs.

Question 19. 
What do you mean by Taiga?
The Northern Coniferous Belt.

Question 20. 
What is Tundra?
The Polar areas frozen with ice.

Question 21. 
Name the main parts of marine environment.
Continental Shelf, Continental Slope, Ocean Floor.

RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
Define Biosphere.
The Biosphere is that part of earth in which life forms exist.

Question 2. 
Why is the biosphere important?
It is important because life of any kind is possible only in this layer.

Question 3. 
Name two categories of organisms.

  1. Plant Kingdom
  2. Animal Kingdom.

Question 4. 
Define a ‘Homo Sapien’.
The earliest man on the earth is known as Homo Sapien.

Question 5. 
Define the term ‘Ecology’.
The study of the interaction between organisms and their environment is called Ecology.

Question 6. 
Name the two categories of components of an Ecosystem.
(a) Biotic such as plants and animals (living).
(b) Abiotic such as soil and water (non-living).

Question 7. 
Name two sources of internal energy of the ecosystem.

  1. Matter
  2. Energy.

Question 8. 
Name three most abundant elements found in all living organisms.

  1. Carbon 
  2. Hydrogen 
  3. Oxygen.

Question 9. 
Name the major nutrients found in Biosphere.

  1. Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen from Atmosphere.
  2. Iron, sulphur, phosphorus, manganese from Lithosphere.

Question 10. 
What makes natural cycles operational?
Energy, through solar radiation.

Question 11.
Divide the organisms into three groups.
The major groups of all organisms are :

  1. Producers 
  2. Consumers 
  3. Decomposers.

Question 12. 
Define the term ‘Photosynthesis.
The process of energy conversion is known as photosynthesis. Plants use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water to produce carbohydrates to support life. In simple words, photosynthesis means production of carbohydrates.

Question 13. 
Define the term ‘Decomposers’.
The microscopic organisms and bacteria (Fungi and Earthworms) who feed on the decomposed and decayed organic products are called decomposers.

Question 14. 
Where is life found on earth?
Life on earth is found almost everywhere. Living organisms are found from the poles to the equator, from the bottom of the sea to several kilometres in the air, from freezing waters to dry valleys, from under the sea to underground water lying thousands of metres below the earth’s surface.

Question 15. 
Where are most of organisms found in Biosphere? 
The biosphere includes all the living components of the earth. It consists of all plants, animals including all micro-organisms that populate our planet earth and interact with their surrounding 
environment. Most of the organisms exist on the lithosphere and/or the hydrosphere as well as atmosphere. There are also many organisms that move freely from one realm to another.

RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth

Question 16. 
What are the effects of components of Biosphere?
The biosphere and its components are very significant elements of the environment. These elements interact with other components of the natural landscape such as land, water and soil. They are also influenced by atmospheric elements such as temperature, rainfall, moisture and sunlight. The ineractions of biosphere with land, air and water are important to growth, development and evolution of the organism.

Question 17. 
What is ecological system?
The interactions of a particular group of organisms with land, water and air, within a particular habitat results in a clearly defined energy flow and material cycle, is called an ecological system.

Question 18. 
What is meant by Ecological adaptation?
When various plants and animal species have got adapted through evolution ; it is called ecological adaptation.

Question 19. 
What is meant by water cycle?
The water cycle. All living organisms, the atmosphere and the lithosphere maintains between them a circulation of water in solid, liquid or gaseous form referred to as the water or hydrologic cycle.

Question 20.
What is meant by Photosynthesis?
Sun is the main source of energy on which all life depends. Photosynthesis is the process which supplies food and energy to the green plants. During photosynthesis carbon dioxide is converted to organic compounds and oxygen.

Question 21. 
What is meant by bio-geochemical cycle?
The cyclic movements of chemical elements of the biosphere between the organism and the environment are referred to as bio-geochemical cycles.

Question 22. 
What are the causes of Ecological imbalance?

  1. Interference in original species.
  2. Arrival of new species.
  3. Natural calamities.
  4. Human interference.

Question 23. 
What do you mean by Ecology, Ecological adaptation and Ecological system?
Ecology. The environment is made up of the abiotic and biotic elements. It would be interesting to understand how the diversity of life forms is maintained to bring a kind of equilibrium or balance. This balance is maintained in a particular proportion so that a healthy interaction between the biotic and the abiotic elements is found. The term ecology is derived from the Greek word ‘oikos’ meaning ‘house’, combined with the word ‘logy’ meaning the ‘science of or ‘the study of.’ Literally ecology is the study of the earth as a ‘household’, of plants, animals and micro-organisms. They all live together as interdependent components. 

A German zoologist Ernst Haeckel, who used the term as ‘oekologie’ in 1869, first coined the term ecology. The study of interactions between lifeforms (biotic) and the physical environment (abiotic) is the science of ecology. Hence, ecology can be defined as a scientific study of the interactions of organisms with their physical environment and with each other. Ecology is mainly concerned with the growth, development, distribution, behaviour and survival of organisms. Ecology is not only concerned with living organisms and their interactions but also with energy flows and material cycles that occur on land, water and air. 

The interactions of a particular group of organisms with land, air and water (abiotic factors) within a particular habitat or habitats resulting in clearly defined energy flows and material cycles on land, water and air, are called ecological systems. A habitat in the ecological sense may be explained to be the totality of the physical and chemical factors that constitutes the general environment. Different types of ecosystems exist with varying ranges of environmental conditions where various plants and animal species have not adapted through evolution. This phenomenon is known as ecological adaptation.

Question 24. 
Describe the major types of Ecosystems.
Types of ecosystems. Ecosystems are of two major types—terrestrial and aquatic. Terrestrial ecosystem can further be classified into ‘biomes’. A biome is a plant and animal community that covers a large geographical area. The boundaries of different biomes on land are determined mainly by climate and weathering. Therefore a biome can be defined as the total assemblage of plant and animal species interacting within specific conditions. These conditions include rainfall, temperature, humidity and soil conditions. Some of the major biomes of the world are-forest, grassland, desert and tundra biomes. Aquatic ecosystems can be classed as marine and freshwater ecosystems. Marine ecosystem includes oceans, coastal estuaries and coral reefs. Freshwater ecosystem includes lakes, ponds, streams, marshes and bogs.

RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth

Question 25. 
What do you mean by ‘Ecology’? ;
Ecology is a combination of two Greek words (Oikos) and (Logy) meaning house and science. Ecology is the study of earth as home of plants, humans, animals and bacteria. These are interdependent. German zoologist Ernst Haeckel was the first to use this term in 1869. He is known as the father of ecology. The study of interactions between life forms (Biotic) and (Abiotic) is the science of ecology.

Question 26. 
Describe the different types of Biomes.
A biome is a plant and animal community that covers a large geographical area. Therefore a biome is a total assemblage of plant and animal species. There are five major Biomes—forests, deserts, grassland, aquatic and altitudinal.

Question 27. 
Describe the carbon cycle.
The carbon cycle. Carbon is one of the basic elements of all living organisms. It forms the basic constituent of all organic compounds. The biosphere contains over half a million carbon compounds in them. The carbon cycle is mainly the conversion of carbon dioxide. This conversion is initiated by the fixation of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Such conversion results in the production of carbohydrate, glucose that may be converted to other organic compounds such as sucrose, starch, cellulose, etc. 

Here, some of the carbohydrates are utilised directly by the plant itself. During this process more carbon dioxide is generated and is released through its leaves or roots during the day. The remaining carbohydrates not being utilised by the plant become part of the plant tissue. The plant tissues are either being eaten by the herbivorous animals or get decomposed by micro-organisms. The herbivores convert some of the consumed carbohydrates into carbon dioxide for release in to the air through respiration. The micro-organisms decompose the remaining carbohydrates after the animal dies.

Question 28. 
Describe the mineral cycles.
Mineral cycles. Other than carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen being the principal geochemical components of the biosphere many other minerals also occur as critical nutrients for plant and animal life. These mineral elements required by living organisms are obtained initially from inorganic sources such as phosphorus, sulphur, calcium and potassium. They usually occur as salts dissolved in soil water or lakes, streams and seas. Mineral salts come directly from the earth’s crust by weathering
where the soluble salts enter the water cycle eventually reaching the sea. Other salts are returned to the earth’s surface through sedimentation and after weathering they again enter the cycle. All living organisms fulfil their mineral requirements from mineral solutions in their environments. Other animals receive their mineral needs from the plants and animals they consume. After the death of living organisms the minerals are returned to the soil and water through decomposition and flow.

Question 29. 
Describe the oxygen cycle.
The oxygen cycle. Oxygen is the main byproduct of photosynthesis. It is involved in the oxidation of carbohydrates with release of energy, carbon dioxide and water. The cycling of oxygen is a highly complex process. Oxygen occurs in a number of chemical forms and combinations. It combines with nitrogen to form nitrates and with many other minerals and elements to form various oxides such as iron oxide, aluminium oxide and such others. Much of oxygen is produced from the decomposition of water molecules by sunlight during photosynthesis and is released to the atmosphere through transpiration and respiration processes of plants.

Question 30. 
Explain the term “Biosphere”.
Biosphere is the realm of all living forms (human beings, plants, animals) that exist in hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere. In this way, natural environment includes man also. It is a thin life bearing layer above the earth’s surface. It extends vertically from the deep ocean to the higher layers of atmosphere. The biosphere is the basis of life on the earth. Man tries to modify the environment and utilizes the resources of earth. Man tries to bring a totality of environment so that environment operates as a whole.

Question 31. 
Examine the importance of Biosphere.
Biosphere is a thin layer which contains living things above the earth’s surface. It has a great significance for human life. The earth has a unique place in the solar system due to the presence of biosphere. Organisms in the biosphere provide a variety of food for us. Plants provide us raw materials for clothing and shelter such as cotton and jute. Human existence and survival on the earth depends upon biosphere. Coal, mineral oil, wool, silk and many industrial raw materials are obtained from biosphere.

Question 32. 
What do you understand by the term! “Ecological Balance”? 
In’ nature, each’ geographical element has a life cycle. These features are born, grow to maturity and then die. Landforms, plants, and animals pass through this cycle. Landforms have a longer life cycle, but plants and animals change within short periods. After the final stage, there is no change in the composition of plants as a community. This stage is known as ecological balance.

Essay Type Questions

Question 1 
Describe' 'the ‘different bidmes of the world and their characteristics.
1. Tropical Rain Forest:
This biome is located in the equatorial regions wherever the annual rainfall exceeds 140 cm. This covers about 8 per cent of the earth’s surface but contains more than half of its flora and fauna. Vegetation. Plant life is highly diverse reaching up to a framework of 200 species of trees per hectare. The warm, humid climate supports broad-leaved evergreen plants with distinct stratification into an upper storey and two or three understoreys. The tallest trees form an open canopy but the lower crown levels block most of the available light from the jungle floor. 

RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth

The jungle edge is a tangle of sun-loving woody climbers, also called lianas. Animal life is abundant and diverse, including ground-dwellers and tree-dwellers. The animals include monkeys, snakes, ant-eaters, tropical birds, bats, large carnivores animals and a variety of fish in the rivers. Of all the species of insects known, nearly 70 to 80 per cent occur in the tropical rain forests.

2. Tropical Savanna:
Savannas are characterised by coarse grass and scattered trees on the margins of tropics where rainfall is seasonal. Wet seasons alternate with dry seasons. Plants and animals are drought-tolerant and do not show much diversity. This biome supports the greatest variety of hoofed herbivore species including the zebra, giraffe, elephant and several kinds of antelope. Kangaroos are found in the Savannas of Australia.

3. Mediterranean Scrub Forest:
This biome is also known as the Chapparal. This is marked by very limited winter rain followed by drought in the rest of the year. The temperature is moderate under the influence of cool, moist air of the oceans were: The biome is characterised by broad-leaved evergreen vegetation. It is made up of fire resistant resinous plants and drought-adapted animals.

4. Deciduous Forest:
The deciduous forests are found in the temperate regions of north-central Europe, eastern Asia and the eastern United States. The annual precipitation ranges between 75 and 150 cm. With the onset of autumn most of the trees and shrubs become leafless. The vegetation comprises broad-leaved, hardwood trees such as oak, elm, birch, maple and hickory. The fauna includes frogs, salamanders, turtles, snakes, lizards, squirrels, rabbits, deer, bears, raccoons, foxes and song birds.

5. Grassland:
The principal grasslands are the prairies of Canada and the USA, the pampas of South America, the steppes of Europe and Asia and the veldts of Africa. The annual rainfall is between 25 and 75 cm. Winter blizzards and summer drought can be severe, wit periodic fire devastations. The dominant plant species comprise short and tall grasses. Animal species include larks, the burrowing owl, prong-horned antelopes, badgers, coyote, jackrabbit and bison.

6. Desert:
Deserts are characterised by extremely low rainfall and high evaporation rate. Even the water from the meagre rainfall is not available to plants because of the fast run-off. The days are extremely hot and the nights cold. The seasonal fluctuations of temperature are wide. Deserts are characterised by scanty flora and fauna. Desert plants include different kinds of acacias, cacti, euphorbias and other succulents. Ants, locusts, wasps, scorpions, spiders, lizards, rattle snakes, a large number of insect-eating birds such as swifts and swallows, seed-eating quails, doves, desert rats, rabbits, foxes, jackals and various cats are the common desert animals.

7. Taiga
In the northern conifreous forest or taiga, the growing period of plants is only about 150 days. As the physical conditions are variable, the organisms must be resistant to fluctuations of temperature. Pine, fir, cedar, hemlock and spruce constitute the dominant vegetation. In some areas the trees are so dense that little light reaches the floor of the forest. In humid areas mosses and ferns grow profusely. This biome is a good habitat for elks, deer, grouse, rabbits, squirrels, pumas, lynx and many species of insects.

8. Tundra:
A tundra consists of plains characterised by snow, ice and frozen soil for most part of the year. The main limiting factors for life are poor light and extremely low temperature. The snowfall is scanty. Vegetation is so sparse that it is also called the arctic desert. The biome is virtually treeless. It consists mainly of lichens, mosses, sedges, heaths, grasses and dwarf willow trees. Seasonal thawing of the frozen soil occurs only up to a few centimetres depth allowing only shallow rooted plants to grow. Caribou, arctic hares, arctic foxes, 
reindeer, snow owl and migratory birds are common in this region.

Question 2. 
Discuss human impact on the Ecosystem.
Man is an integral part of environment. Human beings are one of the species of the innumerable life forms. Man influences his environment with the help of his skill, knowledge, science and technology. Man has domesticated the animals and plants for greater human use. He has tilled the land and raised crops. He gets many plants and products to meet his needs. New species have been evolved while the old species have extincted. In this way, man has tried to control the environment. 

Man has tried to exploit the resources of Biosphere. But he has disturbed the ecosystem in this attempt. Plants and animals have been introduced to new areas. Their fast growth has changed the environment of new areas drastically. Human interference with the natural environment has modified or altered ecosystem in many areas. Deforestation for cultivation has changed the habitat of the organisms living in the forests. 

It has resulted in soil erosion. Excessive cultivation, over-grazing, and shifting agriculture have increased the rate of soil erosion. Irrigation projects in dry areas have resulted into salinization of soil and spread of water borne diseases. Land, air and water have got polluted and have become unsuitable for human consumption. In recent years, environmental pollution and presence of chemicals in air, water and food has damaged human health.

Human interference has led to the deterioration of natural resources. Man is using water, land, soil and other resources at such an alarming rate that there will be serious shortage of these resources in the near future. Careless use may destroy them to such an extent that they may not be available to mankind. The hunting of animals has led to the extinction of certain species. Over-exploitation has caused a serious shortage. For example, mineral oil will not last long. Thus, it is clear that most of the environmental problems are man induced. Man will have to live in harmony with the environment so that ecological balance is not disturbed.

Question 3. 
Describe clearly the components of ecosystem.
Ecosystem is a set of physical conditions in which growth of organisms takes place. An ecosystem consists of two types of components, Living (biotic) and Non-living (abiotic).

RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth

1. Non-living or Abiotic components : 
The non-living components of the ecosystem consists of chemical substances found in the soil, water and atmosphere. These chemicals are of two types; organic and inorganic.
(i) Inorganic substances: These include water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and minerals like phosphate, nitrates, etc.
(ii) Organic substances: These include carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins.
(iii) Other abiotic elements: These include climatic conditions such as temperature, rainfall, duration of sunlight, winds, nature of soil, slope of the land and composition of water bodies. These elements bring about the variations in types of plants and animals.

2. Living Biotic components. The biotic components can be divided into the following major groups:
(i) The producers : 
The organisms which produce their own food from the physical environment are called producers. These are called autotrophic organisms. Green plants, blue and green algae and some bacteria produce their own food utilising solar energy through the process of photosynthesis. These are called primary producers. In oceans, phytoplanktons are primary producers.

(ii) The consumers : 
Organisms which depend on other organisms for food are called consumers or heterotrophic organisms. The consumers can be grouped into three groups:
(a) Herbivores: Organisms which feed only on plants are called herbivores or primary consumers like a rabbit.
(b) Carnivores: Organisms which feed on animals only are called carnivores or secondary consumers like a lion.
(c) Omnivores: Organisms which feed on both plants and animals are called omnivores like human beings.

(iii) Decomposers : 
Organisms which feed on dead or decomposed tissues of plants and animals are called decomposers like bacteria, fungi and earthworms.

Source Based Questions

1. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below:
Ecology is a combination of two Greek words Oikos and logy meaning house and science. Ecology is the study of earth as home of plants, humans, animals and bacteria. These are interdependent. German Zoologist, Ernst Haeckel was the first to use this term in 1869. He is known as the father of ecology. The study of interactions between life forms biotic and abiotic-is the science of ecology.

(i) The Word Ecology is derived from
(a) Latin 
(b) Greek
(c) Arabic 
(d) English
(b) Greek

(ii) In which year Zoologist first used the term ecology?
(a) 1865 
(b) 1866
(c) 1869 
(d) 1868
(c) 1869

(iii) Who is known as the father of Ecology?
(a) Darwin 
(b) Charles
(c) Edwin 
(d) Ernst Haeckel
(d) Ernst Haeckal

(iv) Ecology is the study of
(a) Biotic 
(b) Abiotic
(c) Both (a) and (b) 
(d) None of these
(c) Both (a) and (b)

2. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below:
The transfer of energy from one organism to another in the ecosystem is known as food chain. For example, the green plants use solar energy for their growth. These plants provide energy in the form of food to the consumers. Thus, the food chain in reality is an energy flow system. For example, in a grassland, herbivore such as a deer feeds on the grass. At the next stage, carnivore such as a lion feeds on the deer. The food chain thus, involves the flow of energy in the forms of food from lower to higher levels.

(i) The transfer of energy from one organism to another in the ecosystem is called
(a) Food Web 
(b) Food Chain
(c) Both (a) and (b) 
(d) None of these
(b) Food Chain

(ii) What is used by the green plants for their growth?
(a) Sun 
(b) Solar energy
(c) Photosynthesis 
(d) All of these
(b) Solar energy

RBSE Class 11 Geography Important Questions Chapter 15 Life on the Earth

(iii) What is food chain?
(a) Energy
(b) Flow system
(c) Energy flow system
(d) All of these
(c) Energy flow system 


Question 1
Describe the vegetation of tropical rain forests.
Vegetation. Plant life is highly diverse reaching up to a framework of 200 species of trees per hectare. The warm, humid, climate supports broad-leaved evergreen plants with distinct stratification into an upper storey and two or three understoreys. The tallest trees form an open canopy but the lower crown levels block most of the available light from the jungle floor. The jungle edge is a tangle of sun-loving woody climbers, also called lianas. Animal life is abundant and diverse, including ground-dwellers and tree-dwellers. The animals include monkeys, snakes, ant-eaters, tropical birds, bats, large carnivore animals and a variety of fish in the rivers. Of all the species of insects known, nearly 70 to 80 per cent occur in the tropical rain forests. 


  1. What is a Biome? 
  2. What is a food chain? 
  3. What are lianas? 
  4. What is Taiga? 
  5. Define the term Ecology. 
  6. Define Homo Sapien. 
  7. What is Photosynthesis? 
  8. Explain the term Biosphere. 
  9. What is Ecological Balance? 
  10. Discuss human impact on Ecosystem.
Last Updated on Oct. 20, 2022, 5:23 p.m.
Published Oct. 20, 2022