Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 11 English Compulsory Letter Writing Exercise Questions and Answers.
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यहाँ दो प्रकार के Letters दिये जा रहे हैं,
(1) Business/Official letters : for enquiries, complaints, asking for information, placement of a person/an order.
(2) Letters to school authorities : for admissions, school issues, requirements, suitability of courses.
"A good letter is a master key that opens locked doors. It opens markets. It opens the way for your goods or your services. It tells the story of the real character of your firm." --- Herbert Casson.
Business or Official Letters
जहाँ एक ओर एक व्यक्तिगत पत्र की विशेषता होती है अनौपचारिक, आसान, आनन्ददायक तथा वार्तालाप जैसी भाषा शैली वहीं दूसरी ओर एक Business तथा Official Letters में इन सभी का कोई स्थान नहीं होता है । Business or Official एक व्यक्तिगत पत्र के ठीक विपरीत होता है । इस प्रकार के पत्रों में हास्य, कठिन भाषा शैली, अस्पष्टता, व्यक्तिगत मामलों का कोई स्थान नहीं होता है ।
आज के इस व्यस्ततम युग में एक व्यवसायी या अधिकारी के पास इतना फालतू समय नहीं होता है कि वह आपकी अनावश्यक बातों को पढ़ने में अपना कीमती समय बर्बाद करे । अतः एक Business या Official Letter में सभी बातें स्पष्ट रूप से कम शब्दों में कह देना चाहिये । एक Business Letter लिखते समय निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिये :
(i) जो वस्तु मंगवाई जा रही है उसका आवश्यक विवरण तथा संख्या अवश्य ही लिखें ताकि कोई भ्रम पैदा ना हो।
(ii) आप वस्तु को किस माध्यम से मंगवाना चाहते हैं यह भी लिख देना चाहिये । यथा - by post, by rail, by transport etc.
(iii) आपके द्वारा भुगतान किस माध्यम से किया जायेगा । यथा -- VPP (Value Payable Post) Money Order, Cheque, Draft, Money Transfer (RTGS या NEFT) etc.
Format of a Business / Official Letter
एक Business/Official Letter के सामान्यतया निम्नलिखित आठ भाग होते हैं :
1. Sender's Address : भेजने वाले का पता -
जैसे - 2/8 Fannuswari
Mumbai - 06
एक व्यावसायिक प्रतिष्ठान या सरकारी संस्थान Letter Pad का भी इस्तेमाल कर सकता है जिसमें भेजने वाले का पता उस पर पहले से ही छपा होता है । जैसे -
Mital Publishing House
D/26, Industrial Area
2. Date : भेजने वाले के पते के नीचे एक लाइन छोड़कर पत्र लिखने की तारीख निम्नलिखित में से किसी भी एक प्रकार से लिखी जा सकती है :
जैसे - (i) 20 June 20_ _
(ii) 20 June, 20_ _
(iii) 20th June, 20_ _
(iv) June 20, 20_ _
3. Name and address of the addressee : तारीख के नीचे दो लाइन छोड़कर बायीं ओर (Left Side) पाने
वाले का पदनाम तथा पता लिखा जाता है जैसे -
The Manager
Mundra Motors
Jhalawar Road
The Secretary
Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan Kota
यदि पत्र एक संस्था को लिखा जाता है तो उसके लिए Messers या M/s का शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है जैसे -
Messers S. Soni & Sons
Chawri Bazar
New Delhi
M/s Surya Construction Co.
Jail Road
4. Subject : यह पत्र का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भाग होता है । इसके द्वारा यह पता चल जाता है कि पत्र किस चीज से सम्बंधित लिखा जा रहा है । यह पत्र की मुख्य विषय वस्तु को स्पष्ट कर देता है।
5. Salutation : एक Business/Official Letter में सम्बोधन निम्नलिखित प्रकार से हो सकता है।
(a) एक अधिकारी को - Dear Sir/Madam
(b) एक व्यवसायी को - Dear Sir/Madam
(c) एक फर्म को - Dear Sirs
(d) एक व्यवसायी को जिसे आप व्यक्तिगत रूप से जानते हों – Dear Mr Sharma / Dear Miss/Mrs/Mr Sharma नोट - आजकल महिलाओं के लिए Miss (अविवाहित के लिए) तथा Mrs (विवाहित के लिए) के स्थान पर Ms शब्द का ही प्रयोग कर दिया जाता है ।
6. Body : इसके अंतर्गत पत्र में लिखी गई विषयवस्तु होती है । जो भी आप पत्र में लिखना चाहें उसे कुछ अनुच्छेदों (Paras) में लिख सकते हैं ।
(a) 10 lines for good opening
(i) With reference to your letter of 8 June, I ............
(ii) I am writing to enquire about .................
(iii) After having seen your advertisement in . ..............., I would like
(iv) After having received your address from ................., I ..............
(v) I received your address from ................. and would like ...............
(vi) We/I recently wrote to you about ...............
(vii) Thank you for your letter regarding .................
(viii) Thank you for your letter about
(ix) In reply to your letter of 8 May ...........
(x) I shall be much obliged if you will send me
(b) 10 lines for good ending
(i) If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
(ii) I look forward to your reply.
(iii) I look forward to hearing from you.
(iv) I look forward to seeing you.
(v) Please advise as necessary.
(vi) We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
(vii) Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
(viii) Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience.
(ix) We hope that we may continue to rely on your valued custom.
(x) I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
7. Complementary Close : सामान्यतया एक Official Letter को Yours faithfully द्वारा समाप्त किया जाता है जबकि एक Business Letter को Yours faithfully द्वारा या Yours sincerely द्वारा समाप्त किया जा सकता हैं ।
Salutation |
Subscription |
Dear Sir/Madam/Sirs |
Yours faithfully |
Dear Mr Sinha |
Yours sincerely |
8. Signature : पत्र के अन्त में पत्र लिखने वाले के हस्ताक्षर किये जाते हैं । यह आवश्यक नहीं है कि सारे पत्रों पर व्यवसाय के स्वामी द्वारा ही हस्ताक्षर किये जायें । ऐसी स्थिति में हस्ताक्षर किसी अन्य नियुक्त व्यक्ति द्वारा किये जाते हैं । अतः हस्ताक्षर के नीचे हस्ताक्षर कर्ता का पद भी लिखा जाता है । जैसे- Manager, Principal etc.
नोट -- पत्र के सभी भाग बायीं ओर से लिखे जाते हैं ।
पते में प्रत्येक पंक्ति के बाद comma (.) नहीं लगाया जाता है ।
Example : Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police (S.P.) requesting him to be the Chief Guest at your School Sports Day function to be held at your school playground. You are Umanand Dubey, Secretary, Students' Union of Dayanand Senior Secondary School, Bundi.
1. Business/Official Letters
यहाँ अभ्यास के लिए कुछ पत्र दिये जा रहे हैं । छात्र इनके आधार पर पत्र लिखने का अभ्यास करें ।
(A) Letters for Enquiry/Asking for Information
Question 1.
You are Raghunath Pathak, the wholesale dealer of books, Modern Book Depot, Kote Gate Bikaner. Write a letter to M/s Jain Pustak Mandir, Chaura Rasta, Jaipur to send their complete catalogue. (Business letter)
Modern Book Depot
27 Kote Gate
Bikaner 18 February 20_ _
M/s Jain Pustak Mandir
Chaura Rasta
Subject : Your Complete Catalogue Dear Sir We are glad to introduce ourselves as a reputed wholesale dealer of books from Bikaner. Your publications are in our good books. You are requested to post us your full catalogue. Kindly mention all the terms and conditions too for the wholesale dealers. We look forward to your reply.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Raghunath Pathak
Difficult words : reputed = सम्मानित । catalogue = सूची । be in good books = कृपा का पात्र होना।
Question 2.
You are P.N. Pandey from Jain Pustak Mandir, Chaura Rasta, Jaipur. Write a letter to Mr Raghunath Pathak, Manager, Modern Book Depot, 27 Kote Gate, Bikaner replying his request for your full catalogue. (Business letter)
M/s Jain Pustak Mandir
Chaura Rasta
24 February 20_ _
Mr Raghunath Pathak
Modern Book Depot
27 Kote Gate
Subject : Your request for sending catalogue
Dear Mr Pathak
Thank you for your letter of 18th February. We are pleased to send you a copy of our catalogue. The terms and conditions for the wholesale dealers are as such :
We await your order.
Yours sincerely
P.N. Panday
Sales Manager
Question 3.
K.A. University, K.A. City offers a correspondence course leading to Diploma in Waste Water Management after XII. You are Deepti Sinha. Write to the Director, Correspondence Course, K.A. University for the brochure and prospectus enquiring about the job opportunities after completing this course. (Official letter)
Sector-5, Gandhi Nagar
25 April 20_ _.
The Director
Correspondence Course
K.A. University
K.A. City
Subject : Brochure and Prospectus for Diploma in Waste Water Management
Dear Sir
I am glad to know that K.A. University offers a correspondence course leading to Diploma in Waste Water Management after XII. It is a new course and therefore little is known to me in this regard. I particularly want to know about the job opportunities available after completion of this course.
The expected emoluments once being in job is also a matter of my curiosity. I hope you will despatch the brochure and prospectus along with the application form. As required, a bank draft of ₹ 500/- (No. 698666 Dt. 24 April, 20_ _) is attached herewith. I await the required information.
Yours faithfully
Deepti Sinha
Difficult words : brochure = विवरणिका । emoluments = वेतन-भत्ते इत्यादि । curiosity = जानने की ]
Question 4.
Write a letter on behalf of M/s Gupta & Sons, 14, Bhinmal Bypass Road, Jalor to M/s Sita Ram Om Prakash, 18 Rana Pratap Road, Udaipur asking for quotations for woollen clothes and their rate of discount and terms regarding payment. (Business letter)
Gupta & Sons
Bhinmal Bypass Road
Jalor 8 January 20_ _
M/s Sita Ram Om Prakash
18 Rana Pratap Road
Dear Sirs
Please send us your price list and quotations for woollen clothes within a week after the receipt of this letter. We also request you kindly to let us know the rate of discount and terms regarding payment and delivery. Hoping to receive an early and positive reply
Yours faithfully
Ramesh Gupta
Question 5.
You are Shreya Gandhi, residing at 24, Pushkar Road, Ajmer. You saw an advertisement about a course in spoken English, published by American English Institute, 22-Vigyan Nagar, Kota. Write a letter to the advertiser inquiring about all the details that you require. (Business letter)
24, Pushkar Road
20 March 20_ _
American English Institute
22-Vigyan Nagar
Kota Subject : Inquiring about Spoken English Course
Dear Sirs
This is with reference to your advertisement in 'The Rajasthan Patrika' dated 19 March 20_ _ regarding Spoken English Course. I have just passed my Senior Secondary exams. I find this course to be a nice opportunity to use my summer break. I am interested in getting detailed information regarding this course. Kindly send me the following information at the earliest :
I await your reply.
Yours faithfully
Shreya Gandhi
Question 6.
You are B.P. Sharma, Manager, Sita Ram Om Prakash, 18 Ranapratap Road, Udaipur. You were asked to send quotations for stationery items by Ramesh Gupta from Gupta & Sons, 14, Bhinmal Bypass Road, Pali. Send a reply to him. (Business letter)
M/s Sita Ram Om Prakash
18 Ranapratap Road
10 January 20_ _
Mr Ramesh Gupta
M/s Gupta & Sons
Bhinmal Bypass Road Pali
Subject : Quotation for stationery items Dear Sir Thank you for your inquiry. We have pleasure in quoting as under :
(i) Student's attendance register -- ₹ 60 each
(ii) Fee register -- ₹ 70 each
(iii) Teacher's diary -- ₹ 40 each
(iv) Cash book -- ₹ 30 each
(v) Cello ball pens -- ₹ 10 each
(vi) Long note book -- ₹ 25 each
We offer 10 per cent discount on all items for the wholesalers. Payment is accepted through RTGS and NEFT also. We assure you of our best services. Yours sincerely B.P. Sharma Manager.
Question 7.
As a Cultural Secretary, Himalaya Public School, Dausa, write a letter to the Director, N.C.E.R.T. New Delhi, requesting him to provide details of scholarships admissible to school students who secure distinction in music and dance. You are Vaidehi. (Official letter)
Himalaya Public School
26 March 20_ _
The Director
N.C. E. R.T.
New Delhi
Subject : Details of Music and Dance Scholarship
Dear Sir
The initiative taken by N.C.E.R.T. regarding scholarships to school students securing distinction in music and dance is appreciable. This will promote talent. Himalaya Public School, Dausa has earned name in producing brilliant students in music and dance. We have many known names at the state as well as national level.
However, we don't have proper knowledge of the guidelines regarding these scholarships. Kindly let us know about the numbers and amount of scholarships to the junior and senior categories. We would be pleased to know the procedure of shortlisting such students. We hope for an early reply. Yours faithfully Vaidehi Cultural Secretary
(Difficult words : appreciable = प्रशंसनीय । guidelines = दिशानिर्देश, नियम । shortlisting = छाँटना।)
Question 8.
You come across an advertisement regarding a tour to Malaysia. The tour is for 6 nights and seven days and it costs 7 45,000. Write a letter to the tour operator for making necessary enquiries before making your final decision. (Business letter)
4 Savita Colony
Behind Sneh Hospital
Jaipur 01
1 March 20_ _
The Manager
Prem International Tours
27 Krishna Nagar Dausa
Subject : Details about Malaysia tour Dear Sir I was happy to see your advertisement regarding Malaysia tour in The Times of India, dated 27th February 20_ _ I am planning this tour along with my family, but before making final decison, I request you to furnish some enquiries.
First, kindly let me know the important places to be visited in Malaysia. I also want to know the name of hotel we'll be staying in there. Then I want to be informed whether pure vegetarian food will be provided to us. Kindly mention the hidden charges, if any. Do furnish all other details regarding the proposed tour.
Yours faithfully
Question 9.
Write a letter to the Secretary, Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan, Ajmer, asking for a duplicate copy of your mark-sheet. (Official letter)
Pipali Chowk
September 20, 20_ _.
The Secretary
Board of Sec.
Education Rajasthan
Subject – Duplicate mark-sheet for the Secondary Exam 20_ _ Sir I passed my Secondary Examination in 20_ _ I was a regular student of Govt Senior Sec. School, Nasirabad (Ajmer). My roll number was 0640440. I got first division in the examination.Unfortunately, I have lost the original mark-sheet of the examination. So, I am in need of a duplicate copy of the same. I am sending you the required charges. Kindly send the duplicate copy of my mark-sheet at the earliest to the address given above.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Mahesh Chand.
Question 10.
You are Sameer, the Tour Incharge of Senior Secondary School, Ajmer. You are planning to organize a tour to a place of historical importance during the summer break. Write a letter to the National Travel Agency, Ajmer enquiring about the charges, facilities and all the other necessary details. (Official letter)
Pratap Senior Secondary School
20 May 20_ _
The Manager
The National Travel Agency
Subject : Enquiring about the charges and facilities of a tour
Dear Sir
Pratap Senior Secondary School, Ajmer is planning a three days tour to a place of historical importance during the summer break. The students of class XI and XII are planning to visit Delhi. We are 180 students in all. Six teachers and three peons will also accompany us.
Kindly furnish the following details regarding the charges and facilities you provide :
1. How will you accommodate us ?
2. Number of rooms and their total charges.
3. Arrangement of breakfast, lunch and dinner and the charges per head.
4. Arrangement of four luxury buses and their charges.
5. Any other information which you find necessary regarding the tour.
6. The guide for the tour.
Yours faithfully
Tour Incharge
Question 11.
Write a letter to a travel agency in Shimla requesting them to book you a room in a five star hotel. Give other details of our journey and facilities you require there. Sign as Mohan Pradhan, 232 Ajmeri Gate, Bhilwara. (Business letter)
232 Ajmeri Gate
10 May 20 _ _
The Manager
Galaxy Travel Agency
Subject : Booking a room in a five star hotel
Dear Sir
I plan to visit Shimla in the first week of June with my friend. My stay there will be for a period of five days. As you are a reputed travel agency in the city, I leave it upon you to arrange for a stay for five days in a five star hotel in Shimla. My tour programme is as such :
Arrival at the airport 10 a.m. : on 2.6.20_ _
Visit to Kufri : on 3.6.20_ _
Visit to the Centre for Advanced studies : on 4.6.20_ _
Visit to Chail : on 5.6.20_ _
Visit to Narkanda : on 6.6.20
A double bedded room will suit me.
Booking for the taxis and other entrance tickets to places to be visited will be your responsibility. I am sending rupees fifteen thousand as advance for meeting necessary expenses. I hope your professional expertise makes my tour a memorable one. Please confirm the booking at the earliest.
Yours faithfully
Mohan Pradhan
[Difficult word : expertise = कार्यकुशलता ]
Question 12.
You are Naina of Bhilwara. Write a letter to the Manager, Shagun Garden, Jodhpur to find out the rates for conducting the wedding reception of your sister on the lawns, enquiring about the catering cost per head, service and decoration charges and advance to be paid. (Business letter)
9 B.R.C. Vyas Nagar
Ajmer Road
Bhilwara 22 August 20_ _
The Manager
Shagun Garden
Subject : Rates for conducting the wedding reception Dear Sir We want to conduct our sister's wedding reception on the lawns of your garden on the evening of 23 September 20_ _. There will be around two hundred guests including children. We may also need four rooms. You have to arrange for the decoration, catering and service for the wedding. Kindly furnish the following details regarding the function :
(i) The catering cost per head.
(ii) Service charges.
(iii) Decoration charges.
(iv) Room charges.
(v) Amount of advance money to be paid.
(vi) Any other relevant information. Kindly reply at the earliest.
Thanking you Yours faithfully Naina
[Difficult words : wedding reception = शादी. स्वागत समारोह । decoration = सजावट ।]
(B) Letters of Complaints
Question 13.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the frequent breakdown of the water-supply in your locality. (Official letters)
Radha Nagar
May 20, 20_ _
The Editor
The Dainik Bhaskar
We shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish in your esteemed journal our complaint against the Municipal Committee about the frequent breakdown of the water supply in our locality. In spite of several complaints and reminders, there has been no improvement in the water supply system. It is the same as it was in the beginning. Water is supplied for only a few hours and the time of supply is not fixed. The supply is stopped at any time. The amount is so small that it is hardly sufficient for drinking purposes. We hope that the Municipal Committee will immediately improve the water supply in this locality.
Yours faithfully
Hari Prasad
[Difficult words : esteemed = प्रतिषठित , frequent = बार -बार, I breakdown = व्यवधान I reminders = व्यवधान स्मरण पत्र |
Question 14.
You took delivery of six cases of crockery from Dholpur Jn. Out of six cases, one was delivered to you broken and the contents were found to have been damaged. Write a letter to the Claims Superintendent, West Central Railway, Jabalpur about the loss and request him to accept your claim. (Official letter)
Santar Road
22 February 20_ _.
The Claims Superintendent
West Central Railway
Subject : Claim for the damage
Dear Sir
We received six cases containing crokery, despatched to us by Baba Glass Factory, Delhi on the 15th February 20_ _ against R/R.No. 720307. One of the six cases was delivered to us broken and the contents were found to have been damaged. The invoice value of this case is 75000/- (Five thousand only). We are enclosing the original invoice along with the shortage certificate. We hope that our claim will be admitted and its early payment will be arranged. Hoping to hear soon from you.
Yours faithfully
Ram Mohan Enclosures :
(i) Original Invoice
(ii) Shortage certificate
(Difficult words : invoice = बीजक I are enclosing = नत्थी कर रहे हैं| in original = मूल रूप में I early payment = शीघ्र भुगतान]
Question 15.
You are Haresh of Pali. Of late, chain snatching incidents are increasing in the city. Write a letter to the Editor of The Dainik Bhaskar drawing the attention of the concerned authorities. (Official letter)
26/27 Beawar Road
January 21, 20_ _ .
The Editor
The Dainik Bhaskar
Subject : Complaint against increasing incidents of chain snatching
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I want to draw the attention of police department regarding the increasing incidents of chain snatching. This is unfortunate that no law and order is maintained in the city. Women these days feel unsafe on roads or in buses. The city has become a heaven for such criminals. More police force is required to take strict action against such criminals. They should not be allowed to roam freely in the city. In order to win the confidence of women, the police department must take quick and strict action.
Yours faithfully
[Difficult words : attention = ध्यान I unfortunate = दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण]
Question 16.
You are Suresh living at 9 Moti Dungari, Jaipur. Write a letter to the Sub-division Officer, B.S.N.L., Jaipur, regarding frequent telephone disorders. (Official letter)
9 Moti Dungari
15 April 20_ _.
The Sub-divisional Officer
Subject : Frequent telephone disorders
Dear Sir
I would like to bring to your kind notice that the telephones in our locality are generally lying dead. This causes much inconvenience to the residents of this area. Many times the complaints were attended but the rectification of faults was temporary. We would be grateful to you, if you kindly look into the matter seriously.
Yours faithfully
Question 17.
Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police about the inadequate parking facilities in the commercial street area of Dausa. It is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people. You may also offer your suggestions to solve the problem. You are Rishabh Khanna residing at 12-Jayanagar, Dausa. (Official letter)
20 March 20_ _ .
The Superintendent of Police
M.G. Road
Subject : Inadequate parking facilities at Dausa Sir I want to bring to your kind notice that the number of vehicles is growing day by day in our city. But we lack adequate parking facilities for them. Commercial street area is one of the busiest areas of Dausa.Thousands of people visit the area everyday. In the absence of proper parking facility, they park their vehicles anywhere. This leads to a jampacked situation. The only solution to the problem is providing adequate parking facilities in the area. Two or three public parking slots can be fixed and the people be guided to park their vehicles there only. I hope for positive steps.
Yours faithfully
Rishabh Khanna
[Difficult words.nity date:- अनुचित, अपर्याप्त । jampacked = ठसाठस भरे होना । slots = स्थान ।]
Question 18.
You are Shobhit living ał Anand Bhawan, Krishna Colony, Bharatpur. You bought a refrigerator from Ganth Electronics, Sadar Bazar, Bharatpur. It does not function properly. Write a letter of complaint to the Sales Manager of the Shop. (Business letter)
Anand Bhawan
Krishna Colony
21 March 20_ _
The Sales Manager
Ganesh Electronics
Sadar Bazar
Subject : Defect in refrigerator Dear Sir I would like to bring to your kind notice that I bought a Frost-free Godrej refrigerator from your shop on 15 February 20_ _. In less than a month, I find its freezing section not functioning. Since the refrigerator is under warranty period, I request you to get it either replaced or repaired, as necessary. I look forward to your action.
Yours faithfully
Question 19.
Write a letter to the Chief Post Master, Head Post Office, Pali complaining about late delivery of letters causing a lot of inconvenience to you. You are Nand Lal, residing at 112 Adarsh Nagar, Station Road, Pali. (Official letter)
112 Adarsh Nagar
Station Road
14 April 20 _ _.
The Chief Post Master
Head Post Office
Pali Subject : Late delivery of letters
I want to bring to your kind notice that letters are generally delivered very late in my area, Adarsh Nagar, This causes much inconvenience to us. Sometimes, I get call letters for interviews only after the due date expires. This type of loss can never be redeemed. Late delivery of letters causes us great stress and sometimes financial losses too. I would like to suggest that the area assigned to one postman should not be too big to handle for him. Besides, prompt sorting of letters of different areas can solve the problem to a great extent. I hope you will take prompt and effective steps to secure timely delivery of letters.
Yours faithfully
Nand Lal
[Difficult words : redeemed = भरपाई होना । prompt = त्वरित ।]
Question 20.
You are Mahesh residing at 12-Ashok Nagar Road, Old Railway Station, Udaipur. Write an application to the Chairman, Municipal Corporation, complaining against the insanitary condition in your area. (Official letter)
12-Ashok Nagar Road
Old Railway Station
20 February 20_ _ .
The Chairman
Municipal Corporation
Subject : Complaint against the unsanitary condition
Dear Sir
I would like to bring to your kind notice that our street is very dirty. The sweepers do not clean the street regularly. The drainage system is quite defective. There are heaps of dirt everywhere. There are many pits on the road. They are full of dirty water. They are happy homes of mosquitoes. Many people are suffering from diseases due to this. Kindly instruct the health officer to take necessary steps into the matter. We await your action.
Yours faithfully
[Difficult words : insanitary = अस्वच्छ| drainage = नाली | defective = दोषपूर्ण I heaps = ढेर pits = गड्दे mosquitoes = मच्छर | instruct = निर्देश देना ]
Question 21.
You are Madhav Arya, a student of St Paul School, Jodhpur. The Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation, which is running on your route at 8 am, has become irregular. It has put a large number of students and office goers in difficulty. Write a letter to Bus Depot Manager complaining about it and request him to send the bus regularly. (Official letter)
St Paul School
12 February 20_ _
The Depot Manager Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation
Subject : Irregular service of the buses of Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation
Many students of St Paul Public School, Jodhpur are facing great inconvenience. The reason is poor bus service of the Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation on Gulab Sagar road. Very few buses run on this route during morning hours. We generally take 8 am bus to go to school. But recently that bus too has been running very irregularly. Many students of our school, as well as some office-goers, are in difficulty due to this poor situation. You are requested to kindly arrange the timely run of 8 am bus. A few more buses should also be run on this route.
I hope your positive action.
Yours faithfully
Madhav Arya
Class XI A
Question 22.
You have placed an order for a few books with Harish Pustak Mandir, Chaura Rasta, Jaipur. You have not received the books till the date. Write a letter to them complaining about the non-compliance of your order. You are Satish Gupta residing in Ram Nagar Colony, Churu. (Business letter)
Ramnagar Colony
20 January 20
M/s Harish Pustak Mandir
19-Chaura Rasta
Subject : Non-compliance of order Dear Sirs I placed an order for a few books with you on 1 January 20_ _. I have already sent you a money order No. 677777 dated. 1 January 20_ _ of the required amount. I regret to say that the books have not been received till the date. This non-compliance of order is disturbing to me. The books ordered are very urgently needed.These are some books on English Grammar that will help me prepare for RAS entrance exam. Since the books have not reached, my studies are being affected. Kindly despatch the books at the earliest. If they are not received within a week, the order will remain cancelled. I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
Yours faithfully
Satish Gupta
(Difficult words : non-compliance = पूरा न होना I despatch = भेजना )
Question 23.
Write a letter to the Standard Book Co., Ajmer, complaining about the poor quality of books supplied to your library. You are Nikhil, Librarian of Govt Senior Secondary School, Ajmer. (Business letter)
Govt Senior Secondary School
20 March 20_ _
Standard Book Co.
12-Naya Bazar
Subject : Supply of poor quality books
Dear Sirs
We are one of your regular customers. We placed an order for the purchase of about four hundred books for the school library. We regret to inform you that the books supplied by you are of poor quality. Following are the defects that we would like to bring to your kind notice :
(i) Thirty copies of World History are of 2011 edition. Similarly, twenty copies of English Grammar by R.K. Lakhani are of 2009 edition while the latest editions are available in the market.
(ii) We ordered twenty copies of Modern Algebra by R.K. Kapoor. But you sent us twelve copies of Modren Algebra by R.K. Sinha.
(iii) Thirty copies of Contemporary Physics are in a very bad shape and we cannot accept them as such. We await for replacement of the old editioned and defective books.
Yours faithfully
Nikhil Librarian
Question 24.
You are Shruti Vashishth, residing at 115 Civil Lines, Ajmer. There is frequent power cut and voltage fluctuation in your area. It is causing great inconvenience and damage to electrical appliances. Write a letter to the Assistant Engineer of the Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited. of your area explaining the difficulties you face, seeking quick action. (Official letter)
115 Civil Lines
20 April 20_ _
The Assistant Engineer
Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd.
Subject : Frequent power-cut and voltage fluctuation
The residents of Civil Lines, Ajmer are facing great inconvenience now-a-days. During this sweltering heat, frequent power-cuts have made life a hell. To add to the problem, there occur frequent voltage fluctuations. This very often causes damage to electrical appliances. Students are the worst sufferers. They can't study at night even during their examinations. The residents of this area have time and again complained about this problem but all fell on deaf ears. We again request you to kindly look into the matter and get the power supply regulated. We await your positive action.
Yours faithfully
Shruti Vashishth ...
[Difficult words : fluctuation = उतार-चढ़ाव । sweltering = चिलचिलाती हुई | damage = नुकसान | fell on deaf ears - ध्यान नहीं दिया गया ]
Question 25.
Write a letter to M/s Om & Sons, Kota.complaining about the quality of computers received in response to your order. You are Ramesh, 18-D, Mahaveer Nagar-III, Kota. (Business Letter)
18-D, Mahaveer Nagar-III
20 April 20_ _ ,
M/s Om & Sons
Subject : Poor quality of computers
Dear Sirs
I bought a computer set from you on 16th January 20_ _. Your service engineer installed it the same day. I regret to say that the set is of very poor quality. The speakers are not working and the monitor shows wavering lines making the picture vague. The printer is also not working well. We ordered for i-3 but you supplied core 2 duo. There is substantial difference in the price of both the operating systems. Om & Sons enjoy goodwill in the computer market but this deal is just opposite to your image. You are requested to get the computer replaced at the earliest with one of upgraded quality and technology
Yours faithfully
[Difficult words : wavering = टेढ़ी - मेढ़ी , vague = अस्पष्ट , धुँधला
(C) Placement of a Person
Question 26.
Write a letter to the chief editor. The Rajasthan Patrika, Jaipur applying for the post of a proof-reader. You are Apekshit Yagnik residing at 12-Ashok Nagar Road, Old Railway Station, Udaipur. (Official letter)
12-Ashok Nagar Road
Old Railway Station
Udaipur 22 April 20_ _.
The Chief Editor
The Rajasthan Patrika
Subject : Application for the job of a proof-reader Dear Sir After having seen your advertisement in your own newspaper dated 20 April 20_ _for the post of a proof-reader, I would like to present myself for the post. Presently I am working with 'The Bhaskar' in Udaipur. Since my family is stationed in Jaipur so it is too difficult to do the job and attend to my family at the same time. I find myself unable to fulfil my social liabilities. I am, therefore, in great need of a job in Jaipur. I have three years' work experience and assure you of my best services, if given a chance. My biodata is enclosed herewith.
Yours faithfully
Apekshit Yagnik
Name : Apekshit Yagnik
Address : 12-Ashok Nagar Road, Old Railway Station, Udaipur
Date of Birth : December 22, 1988
Marital Status : Unmarried
Educational Qualification: " M.Com. Raj. University, Jaipur
Job Experience : Working as a proof-reader for the last three years with "The Bhaskar
Expected salary : As per rule
Reference : Mr Mittal, Editor, The Bhaskar, Udaipur
Difficult words : liabilities = जिम्मेदारियाँ , enclosed = संलगन
Question 27.
You are Rohit Verma, residing at 13-Nivedita Colony, Near Hero Honda Showroom, Simbahera. Write a letter to the Director, Western Railway, Ajmer applying for the post of an L.D.C. (Official letter)
13 - Nivedita Colony
Near Hero Honda Showroom
2 February 20_ _
The Director
Western Railway
Subject : Application for the post of an L.D.C.
Dear Sir
This is with reference to your advertisement in 'The Navjyoti' dated 30th January 20_ _ for the post of an L.D.C. I am a P.S.C. confirmed and at present working with a reputed concern Messers Shyam and Ghanshyam Computers in Nimbahera. As my family is stationed in Ajmer, I feel it rather difficult to fulfil my social duties with an humble salary. I am, therefore, in need of a job in Ajmer. I have two years' work experience and can assure you of my best services, if given an opportunity. My biodata is enclosed here with.
Yours faithfully
Rohit Verma
Name : Rohit Verma
Address : 13–Nivedita Colony, Near Hero Hond a showroom Nimbahera Date of Birth
22 January 1995 Marital Status
Unmarried Educational Qualification
B.Com. having a Computer Diploma
Job Experience : Two years
Expected salary : As per rule
Reference : Mr Yagnik, Manager, Shyam and Ghanshyam Computers,Nimbahera
[Difficult words : humble = forest काफी कम]
Question 28.
You are Mridul Sharma, 16-Anand Vihar, Jaipur. Write a letter in response to the advertisement given below : (Business letter)
Vacancy for a young man of good education, smart appearance, as Marketing Manager, free training, previous experience not necessary,
Apply to Mahesh Electricals, National Highway No. 8, Udaipur.
16-Anand Vihar
10 June 20_ _
Mahesh Electricals
National Highway No. 8
Subject : Application for the post of a Marketing Manager
Dear Sirs
In reference to your advertisement in 'The Hindustan Times' dated 8th June 20_ _ for the post of a Marketing Manager, I submit myself for the same. I have completed my M.B.A. in Human Resource Development from Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur. I am hard working. I enjoy extensive travelling. With your training, I'll prove my worth as an executive. My biodata is enclosed herewith.
I await your positive response.
Yours faithfully
Mridul Sharma
Name : Mridul Sharma
Address : 16-Anand Vihar, Jaipur
Date of Birth : 16 April 1995
Marital Status : Unmarried
Educational Qualification : M. B. A. (Human Resource Development)
from Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur
Expected salary : around ₹30,000/- per month.
[Difficult words : Marketing Manager = विक्रय प्रबन्धक ]
(D) Placement of Order
Question 29.
You are Ashish, Librarian of Greenfield Public School, Jodhpur. Write a letter to the Sales Manager of Bharat Publishers Limited, Jodhpur placing an order for the books you wish to purchase for your school library. Also ask for the discount permissible on the purchase. (Business letter)
Greenfield Public School
S.No. 20_ _25
Dated : 10 April 20_ _
The Sales Manager
Barat Publishers Limited
Subject : Order for books Dear Sir We want to place an order for the supply of books to our school library. As we are your regular customer. we expect 5 percent special discount over the usual one. All the expenses regarding despatching and delivery of books should be borne by you.
The list of books with their particulars and numbers is as such :
S.No |
Name of the Books |
Author/Publisher’s Name |
Copies Required |
1. |
Modern Algebra |
S.K. Lai |
40 |
All these books should reach us in proper shape and within 20 days of placing this order. We hope that we may continue to rely on your valued custom.
Yours faithfully
Question 30.
You are Physical Education teacher in Delhi Public School, Jaipur. Write a letter to M/s Pioneer Sports Co., Ambala placing an order for a minimum of 4 sport items with details. Ask for the discount also. Sign as Raman. (Business letter)
Delhi Public School.
Vaishali Nagar
Ph. 0141-0000000
Dated : 10 March 20_ _
S.No. 20_ _/92
M/s Pioneer Sports Co.
Subject : "Order for sport items
Dear Sirs
We wish to place a bulk order for the supply of some sport items. Kindly let us know the discount you offer on bulk purchases. We would also like to know the mode of payment. One thing must be conveyed that defective and substandard items will not be accepted.
The particulars of the items and numbers to be supplied are as under :
S.No |
Particulars |
No of items |
1. |
Hockey Sticks |
4 dozen |
We await your response at the earliest.
Yours faithfully
Physical Education Teacher
[ Difficult words : bulk = भारी मात्रा में ]
Question 31.
You are Apoorva, Hostel Warden, Green Valley Academy-Jaipur Ajmer by-pass, Ajmer. Write a letter to the Sales Manager of Bharat Electronics and Domestic Appliances Limited, Ajmer placing an order for a few fans, microwave ovens and geysers that you wish to purchase for the hostel specifying the details. Also ask for the discount permissible on the purchase. (Business letter)
Green Valley Academy
Jaipur-Ajmer by-pass
Mob. 000000000
Dated : 20 February 20_ _
S.No. 20_ _ / 182
The Sales Manager
Bharat Electronics and Domestic Appliances Limited
Subject : Order for some electrical appliances
Dear Sir
We want to place a bulk order for various electrical appliances. We agree to 10% discount that you offer on the purchase. But being your old customer, we would expect 5% additional discount that is usually given to institutional buyers. The detail of the items to be purchased are as such :
S.No |
Particulars |
Brand |
Numbers |
1. |
Ceiling fans |
Khaitan |
40 |
All the above mentioned items must reach us in proper shape and well condition before 15th of March when the new session starts. Amount will be deposited to your account directly through net banking after receiving the items in satisfactory condition.
Yours faithfully
Hostel Warden
Question 32.
You are Apoorva, Hostel Warden, PMS School, Ajmer. Write a letter to the Sales Manager of Bharat Electronics and Domestic Appliances Limited, Ajmer complaining about short supply of goods ordered. (Business letter)
PMS School
11 March 20_ _.
The Sales Manager
Bharat Electronics and Domestic Appliances Limited
Subject : Complaint about short supply of goods
Dear Sir
Please refer to our letter No. X-211 of 20 February 20_ _. We placed with you the following order :
S.No |
Particulars |
Brand |
Numbers |
1. |
Ceiling fans |
Khaitan |
40 |
We have received only items no. 1 and 3, but are still awaiting the delivery of item no. 2, whereas all the items appear on your invoice.
Kindly go into the matter and get the supply of our order completed as early as possible.
Awaiting your action
Yours faithfully
Hostel Warden
2. Letters To The School Authorities Regarding Admissions, School Issues, Requirements, Suitability Of Courses Etc.
A. Admissions
Question 1.
A Letter for Readmission You fell ill and could not go to school for 15 days. Your name has been struck off. Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting him for readmission.
20 August 20_ _
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Beelwa (Jaipur)
Subject : Regarding readmission.
I am a student of class XI A of your school. During the rainy season I fell ill. I had malaria fever. I could not come to school for fifteen days. Now I am well and want to start my studies again. But my name has been struck off from the attendance register. I humbly request you for my readmission to the same class. I am enclosing medical certificate. I promise to make up for the loss by coming to school regularly.
Yours obediently
Shailesh Gupta
Reg. No. 15
Class XI A
Question 2.
A Letter for New Admission You have passed your class X from Kakelan Behu. You want to get admission in class XI in Govt Senior Secondary School, Kolayat. Write a letter to the principal of the school to give you admission.
Kakelan Behu
24 June 20_ _
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject:- To get admission.
With due respect, I wish to state that I have passed my class X from Government Secondary School, Kakelan Behu with 79.83%. I want to continue my further study. So, I want to get admission to your school. Kindly admit me to class XI. With best regards Yours obediently Nitin Sharma Enclosure
1. Certificate of class X cum mark-sheet. (photo copy)
2. Aadhaar Card [photo copy]
3. Caste Certificate (photo copy]
4. Income Certificate (photo copy]
5. Bhamashah Card of the family [photo copy!
6. Transfer Certificate (origional]
7. Praptra-9 for Shala Darpan
8. Bank Pass-Book (photo copy]
B. School Issues
Question 3.
Poor Condition of the Computer Lab You are Ratnesh Singh, a student of class XI. The condition of the Computer Lab of your school is very pitiable. Write a letter to the principal of your school bringing the matter into his kind consideration.
Pratap Hostel
28 Ocotber 20_ _
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject : Poor Condition of the Computer Lab.
I want to bring into your kind notice over the poor and pitiable condition of the Computer Lab. Computer Lab is run by the contractor. He has appointed a computer instructor. He doesn't pay any attention to the condition of the lab. Out of ten computers, only five are in working condition. We cannot access internet on all the computers. There are two tube lights for the light and they are fused. There are fans, but they are not working. We have to sit in the dark and stuffy room. The room is full of dust and cobwebs.
We have made many complaints to the instructor but no avail.
It is requested to look into the matter and do the needful immediately.
With best regards
Yours obediently
Ratnesh Singh
Class XI A
Question 4.
A Letter to Get No Dues Certificate Imagine that you are Navneet Goyal. Your father has been transferred. You need no-dues certificate to get your TC. Write a letter to the principal of your school requesting him to issue you no-dues certificate.
Shanti Palace
Court Road
Balotra 2 May 20_ _.
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School Balotra
Subject:- To get no-dues certificate.
Sir I am a regular student of class XI A in your school. I want to get my Transfer Certificate because my family is moving to Barmer and I want to study there. I need my no-dues certificate for getting TC. Kindly allow me get my no-dues certificate from the school so that I may get my TC as soon as possible.
With best regards
Yours obediently
Navneet Goyal
Class XI A
S.R. No. 3255
Question 5.
A Letter of Enquiry about Scholarship
You are Kaniska Joshi, a student of class XI. You belong to general category, but your father is no more. Write a letter to the principal of your school, requesting him to grant you any scholarship for which you are an eligible candidate.
Sarojini Hostel
10 July 20_
The Principal
Govt Girls' Senior Secondary School
Subject : Enquiry about scholarship.
Respectfully, I am a student of class XI A of your school. I belong to general category but my father died in a road accident. I am enclosing death certificate of my dear father. Is there any scholarship scheme for the girl child whose father is no more? It is requested to sanction scholarship to me if I am eligible to get any kind of scholarship that is provided by the state or central government so that I may continue my further study. I am ready to submit required certificates.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yours obediently
Kaniska Joshi
Register No. 23
Class XI A
Question 6.
Spelling Mistake on the Shaala Darpan Portal
Imagine that you are Rabindra Khurana, a student of class XI. You come to know that there is mistake in the spelling of your name on the portal of Shaala Darpan. Write a letter to the principal of your school to update the spelling of your name.
Ram Mandir Road
30 December 20_ _.
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject : Error in the entry on the Portal of Shaala Darpan.
Respectfully, I am a student of class XI A of your school. Yesterday I visited the portal of Shaala Darpan and found out that there was mistake in the spelling of my name. It is a kind of clerical error.
It is as under:
What is uploaded |
What must be uploaded |
Rabindra Khurana |
Ravindra Kurana |
I am enclosing my birth certificate and Aadhaar Card for your perusal. It will be very kind, if you please update it and do the needful. With best regards
Yours obediently
Rabindra Khurana
Class XI A
Scholar No. 2516
(Portal (पाँटल) = इन्टरनेट में प्रवेश द्वार का काम करने वाली वेब साइट)
Question 7.
Incomplete Free Books You are the monitor of class XI Science. Your class has not been distributed the complete set of books of Science Biology. Write a letter to the principal of your school requesting him to make your class available the remaining books.
Banswara Road
Ghatol 31
July 20_ _
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject:- For incomplete books of class XI Science Biology.
Respectfully, I am the monitor of class XI A Science. I want to bring into your kind attention that our class has been distributed free books for the current session, but we are not provided the whole set of the books of class XI Biology according to the syllabus.
The detail of the books is as follow:
(i) Hornbill -- provided
(ii) Snapshots -- not provided
(iii) हिन्दी प्रभा -- provided
(iv) हिन्दी भूषण -- not provided
(v) Physics -- provided
(vi) Chemistry -- provided
(vii) Biology -- not provided
We made request to the librarian several times but he gave no satisfactory answer. Our first tests are at hand. It will be very kind of you if you, please make the remaining books available to us as early as possible. With best regards Yours obediently Shantanu Shringi Monitor Class XI A
Question 8.
Cleaning of Water Tank Imagine that you are Kunal Khurana, a student of class XI. The water tank of your school has not been cleaned for many days. Write a letter to the principal of your school to make arrangement to clean the water tank immediately.
Udaipur Road
25 Sept 20_ _.
The Principal Govt Senior Secondary School Gogunda
Subject:- For non-cleaning of water tank.
Respectfully, I want to draw your kind attention over the water tank of our school. It is good that cold drinking water is made available to us through water cooler and water tank. It is generally cleaned twice a week as the date on the tank shows. But this time the water tank has not been cleaned for two months. We have made several requests to the peon but no avail. We have to drink dirty water. The colour and smell of the water shows that it needs cleaning. It is requested to look into the matter and do the needful.
With best regards
Yours obediently
Kunal Kalara
Class XI C
Question 9.
Non-availability of Towel and Soap at Washbasin You are a student of Govt Senior Secondary School, Sardarshahar. There are no towels and soaps at the washbasins of the toilets. Write a letter to the principal of your school to make the proper arrangement of towels and soaps.
Near Post Office
18 December 20_ _
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject : For non-availability of towels and soaps at the washbasins of the toilets.
Respectfully, I want to bring into your kind attention to the problem of non-availability of soaps and towels for washing and wiping hands at the washbasins of toilets. There are no soaps at the washbasins outside the toilets. Sometimes there are towels but they are dirty and stinking. It is very difficult for the students to wash hands properly and then wipe on such a dirty towel. It is requested to look into the matter and make the arrangement of clean towels and soaps as early as possible.
With best regards
Yours faithfully
Neeraj Narayan
Class XI D
Question 10.
A Letter Regarding Poor Quality of Midday Meal You are Aradhya Chouhan, a president of the students union of Gout Senior Secondary School, Chabara. The midday meal served to the students of class 1 to 8 is of sub-standard and of poor quality. Write a letter to the principal of your school to look into the matter.
Gokul Das Society
23 September 20_ _
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School Chabara
Subject:- Complaint against midday meal for the student of class 1 to 8.
Respectfully, I want to draw your kind attention over the supply of midday meal of our school. Midday meal is not served according to the menu. When it is the turn of pulse, there is only water in the cooked pulse. Pulse is not used in the proper quantity. Fruits are not distributed on Thursdays. The cook cum helper does not cook chapattis properly. The students have to eat burnt chapattis. Students have made several complaints to the midday meal incharge but no avail. It is requested to look into the matter and do the needful.
With best regards
Yours faithfully
Aradhya Chouhan
Students Union
Question 11.
A Letter to Make Arrange due to Weak Eye Sight You are Ratan Rathor, a student of class XI. Your eye-sight is weak. It is necessary for you to sit in the front row so that you can see clearly on the board. Write a letter to the principal of your school requesting him to make you sit in the front row.
Fort Road
15 November 20_
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject:- To make me sit in the front row.
With due respect, I wish to state that I am a student of class XI C. There are sixty students in our section. It is a good point that the teachers make us sit randomly. Sometimes I sit in the first row and sometimes in the last row. But the problem is with my eye-sight. My sight is very weak. When I have to sit from third to the last row, I can see nothing on the green board. Though I wear glasses yet it is not so beneficial. It will be very kind of you if you please instruct the teachers to make me sit in the first row only. I am enclosing the report of my oculist for your perusal. With best regards Yours obediently Ratan Rathor Register No 48 Class XI C
Question 12.
A Letter to Teach through Project Utkarsh Imagine that you are Balvir Bairagi, a student of class XI of Gout Senior Secondary School, Baseri. Write a letter to the principal of your school requesting him to teach your class through Project Utkarsh.
Shanti Sadan
23 October 20_ _.
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary
School Baseri
Subject : Teaching through project Utkarsh.
With due respect, I wish to state that I am a student of class XI B. Almost all the teachers of our school are highly talented and qualified. There is no doubt that they teach us excellently. They are truly devoted to us. They are keen in solving our problems. But no teacher teaches us through Project Utkarsh. Yesterday I got myself registered as a student and found that it would be very helpful for us in improving our division and the result of our school if we were taught through it.
I hope that you will personally look into the matter and make necessary arrangement for it.
With best regards
Yours obediently
Balvir Bairagi
Question 13.
Non-deposit of Scholarship
You are Aman Verma, a student of class XI of Govt Senior Secondary School, Dungargarh. You came to know that your S.C. scholarship had not been deposited in your account. Write a letter to the principal of your school to look into the matter immediately.
City Centre Dungargarh 30 April 20_
The Principal Govt Senior Secondary School Dungargarh
Subject:- For non-deposit of scholarship.
Sir With due respect, I wish to state that I am a regular student of class XI C of your school. I belong to S.C. category. I scored 80.33 marks in class X last year. In this way I am an eligible student of the scholarship. Moreover, I have availed the first installment (July to December) of the scholarship.
I came to know that the second installment had been deposited by the school. When I checked. my account, I found that my scholarship had not been deposited in my account.
It is requested to look into the matter and do the needful.
I am submitting the xerox copy of the pass-book of my account.
With best regards
Yours obediently
Aman Verma
Class XI C
Register No 37
Question 14.
A Letter about Dirty Toilets
Imagine that you are Anmol Porwal, a student of class XI. Write a letter to the principal of your school bringing into his kind attention to the problem of dirty toilets.
B.R. Road
13 October 20_ _.
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject:- Unhygienic and insanitary condition of the toilets.
I wish to bring your kind attention to the unhygienic and insanitary condition of the toilets of our school. They are dirty and stinking. It looks as if they were not cleaned for many days. Due to foul smell, many boys pee in the open area that is a shame. But the girls have to use these stinking toilets. The bad smell can be felt in the whole campus of the school. The worst sufferers are the classes that sit next to the toilets. It is requested to look into the matter personally and do the needful immediately.
With best regards
Yours obediently
Porwal Class XI D
(pee = to get rid of waste water from your body, to urinate, पेशब करना)
Question 15.
A Letter Regarding Exemption From Evening Games
Govt Senior Secondary School, Bayana 16 August 20 All the students are hereby informed that evening games are compulsory for every student to attend. Fine will be imposed upon the students who fail to attend. |
On the basis of the notice issued by the Principal of your school write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting him to exempt you from attending the evening games. Don't forget to mention the reason.
Hindaun Road
17 August 20_ _
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School Bayana
Subject : Exemption from attending the evening games.
Reference : Your Notice Dated 16 August 20_ _
I want to bring to your kind notice that my mother is not well. She has been suffering from typhoid for two weeks. I have to attend her in the evenings. So I am unable to participate in evening games. Kindly exempt me from attending evening games for a period of fifteen days from today. Hope you will oblige.
Yours obediently
Nandini Sharma
Reg. No. 53
Class : XI A
Vocabulary : reference = संदर्भ, participate = हिस्सा लेना , भाग लेना छूट Mall exempt = छूट, typhoid = टायफाइड
Question 16.
A Complaint about the Poor Condition of the Classroom Suppose you are Kanta, studying in Gout Senior Secondary School, Kota. Write a letter to the Principal of your school complaining about the poor condition of your classroom.
Station Road
3 January 20_ _.
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject : Poor condition of classroom.
I want to draw your kind attention to the poor condition of my classroom. The servant on duty does not clean it regularly. We have to sit mostly on the dusty chairs. Two windows of the classroom are broken. In rainy season the rain water enters through the windows and disturbs our studies. In winter we shiver due to cold. The green board is very small and rough. More than half of the benches are broken. I request you to look into the matter and do the needful.
Yours obediently
Kanta Monitor XI A
Question 17.
A Letter Requesting to Allow You to Do Social Service Your class wants to do some social service to the people of the village. Write a letter to the Principal telling him about your plan requesting him to allow you to take up work with the help of your class-teacher. Use the following expressions:
(a) Making the village clean.
(b) Telling them about health and cleanliness.
(c) Teaching them how to read and write. Bhandarej
31 September 20_ _.
The Principal
Government Senior Secondary School
Bhandarej (Dausa)
Subject - For permission to do social service
I wish to state that the students of class XI want to do social service to the people of the village in the guidance of our class teacher Mr R.N. Sharma. We shall make the village clean. We shall tell the villagers about the importance of good health, cleanliness and not to go for toilet in the open space. Some students of our class will teach our illiterate elders how to read and write. Kindly allow us to do the social service from the next week.
Yours obediently
Monitor Class XI
Question 18.
A letter for T. C. Imagine that you are Nand Lal studying in Dayanand Senior Secondary School, Ajmer. Your father is a clerk in State Bank of India, branch - Ajmer. He has been transferred to Suratgarh. You need your T.C. because you want to study there. Write a letter for the purpose.
115 Civil Lines
25 July 20_ _.
The Principal
Dayanand Senior Secondary School
Subject : To Issue Transfer Certificate.
I am a student of class XI C of your school. My father is a clerk in the State Bank of India, Ajmer. But now he has been transferred to Suratgarh. I have to secure admission to a school at Suratgarh. You are, therefore, requested to issue me my T. C. No dues certificate is attached here with.
Yours obediently
Nand Lal
Slo Mr Hira Lal
S. R. No. 326/20 -
Question 19.
A Letter for Railway Concession Imagine that you are Ravi, reading in Gout Senior Sec. School, Shimla. Your parents live in Jaipur. Write a letter to the principal of your school to issue you a railway concession.
Mukund Bhawan
20 April 20_ _.
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject : To issue railway concession.
My parents live in Jaipur. I wish to go home during the coming summer vacation. I want to get a railway concession for my journey to Jaipur and back. I have decided to proceed to Jaipur on the 16 May by the afternoon train and return on 30 June. I, therefore, request you to issue me a railway concession certificate.
Yours obediently
Class XI B
Register No. 37
नोट - Railway Concession के लिए प्रार्थना-पत्र प्रधानाध्यापक/प्रधानाचार्य को प्रस्तुत किया जाता है। संस्था प्रधान रेलवे द्वारा जारी की गई फार्म पुस्तिका में से एक फार्म जारी करता है जिससे छात्र/छात्रा को लम्बी छुट्टियों के दौरान एक्सप्रेस/सुपरफास्ट ट्रेन में आने व जाने के किराए में 50 प्रतिशत की छूट मिलती है। यह फॉर्म booking clerk को प्रस्तुत करना होता है।
Question 20.
A Letter for Character Certificate Write a letter to your school principal with a request to issue you a character certificate. You are Indra Kumar and passed class X 15 days back.
Station Road
2 July 20_ _.
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject : Regarding character certificate
I want to state that I have passed class X this year from your school. Now I am going to Kota for further studies. I want to get admission to an institution there. I need a character certificate for this purpose. So I request you to issue me my character certificate.
Yours obediently
Indra Kumar
S. R. No. 749/2006
Question 21.
A Letter to Play Friendly Cricket Match
Suppose you are Sumant/Sujata, a student of Govt Senior Secondary School, Jarkana. Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting him/her to allow you to play a friendly cricket match (interclass) on the school playground. You are the captain to your team. You may touch the following points :
(i) Day and date along with time.
(ii) Requirement of staff.
(iii) Accessories you need.
Room No. 121
Neelgiri Hostel
Govt S. S. School
16 September 20 - -.
The Principal Govt Senior Secondary School Jarkana
Subject : To get permission to play a friendly cricket match.
The team of our class wants to play a friendly cricket match with the team of class XII on the coming Sunday on the playground of our school. It is a part of our preparation for the coming district level tournament. It will be very kind of you if you permit us to play the match. I invite all the staff members to enjoy the match and cheer us. On behalf of both the teams, I assure you that we will play in a friendly and disciplined way. I request you to order our physical education teacher to issue us the accessories of the game. We'll deposit them intact after the match. Thanking you.
Yours obediently
Suman/Sujata Captain
Class XI
Question 22.
To Grant Extra Time for Submitting Project Work You are Aman/Anamika of class XI A. You are unable to submit your project work till the last date. Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting him to allow you extra time for submitting the project work. Mention the justified reason.
154 Ganesh Chowk
Silicon Valley
12 November 20_ _
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Subject : To grant extra time for submitting project work.
I am a student of class XI. Our class have to submit their project works till November 15. I am sorry to say that I was absent from my class for the whole month because I was suffering from typhoid. I attended my classes regularly only from yesterday, so I was not able to complete my project work in time. I am submitting my sickness certificate for your perusal. Now I'll complete it but I need some time for it. It will be very kind of you if you permit me to submit my project work till 25 November.
Yours obediently
Question 23.
To Refund Caution Money You are Chirayu/Chitra a student of Maa Sharda Vidya Mandir, Sadari. You have passed class XI from your school. Now you want to get the caution money back. Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school requesting him to refund your caution money.
23 Bhumi Niwas
Ram Nagar
12 May 20_
The Headmaster
Maa Sharda Vidya Mandir
Subject : To refund caution money.
It is to inform you that I have passed class XI from your school. Now I am going to leave your school. At the time of getting admission I deposited caution money. There are no dues against me. No-dues certificate is attached. It will be very kind of you if you order to refund my caution money. I am submitting the photocopy of the receipt (No. 214 Dated 2 July 20_ _ ).
Yours obediently
Question 24.
A Letter to Arrange for an English Teacher You are Sunita studying in Government Girls' Senior Secondary School, Alwar. There has not been any English teacher in your school for a long time. As a monitor of your class, write a letter to your Principal requesting her to arrange an English teacher.
Gyan Vigyan Road
20 February 20 -
The Principal Government Girls' Senior Secondary School
Madam As a monitor of the class XI A, I want to say that there has not been any English teacher in our school for a long time. The Annual Examinations are at hand. Our course has not been completed as yet. Kindly arrange for an English teacher very soon so that we may complete our course in time.
Yours obediently
Sunita Monitor
Class XI A
Question 25.
A Letter to Issue an Identity Card You are Kamal studying in Gout Senior Secondary School, Laxmipura. Your school is ten km away from your village. Write a letter to issue you an identity card to get a bus concession.
20 July 20 _ _
The Principal Govt Senior Secondary School Laxmipura
I am a student of class XI A of your school. I come to school by bus because my village is ten kilometres away from here. I need an identity card for bus concession. So I request you to issue me an identity card.
Yours obediently
Class XI A
Question 25.
Imagine you are Babita studying in Govt Senior Secondary School, Karauli. You are the monitor of your class. Write a letter to the Principal of your school to arrange some extra classes in English.
10 Deccan College Road
15 March 20_ _.
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
I would like to bring to your kind notice that annual examinations of class XI are at hand. Our course in English hasn't been completed yet, for the teacher of English joined late. Our English teacher is ready to take extra classes. Kindly allow him to arrange extra classes of English.
Yours obediently
Babita Monitor
Class XI A
Question 26.
A Letter for Asking Permission to go on an Educational Tour Your name is Sitaram and you are a student of Government Senior Secondary School, Ram Nagar. Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting him to allow the students of your class to go on an educational tour. Also write about the places you plan to visit.
112, Civil Lines
Ram Nagar
15 August 20_ _.
The Principal
Govt Senior Secondary School
Ram Nagar
With due respect I, on behalf of my class XI A, beg to say that we want to go on an educational tour during the winter break. Our history teacher is also ready to go with us. We have collected money for the necessary arrangements. We have planned to visit Udaipur, Nathdwara and Kankroli. On our way to Udaipur we propose to visit Charbhuja and Haldi Ghati. Our parents are ready to defray all the expenditure. Kindly allow us to go on this tour and instruct the history teacher to go with us. We shall be highly obliged to you, sir.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Class XI
Question 27.
A Letter for Complaining against the Contractor's Man Write a letter to the Principal of your school informing him that due to the negligence of the contractor's man, the bell and the seat cover of your bicycle were stolen on a particular day/ date and you should be paid compensation for the loss.
139, Nand Nagar
26 July 20_ _.
The Principal Govt Senior Secondary School Nagaur
I wish to draw your kind attention to the negligence of the contractor's man, Gopi. I pay bicycle parking fee regularly. The concerned man is not careful. Due to his negligence, the bell and the seat cover of my bicycle were stolen on July 25. I belong to a poor family. So I cannot bear the loss. I, therefore, request you to kindly look into the matter and order the man to pay me compensation for the loss. I shall be thankful to you.
Yours obediently
Trilok Chand
Class XI
A Vocabulary : negligence = लापरवाही। compensation = क्षतिपूर्ति। concerned = सम्बन्धित।
C. Requirements
Question 28.
You are Ashu Chaudhary from 215 Krishna Nagar, Bharatpur. Write an application for the post of a typist to the Director, Excellent Public School, Bharatpur.
215 Krishna Nagar Bharatpur 12 January 20_ _
The Director Excellent Public School Bharatpur Dear Sir In response to your advertisement in the 'Rajasthan Patrika' of January 10, 20_ _ for the post of a typist, I offer myself for the same with the following details :
1. Name : Ashu Chaudhary
2. Qualifications :
(a) M.A. [English] passed in the first division.
(b) Typing speed 40 words per minute in English.
3. Extra curricular :
(a) A good hockey player and scout activities
(b) Secretary of the Commerce Association.
4. Age and health : 25 years with good health.
5. Experience : Worked as a clerk for one year in Delhi College, Jaipur.
6. Address : 215 Krishna Nagar, Bharatpur
7. Testimonials :
(a) Photo copies of the mark sheets.
(b) Testimonials regarding games and character
If given a chance, I assure you of my sincerest services.
Yours faithfully
Ashu Chaudhary
Question 29.
Write a letter of application in reply to the following advertisement:
Mahesh Shiksha Sadan Higher Secondary School
25 Sagun Marg
(Post Graduate Teachers) : 5
Subject:Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Hindi, English
Qualification: Master's degree in the concerning subject
Pay Scale: according to C.B.S.E. norms.
Send letter by post/hand with resume and photocopies of all educational certificates with contact number
Apply by June 10, 20....
Mob: 0123456789
18 Madhuvan Nagar
Station Road
Kota 30 May 20_ _.
The Director
Mahesh Shiksha Sadan Higher Secondary School
Subject:- For the post of an English teacher
This is with reference to your advertisement in “The Rajastahan Patrika” on May 18, 20_ _ for the post of an English teacher. I have recently completed my B.Ed. with seventy percent marks both in theory and practical. Besides, I have been the gold medalist in M.D. University, Ajmer in 2011. At present I am teaching at a reputed coaching centre. I assure you of my best service if I am provided the said post. I am enclosing my resume herewith for your perusal.
Yours faithfully
Enclosed - Resume
Name: Akansha Yagnik
Address: 18, Madhuvan Nagar, Station Road, Kota
Nationality: Indian
Marital Status: unmarried
Educational Qualification: M.A. English, B.Ed.
Job Experience: recently completed B.Ed. and teaching at a reputed coaching centre in Kota.
References: Mr Vyas, Director, Vyas Coaching Centre, Kota Interests &
Hobbies: Reading books, Debate, Gardening
Enclosed: Mark-sheets of class X, XII, B.A., M.A. and B.Ed.
D. Suitability of Courses
Question 30.
Imagine that you are Sunita/Sunil. You have passed class X with 86.66 percent. You want to continue your further study. Write a letter to the principal of Shiv Narayan Public School, Rampura for the suitability of the course for you in class XI.
Siya Ram Colony
24 June 20_ _.
The Principal
Shiv Narayan Public School
Subject:- Enquiry about the suitability of course.
With due respect I wish to state that I have passed my class X with 86.66 percent from Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan, Ajmer. I want to continue my further study. I am in dilemma in deciding as to what subject I should take. I am thinking of taking science. It will be very kind of you if you please help me in deciding the suitability of the course for me.
With best regards
Yours faithfully
Sunita Sharma.