RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

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RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

1. Combining Sentences

Type I
यदि दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects असमान हों 

Question 1.
Mohan is a student. Sohan is a student. 
Mohan and Sohan are students. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Golden Rules : 

Rule 1. यदि दो असमान Subjects को and से जोड़ना हो तो
(1) प्रथम Subject के तुरन्त बाद and लगा दो। 
(2) अब दूसरा Subject लगाओ। अर्थात् दोनों Subjects के बीच में and आयेगा।
Mohan and Sohan ................ 

Rule 2. Helping Verb अथवा मुख्य verb Plural आयेगा।
Mohan and Sohan are ..... 

Rule 3. Objects यदि Singular हैं तो Plural Object आयेगा।
Mohan and Sohan are students.


Question 1. 
You are my brother. Muneesh is my brother. 
You and Muneesh are my brothers.
(1) you तथा Muneesh (Subjects) के बीच में ‘and' लगाया। 
(2) दूसरे वाक्य में is (Singular Verb) है, अतः इसका Plural are लगाया। 
(3) 'brother'-object है, अतः इसका Plural-brothers किया।)

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 2. 
Sita is my friend. Vimla is my friend.
Sita and Vimla are my friends.

Question 3. 
You are going to Jaipur. I am going to Jaipur.
You and I are going to Jaipur.

Question 4. 
His friends were cooking food. Gopal was cooking food.
His friends and Gopal were cooking food.

Question 5. 
Shaila has eaten an apple. Babita has eaten an apple.
Shaila and Babita have eaten apples.

Type II 
यदि दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects समान हों

Golden Rules:
Rule : 1 प्रथम वाक्य के अंत में Fullstop (.) को हटा दो और and लगा दो। 
Rule : 2 दोनों Subjects क्योंकि समान हैं, इसा लए दूसरे वाक्य का Subject हटा दो। 
Rule: 3 शेष वाक्य उतार दो। 

Examples : 
Question 2. 
My brother went in. My brother bought tickets for us. 
My brother went in and bought tickets for us.
(1) प्रथम वाक्य के अन्त में Fullstop हटा दिया और ‘and' लगा दिया। 
(2) दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects (My brother) समान हैं, इसलिए दूसरे वाक्य में My brother हटा दिया। 
(3) शेष वाक्यांश (bought tickets for us) उतार दिया।

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 3.
Sita went to cinema. She saw the picture.
Sita went to cinema and saw the picture.

Question 4. 
The teacher came to the class. He began to teach the students.
The teacher came to the class and began to teach the students.

Question 5. 
My mother is in the kitchen. She is preparing food for the guests.
My mother is in the kitchen and is preparing food for the guests.

Question 6. 
My friênd has come from the office. My friend is taking food.
My friend has come from the office and is taking food.

Question 7. 
The headmaster is sitting in his office. He is doing his office work.
The headmaster is sitting in his office and is doing his office work.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 8. 
His dog sits at the door. It barks at the strangers.
His dog sits at the door and barks at the strangers.

Question 9. 
Babita took her bag. She went to school.
Babita took her bag and went to school.

2. Combining Sentences
as well as

'as well as' का अर्थ है-के साथ-साथ, के अलावा (in addition to)
'as well as' एक phrase conjunction है। यह compound conjunction के रूप में भी जाना जाता है क्योंकि यह संयुक्त अभिव्यक्तियों (Compound expressions) को जोड़ने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है।
ध्यान दें-जब दो subjects अथवा nouns को ‘as well as' की सहायता से जोड़ा जाता है तो क्रिया (verb) वाक्य के पहले Subject के अनुसार आती है।

Golden Rules : 

1. प्रथम वाक्य का Subject उतारो। 
2. as well as लगाओ। 
3. द्वितीय वाक्य का Subject उतारो। 
4. प्रथम वाक्य के Subject के बाद वाले भाग को पूरा उतार दो। Hari plays football. Mohan plays football. 

Step I. पहले वाक्य के Sub. Hari के साथ दूसरे वाक्य का Sub. as well as से जोड़ें।
Hari as well as Mohan...... 

Step II. इसके बाद पहले वाक्य का शेष भाग उतार दें।
Hari as well as Mohan plays football.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 1. 
He has bought these mangoes. His friends have bought these mangoes.
He as well as his friends has bought these mangoes.

Question 2. 
He caine to see us. His brother came to see us.
He as well as his brother came to see us.

Question 3. 
I am absent. Jyoti is absent.
I as well as Jyoti am absent.

Question 4.
 Ram was present there. They were present there.
Ram as well as they was present there.

3. Combining Sentences
Not only.........but also

जिन वाक्यों को Not only.........but also से जोड़ना हो, ऐसे वाक्य Golden Rules के अनुसार दो Type के हो सकते हैं।
IType : जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects समान हों। 
II Type : जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects असमान अर्थात् भिन्न-भिन्न हों।

I Type
[जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects समान हों] 

Question 1. 
Students were writing a story. They were writing an application. 
Students were writing not only a story but also an application. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Golden Rules:
दोनों वाक्य जहाँ तक समान हों तो...
(1) पहला वाक्य जहाँ तक common (समान) हो उसके तुरन्त बाद not only लगाकर पूरा | वाक्य उतार दो-Students were writing not only a story...........
(2) दूसरे वाक्य में जहाँ तक common (समान) हो वह भाग छोड़ दो। 
(3) और उसके बाद but also लगाकर शेष वाक्यांश उतार दो.......but also an application.

Question 2. 
She will cook food. She will cook rice.
She will cook not only food but also rice.

Question 3. 
She is tall. She is beautiful
She is not only tall but also beautiful

Question 4. 
Babita visited Agra. She visited Delhi.
Babita visited not only Agra but also Delhi.

II Type 
[जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects अलग-अलग हों] 

Question 1. 
Ram went to school. Mohan went to school. 
Not only Ram but also Mohan went to school.

Golden Rules : 
जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects अलग-अलग हों तो
(i) Not only से वाक्य आरम्भ करो और इसके साथ केवल Subject को ही उतारो, शेष पहला वाक्य छोड़ दो Not only Ram .........
(ii) दूसरे वाक्य को but also से आरम्भ करके पूरा वाक्य उतार दो....... but also Mohan went to school.
(iii) इन वाक्यों में verb बाद वाले subject के अनुसार आयेगी।

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 2. 
The teacher is sleeping in the hostel. The students are sleeping in the hostel.
Not only the teacher but also the students are sleeping in the hostel.

Question 3. 
The boys are making a noise. The monitor is making a noise.
Not only the boys but also the monitor is making a noise.

4. Combining Sentences
both .............. and

Golden Rules के अनुसार, इसके वाक्य दो तरह के होते हैंI 

I Type : जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects समान हों।। 
II Type: जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects अलग-अलग हों।

Type I
जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects समान हों 

Question 1. 
She will teach him grammar. She will teach him tenses. 
She will teach him both grammar and tenses.

Golden Rules : 

Rule : 1 सबसे पहले देखो कि दोनों वाक्य कहाँ तक समान हैं
She will teach him तक दोनों वाक्य समान हैं। 

Rule : 2 पहला वाक्य जहाँ तक समान है उसके तुरन्त बाद both लगा दो और शेष वाक्यांश उतार दो।।
She will teach him both grammar ............ 

Rule: 3 अब दूसरा वाक्य जहाँ तक common है, वहाँ तक का वाक्यांश छोड़ दो। 

Rule: 4 अब इसके बाद and लगा दो और शेष वाक्यांश उतार दो।
She will teach him both grammar and tenses.


Question 1. 
I am a tailor. I am a teacher.
I am both a tailor and a teacher.

Question 2. 
Mohan will purchase a car. He will purchase a scooter.
Mohan will purchase both a car and a scooter.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 3. 
Tourists come from England. Tourists come from France.
Tourists come from both England and France.

Question 4. 
She is beautiful. She is wise.
She is both beautiful and wise.

Type II 
जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects अलग-अलग हों 

Question 1.
Geeta was watching T.V. Rina was watching T.V. 
Both Geeta and Rina were watching T.V.

Golden Rules: 

Rule : 1 Both से वाक्य आरम्भ करो
Both ............ 

Rule : 2 इसके बाद प्रथम वाक्य का केवल Subject उतारो। शेष वाक्यांश छोड़ दो।
Both Geeta....................

Rule : 3 and लगाओ Both Geeta and .................. 

Rule : 4 दूसरा वाक्य पूरा उतारो लेकिन Verb Plural कर दो [Both (तथा and) के कारण Plural]
Both Geeta and Rina were watching T.V. 

Rule : 5 अंत का Noun भी plural कर दो |(यदि आवश्यक होतो)

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Examples : 
Question 1. 
Rita sang well. Fatima sang well. 
Both Rita and Fatima sang well. 

Question 2.
English is an important language. Sanskrit is an important language. 
Both English and Sanskrit are important languages.
(1) Both (तथा and) के कारण are (Plural verb) किया। 
(2) 'are' के कारण langauge ont of Plural किया) 

Question 3. 
Rani has a dog. Kamla has a dog. 
Both Rani and Kamla have dogs. 

Question 4. 
The teacher was writing a story. Sohan was writing a story. 
Both the teacher and Sohan were writing stories. 

Question 5.
He does not like apples. His mother does not like apples. 
Both he and his mother do not like apples.

5. Combining Sentences
either ............. or

Golden Rules :
इस प्रकार के वाक्य भी Golden Rules के अनुसार दो Type के हो सकते हैं-
I Type: जिसमें दोनों वाक्यों के subjects समान हों,
II Type : जिसमें दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects समान नहीं हैI

Type I
जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects समान हों

Example :
Arun is writing a letter. He is writing a story.
Step I : Arun is writing (a letter + a story)
Step II : Arun is writing either a letter or a story.

Question 1.
She is reading a story. She is reading a novel. 
She is reading either a story or a novel. 

Question 2. 
Sita plays football. She plays cricket. 
Şita plays either football or cricket. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 3.
Raju went to Ajmer. He went to Jaipur. 
Raju went either to Ajmer or to Jaipur. 
Question 4.
She has been playing cricket for two hours. She has been playing tennis for two hours. 
She has been playing either cricket or tennis for two hours.
(स्पष्टीकरण - दोनों वाक्यों में for two hours-common,है इसलिए दूसरे वाक्य के उत्तर में

Type II
जब दोनों वाक्यों के (Subject) के अनुसार आयेग|

Example :
Kishan is playing. Ram is playing. 

Step I. (Kishan + Ram) is playing. 
Step II. Either Kishan or Ram is playing.

नोट - Verb हमेशा or के बाद वालो शब्द (Subject) के अनुसार आयेगा

Question 1. 
Ramesh learns this poem. Mohan learns this poem. 
Either Ramesh or Mohan learns this poem. 

Question 2. 
Boys are playing chess. The teacher is playing chess. 
Either the boys or the teacher is playing chess. 

Question 3. 
The teacher is playing chess. The boys are playing chess. 
Either the teacher or the boys are playing chess. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 4. 
My father has gone to Kota. His friends have gone to Kota. 
Either my father or his friends have gone to Kota.

6. Combining Sentences

Type I
जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subject समान हों

Question 1.
Vimla is not laughing. She is not weeping.
Vimla is neither laughing nor weep

Golden Rules : 

1. पहला वाक्य जहाँ तक common (समान) हो उसके तुरन्त बाद not के स्थान पर neither लगाकर पूरा वाक्य उतार दो, Vimla is neither laughing........
2. दूसरा वाक्य जहाँ तक common हो वह भाग छोड़ दो और उसके बाद nor लगाकर, शेष | वाक्यांश उतार दो-nor weeping.
3. जिन वाक्यों में do not, does not या did not आया हो उनमें इन्हें हटाकर क्रिया को उस Tense के अनुसार बदल दो


Question 1.
You should not come today. You should not come tomorrow.
You should come neither today nor tomorrow.

Question 2. 
She is not reading a story. She is not reading a novel.
She is reading neither a story nor a novel.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 3.
Site does not play football. She does not play cricket.
Sita plays neither football nor cricket.

Type - II
जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects अलग-अलग हों तो 

Question 1. 
The teacher is not sleeping in the class. The students are not sleeping in the class.
Neither the teacher nor the students are sleeping in the class.

Golden Rules:

जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects अलग-अलग हों तो
(1) Neither से वाक्य चालू होगा और पहले वाक्य का केवल Subject ही लो, शेष वाक्य छोड़ दो। Neither the teacher .............. 
(2) दूसरे वाक्य के आरम्भ में nor रखकर शेष वाक्य उतार दो। ध्यान रहे, अन्दर से not हटेगा क्योंकि आरम्भ में nor (Negative) रख दिया है।
विशेष ध्यान दें-nor के बाद वाले शब्द (Subject) के अनुसार ही verb आयेगा, neither के बाद वाले शब्द (Subject) का कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता है।


Question 1. 
Ramesh does not learn this poem. Mohan does not learn this poem.
Neither Ramesh nor Mohan learns this poem.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 2. 
Sita did not go to Kashmir. Vimla did not go to Kashmir.
Neither Sita nor Vimla wentto Kashmir.

Question 3. 
My brother does not play the football match. His brothers do not play the football match.
Neither my brother nor his brothers play the football match.

Question 4. 
My mother does not take tea. Your mother does not take tea.
Neither my mother nor your mother takes tea.

7. Combining Sentences
too .............to को हटाना 

First Type

Question 1.
He is too poor to purchase a house.
He is so poor that he cannot purchase a house.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Golden Rules : 

Rule : 1. 'too' को हटा दो और उसके स्थान पर ही 'so' रख दो।
(He is so ...............) 

Rule : 2. 'too' के तुरन्त बाद वाले शब्द को उतार दो।
(He is so poor ..................) 

Rule: 3. इसके बाद का 'to' हटा दो और 'that' लगा दो।
(He is so poor that ..............) 

Rule: 4. इसके बाद Subject के Pronoun की I Form (I, we, you, he, she, they आवश्यकतानुसार) अवश्य ही आयेगी। - 
(He is so poor that he ..................) 

Rule 5. इसके बाद Tense के अनुसार cannot अथवा could not लगा दो।
(He is so poor that he cannot .............) 
अब शेष वाक्यांश उतार दो। 
(He is so poor that he cannot purchase a house.)

Question 2. 
The girls were too tired to cook food.
The girls were so tired that they could not cook food.

Question 3. 
Sitais too honourable to beg before others.
Sita is so honourable that she cannot beg before others.

Question 4. 
Her mother was too old to run fast.
Her mother was so old that she could not run fast.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 5. 
The news is too good to be true.
The news is so good that it cannot be true.

Second Type

1. वाक्य में too.............to होता है।
2. इसके बीच में for अवश्य होता है। for के बाद Personal Pronouns का objective case (me, us, you, him, her, them) अथवा कोई Noun (जैसे-Ram, Sita, my brother..........) अवश्य होता है।
ध्यातव्य-I Type में for नहीं दिया होता है, किन्तु II Type में for अवश्य दिया होता है। 

Question 1. 
The tea is too hot for me to take it. 
The tea is so hot that I cannot take.

Golden Rules: 

Rule 1: 'too' के स्थान पर 'so' लगा दो। 
Rule 2 : 'for' के स्थान पर 'that' लगा दो। 
Rule 3 : for के बाद Pronoun का objective case दिया गया है, उसे Pronoun के subjective case में change कर दें अर्थात् for + Pronoun के objective case को हटा दो और that + Pronoun के subjective case को लगाओ अथवा for के बाद कोई Noun दे रखा है तो उस Noun को उतार दो। 
Rule 4 : 'to' को हटा दो और आवश्यकतानुसार cannot अथवा could not लगा दो। 
Rule 5 : यदि Question के अन्त में 'it' अथवा 'them' हो (जो वाक्य के subject के अनुसार होता है) तो उसे हटा दो। कुछ अन्य उदाहरणों से समझो


Question 1. 
The question was too difficult for them to solve it. 
The question was so difficult that they could not solve.
नोट-'it' को हटा दिया क्योंकि it' वाक्य के subject 'The question' के लिए आया है। 

Question 2. 
The girls are too naughty for the teacher to control them. 
The girls are so naughty that the teacher cannot control.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 3. 
The lesson is too difficult for Ramesh to understand. 
The lesson is so difficult that Ramesh cannot understand. 

ध्यातव्य-Q. चाहे I Type का हो या चाहे II Type का हो; Answer:में that अवश्य ही आयेगा।
दो वाक्यों को जोड़ने के लिए So..............that का प्रयोग So........that (इतना-कि) का प्रयोग ऐसे दो वाक्यों को जोड़ने के लिए होता है जिनमें एक वाक्य स्थिति बताता है तथा दूसरा वाक्य परिणाम बताता है। So एक adverb है जो very या quite के स्थान पर लगाया जाता है। that एक conjunctions है जो Full stop के स्थान पर लगता है। पहले वाक्य में आये very या quite के स्थान पर so तथा full stop (.) के स्थान पर that लगा दो।

Question 1. 
He ran very fast. He won the race.
He ran so fast that he won the race.

Question 2.
I am very tired. I can’t walk any more.
I am so tired that I can’t walk any more.

8. Combining Sentences

Type I जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects समान हों 

Question 1.
The old man was very weak. He could not walk fast. 
The old man was too weak to walk fast.

Golden Rules: 
Rule : 1 : प्रथम वाक्य में very को हटाकर, वहीं too लगा दो व पूरा वाक्य उतार दो।
The old man was too weak ........... 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Rule : 2 : दूसरे वाक्य में cannot (अथवा could not) तक का वाक्यांश हटा दो। 

Rule: 3 : इसके बाद (cannot/could not) के बाद to लगाकर पूरा वाक्यांश उतार दो।
The old man was too weak to walk fast.

Question 2. 
Sita is much tired. She cannot cook food.
Sita is too tired to cook food.

Question 3.
He is very old. He cannot learn things.
He is too old to learn things.

Type II

जब दोनों वाक्यों के Subjects अलग-अलग हों

Question 1. 
The print was very small. My grandmother could not read it.
The print was too small for my grandmother to read.

Question 2.
It is very cold. We cannot sit out in the open.
It is too cold for us to sit out in the open.

Golden Rules : 

Rule : 1 : प्रथम वाक्य में very को हटाकर, वहीं too लगा दो और पूरा वाक्य उतार दो।
The print was too small ............... 

Rule : 2 : for लगाकर दूसरे वाक्य का Subject यदि कोई Noun है तो for लगाकर Noun उतार दो,
यदि Subject-Pronoun का subjective case है तो for + Pronoun का objective ....... case लगा दो (Sentence No. 2)
The print was too small for my grandmother ...........  

Rule : 3 : could not (cannot) को हटा दो और to लगाकर शेष वाक्य उतार दो।
The print was too small for my grandmother to read. 
नोट- दूसरे वाक्य के अंत में यदि it' अथवा 'them' पहले sentence के subject के अनुसार प्रायः दे देते हैं तो उसे हटा दो। 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 3.
The question is very difficult. I cannot answer it.
The question is too difficult for me to answer.

Question 4. 
It is very dark. We cannot see anything.
It is too dark for us to see anything.

9. Combining Sentences

अर्थ - Though तथा Although का अर्थ है-यद्यपि, हालांकि।
Though अथवा Although का प्रयोग किसी वाक्य को आश्चर्यजनक रूप से प्रस्तुत करने के लिए किया जाता है। सुविधानुसार इनमें से किसी भी शब्द का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
Though/Although शब्दों का प्रयोग दो वाक्यों या उपवाक्यों के बीच विरोधाभास (contrast) प्रदर्शन के लिए किया जाता है। जब दो वाक्य अथवा उपवाक्य परस्पर विरोध प्रकट करते हैं तो उसे विरोधाभास कहते हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में कार्य के विपरीत परिणाम होना भी विरोधाभास है। .
उदाहरण-यद्यपि वे अच्छा खेले फिर भी हार गये। 
They played well. They lost the match.
Though they played well, they lost the match. 

Golden Rules: 

Rule : 1 वाक्य के आरम्भ में Though (Although) लगा दो व पूरा वाक्य उतार दो। 
Rule : 2 वाक्य की समाप्ति पर full-stop (.) को हटा दो और comma (,) लगा दो। 
Rule: 3 शेष दूसरा वाक्य उतार दो। He worked hard. He did not pass. 
उसने मेहनत की इसलिए पास होना चाहिए था। इसके विपरीत वह पास नहीं हुआ। इसलिए' कार्य तथा परिणाम में विरोधाभास है अतः 
Though या Although का प्रयोग होगा। Though he worked hard, he did not pass.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 1. 
He is poor. He is honest.
Though he is poor, he is honest.

Question 2. 
You were late. The teacher did not punish you.
Although you were late, the teacher did not punish you.

Question 3. 
You were not invited. You attended the function.
Though you were not invited, you attended the function.

Question 4. 
Raju is weak. He won the race.
Although Raju is weak, he won the race.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 5. 
Sita has a car. She goes to office on foot.
Though Sita has a car, she goes to office on foot.

10. Combining Sentences

While का अर्थ है-जबकि।
While का प्रयोग 'जबकि', 'जब' के अर्थ में होता है। जब दो कार्य एक साथ हो रहे हों तो ऐसे वाक्यों को जोड़ने के लिए while का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Golden Rule: यदि वाक्य Continuous Tense में हों तो प्रथम वाक्य के अन्त में while लगाकर | दूसरा वाक्य पूरा उतार दो। While सामान्यत: continuous tense से पहले लगता है। 

Question 1. 
I was working. She was sleeping.
I was working while she was sleeping.

Question 2. 
He went out. His wife was cooking food.
He went out while his wife was cooking food.

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 3. 
They visited the Taj Mahal. They were in Agra.
They visited the Taj Mahal while they were in Agra.

11. Combining Sentences 

'yet' का अर्थ है-फिर भी, के बावजूद भी।
'yet' एक adversative conjunction है। यह दो वाक्यों के बीच विरोधाभास दर्शाता है। विरोधाभास दर्शाने में 'but' की अपेक्षा 'yet'
अधिक प्रभावशाली होता है।
Mohan worked day and night, yet he failed. मोहन ने दिन-रात मेहनत की फिर भी असफल हो गया।
स्पष्टीकरण-मोहन ने दिन-रात मेहनत की इसलिए उसे सफल होना चाहिए था किन्तु वह मेहनत करने के बावजूद भी फेल हो गया।

Golden Rule : 
1. प्रथम वाक्य (स्थितिबोधक वाक्य) पूरा उतार लो। 
2. फुल स्टॉप (.) हटाकर उसके स्थान पर (,) comma लगाओ तथा फिर 'yet' लगा दो। 
3. द्वितीय वाक्य (विपरीत परिणामबोधक वाक्य) को पूरा उतार दो।

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

Question 1. 
The house is very big. It is surprisingly clean.
The house is very big, yet it is surprisingly clean.

Question 2. 
I shall come. They will not be happy.
I shall come, yet they will not be happy.

Question 3. 
He is strong. He refuses to work hard.
He is strong, yet he refuses to work hard.

Question 4. 
Rustam is very healthy. He is very unhappy.
Rustam is very healthy, yet he is very unhappy.

Practice Exercise 1. 

Type Join the following sentences using 'not only but also' : 

1. Prachi is intelligent. She is beautiful. 
2. This mango is big. This mango is sweet. 
3. Vijay likes ice-cream. He likes cold drinks. 
4. Ajay is foolish. He is obstinate. 
5. My mother is loving. She is caring. 
6. Hamid always helps Sameer. He always helps Mohit. 
7. This feature film is amusing. It is instructive. 
8. Gandhiji preached truth. He practised truth. 
9. A rose is beautiful. It is useful. 
10. Sita is tall. Sita is thin. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

11. The teacher taught me English. My father taught me English. 
12. She prepared tea. Her mother prepared tea. 
13. Anil should buy a book. Babita should buy a book. 
14. Indu sang a good song. Bindu sang a good song. 
15. My mother cooks food. My sister cooks food. 
1. Prachi is not only intelligent but also beautiful. 
2. This mango is not only big but also sweet. 
3. Vijay likes not only ice-cream but also cold drinks.
4. Ajay is not only foolish but also obstinate. 
5. My mother is not only loving but also caring. 
6. Hamid always helps not only Sameer but also Mohit. 
7. This feature film is not only amusing but also instructive. 
8. Gandhiji not only preached truth but also practised it. 
9. A rose is not only beautiful but also useful. 
10. Sita is not only tall but also thin. 
11. Not only the teacher but also my father taught me English. 
12. Not only she but also her mother prepared tea. 
13. Not only Anil but also Babita should buy a book. 
14. Not only Indu but also Bindu sang a good song. 
15. Not only my mother but also my sister cooks food. 

Practice Exercise 2.

Join the following sentences using neither - nor : 

1. Raghav does not like chocolates. Raghav does not like biscuits. 
2. Prachi is not interested in games. Richa is not interested in games. 
3. Apoorva does not go to school. Gauri does not go to school. 
4. Sujata did not buy a car. Sujata did not buy a motorcycle. 
5. They are not going to England. They are not going to France. 
6. Anoop is not a doctor. Anoop is not a teacher. 
7. Shalu will not eat oranges. Shalu will not eat bananas. 
8. David did not come in summer. Chris did not come in summer. 
9. I do not have a ticket. I do not have money to buy a ticket. 
10. Mushtaq does not live in Bapu Bazaar. Aftab does not live in Bapu Bazaar. 
11. He does not know Raju. He does not know Ravi. 
12. Usha does not like puppies. She does not like dogs. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

13. He is not intelligent. He is not hardworking, 
14. She could not read Urdu. She could not speak Urdu. 
15. I am not a lender. I am not a borrower. 
16. He is not a student. He is not a player but a shopkeeper. 
1. Raghav likes neither chocolates nor biscuits. 
2. Neither Prachi nor Richa is interested in games. 
3. Neither Apoorva nor Gauri goes to school. 
4. Sujata bought neither a car nor a motorcycle. 
5. They are going neither to England nor to France. 
6. Anoop is neither a doctor nor a teacher. 
7. Shalu will eat neither oranges nor bananas. 
8. Neither David nor Chris came in summer. 
9. I have neither a ticket nor money to buy it. 
10. Neither Mushtaq nor Aftab lives in Bapu Bazaar. 
11. He knows neither Raju nor Ravi. 
12. Usha likes neither puppies nor dogs. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

13. He is neither intelligent nor hardworking. 
14. She could neither read nor speak Urdu. 
15. I am neither a lender nor a borrower. 
16. He is neither a student nor a player but a shopkeeper. 

Practice Exercise 3.

Join the following sentences using either-or: 

1. Give me a story book. Give me a newspaper.
2. Vinita will send the invitation. Manoj will send the invitation. 
3. Banshi will come by bus. Banshi .will come by train. 
4. Sheetal will buy a car. Sheetal will buy a house. 
5. Sharmila will go to Ahmedabad. Sharmila will go to Jaipur.
6. Surabhi will cook the food. Swati will cook the food. 
7. Hang. the curtains. Wash the clothes. 
8. Rajesh works in a bank. Umesh works in a bank. 
9. Abha will write a letter. Anuj will write a letter. 
10. Naresh goes to draw the money from the bank. You go to draw the money from the bank. 
11. You should work hard. You should leave the job. 
12. Amit is a doctor. He is a compounder. 
13. Mukesh can do this work. Anil can do this work. 
14. Sita must cook food for me. Babita must cook food for me. 
15. Vimla will sleep in this room. She will sleep in the hall. 
16. Rajesh should purchase a scooter. He should purchase a motor-cycle. 
17. Sita will sing a song in the temple. Vimla will sing a song in the temple. 
18. Mr. Kumar will teach me English. Mr. Gupta will teach me English. 
1. Give me either a story book or a newspaper. 
2. Either Vinita or Manoj will send the invitation. 
3. Banshi will come either by bus or by train. 
4. Sheetal will buy either a car or a house. 
5. Sharmila will go either to Ahmedabad or to Jaipur.
6. Either Surabhi or Swati will cook the food. 
7. Either hang the curtains or wash the clothes. 
8. Either Rajesh or Umesh works in a bank. 
9. Either Abha or Anuj will write a letter. 
10. Either Naresh or you go to draw the money from the bank. 
11. You should either work hard or leave the job. 
12. Amit is either a doctor or a compounder. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

13. Either Mukesh or Anil can do this work. 
14. Either Sita or Babita must cook food for me. 
15. Vimla will sleep either in tủis room or in the hall. 
16. Rajesh should purchase either a scooter or a motor cycle. 
17. Either Sita or Vimla will sing a song in the temple. 
18. Either Mr. Kumar or Mr. Gupta will teach me English. 

Practice Exercise 4.

Join the following sentences using both ........ and : 

1. Coffee is harmful for health. Tea is harmful for health. 
2. India uses rupees. Sri Lanka uses rupees. 
3. Tourists come from England. Tourists come from France. 
4. Rita sang well. Fatima sang well. 
5. English is an important language. Sanskrit is also an important language.
6. He is clever. He is greedy. 
7. My father eats fruits. He eats rice. 
8. He writes letters. He writes poems. 
9. She cooks food. She cooks rice. 
10. You purchased a pen. You purchased a pencil. 
11. My teacher is wise. He is intelligent. 
12. He gave her money. He gave her food. 
13. Ravi does not play cricket. Sonu does not play cricket. 
14. He did not go to the garden. His friend did not go to the garden. 
15. I am taking tea. You are taking tea.
1. Both coffee and tea are harmful for health. 
2. Both India and Sri Lanka use rupees. 
3. Tourists come both from England and France, 
4. Both Rita and Fatima sang well. 
5. Both English and Sanskrit are important languages. 
6. He is both clever and greedy. 
7. My father eats both fruits and rice. 
8. He writes both letters and poems. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

9. She cooks both food and rice. 
10. You purchased both a pen and a pencil. 
11. My teacher is both wise and intelligent. 
12. He gave her both money and food. 
13. Both Ravi and Sonu do not play cricket. 
14. Both he and his friend did not go to the garden. 
15. Both you and I are taking tea.  

Practice Exercise 5.

Rewrite the following sentences using so............that : 

1. She speaks too fast to be understood. 
2. The tree is too high for me to climb. 
3. The bacteria is too tiny for us to see with naked eyes. 
4. The patient is too serious to live. 
5. The bus is running too fast for me to get down. 
6. He is too ill to take the examination today..
7. She was too weak to be promoted to the next higher class. 
8. I am too tired to work hard now. 
9. He is too honest to be a successful businessman. 
10. He will be too late to catch the train. 
11. She is too proud to ask for your help. 
12. My mother is too old to learn things. 
13. The tea is too hot to be drunk. 
14. The news was too good to be true. 
15. The house is too costly to be purchased. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

16. The box was too heavy for the thief to carry it. 
17. The scene was too dirty for her to look at it. 
18. The night was too dark for her mother to work in the room. 
19. This shirt is too long for me to wear it. 
20. The distance was too long for me to cover in an hour. 
21. The print was too small for the old lady to read it without glasses.
22. She is too ill to cook food in the morning. 
23. The pen is too costly for Sita to purchase. 
24. The house was too dirty for me to clean. 
25. The tree is too high for the child to climb. 
1. She speaks so fast that she cannot be understood. 
2. The tree is so high that I cannot climb it. 
3. The bacteria is so tiny that we cannot see with naked eyes. 
4. The patient is so serious that he cannot live. 
5. The bus is running so fast that I cannot get down. 
6. He is so ill that he cannot take the examination today. 
7. She was so weak that she could not be promoted to the next higher class. 
8. I am so tired that I cannot work hard now. 
9. He is so honest that he cannot be a successful businessman. 
10. He will be so late that he cannot catch the train. 
11. She is so proud that she cannot ask for your help. 
12. My mother is so old that she cannot learn things. 
13. The tea is so hot that it cannot be drunk. 
14. The news was so good that it could not be true. 
15. The house is so costly that it cannot be purchased. 
16. The box was so heavy that the thief could not carry it. 
17. The scene was so dirty that she could not look at it. 
18. The night was so dark that her mother could not work in the room. 
19. This shirt is so long that I cannot wear it. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

20. The distance was so long that I could not cover in an hour. 
21. The print was so small that the old lady could not read it without glasses. 
22. She is so ill that she cannot cook food in the morning. 
23. The pen is so costly that Sita cannot purchase it. 
24. The house was so dirty that I could not clean it. 
25. The tree is so high that the child cannot climb it. 

Practice Exercise 6.

Rewrite the following sentences using so...........that'. 

1. Mohit is too young to apply for the post. 
2. Brajesh is too honest to deceive anybody. 
3. He is too weak to be promoted to the next higher class. 
4. It is never too late to amend. 
5. The patient is too weak to move out. 
6. Rachana worked very hard. She made herself ill. 
7. She spoke very slowly. Nobody could hear her. 
8. She was too poor to pay her fee. 
9. The sum is too difficult for me to solve. 
10. It is too cold to go out. 
1. Mohit is so young that he cannot apply for the post. 
2. Brajesh is so honest that he cannot deceive anybody. 
3. He is so weak that he cannot be promoted to the next higher class. 
4. It is never so late that one cannot amend. 
5. The patient is so weak that he/she cannot move out. 
6. Rachana worked so hard that she made herself ill. 
7. She spoke so slowly that nobody could hear her. 
8. She was so poor that she couldn't pay her fee. 
9. The sum is so difficult that I can't solve it. 
10. It is so cold that one can't go out. 

Practice Exercise 7. 

Rewrite the following sentences using too............to : 

1. English is very difficult. I cannot read it. 
2. The stone is very heavy. Sita cannot lift it. 
3. The river is very deep. I cannot cross it. 
4. It is very dark. He cannot go out. 
5. The light was very dim. She could not read the lesson. 
6. The weather was very bad. Seema could not go to school. 
7. The question was very difficult. The students could not solve it. 
1. English is too difficult for me to read. 
2. The stone is too heavy for Sita to lift. 
3. The river is too deep for me to cross. 
4. It is too dark for him to go out. 
5. The light was too dim for her to read the lesson. 
6. The weather was too bad for Seema to go to school. 
7. The question was too difficult for the students to solve. 

Practice Exercise 8.

Join the sentences using 'though' or “although': 
1. Krishna is very fat. She can run very fast. 
2. Mukesh played very well. He could not win the match. 
3. Anil is very intelligent. He could not find a job. 
4. Rashmi has read many books. She likes to read more. 
5. It had become dark. Babita could put the thread into the needle. 
6. He washed his hands with soap. They are still dirty. 
7. The company gave Anita a good salary. She left the job. 
8. It is very hot in June. Chandra wears a sweater. 
9. Mother helped him. He could not find the solution to his problem. 
10. Vimla failed in the examination. She is happy. 
1. Though Krishna is very fat, she can run very fast. 
2. Though Mukesh played very well, he could not win the match. 
3. Though Anil is very intelligent, he could not find a job. 
4. Though Rashmi has read many books, she likes to read more. 
5. Though it had become dark, Babita could put the thread into the needle. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

6. Though he washed his hands with soap, they are still dirty. 
7. Though the company gave Anita a good salary, she left the job. 
8. Though it is very hot in June, Chandra wears a sweater. 
9. Though mother helped him, he could not find the solution to his problem. 
10 Though Vimla failed in the examination, she is happy.

Practice Exercise 9. 

Join the following sentences using the conjunction given in the brackets : 

1. You should pay a higher rent. You should vacate the house. (either ............. or) 
2. He must return the book: He must pay a higher price. (either .............. or) 
3. He is not a liar. He is not a coward.  (neither ........... nor) 
4. Get me coffee. Get me tea.  (either ............... or) 
5. The hotel wasn't clean. It wasn't comfortable.  (neither ..... nor)
6. Sports are good for the body. They are good for the mind.  (not only ........... but also) 
7. Lalit is miser. He is very rich.  (although) 
8. He was drinking tea. He was watching T.V.  (while) 
9. Rajesh got a prize. Umesh got a prize.  (not only ...... but also) 
10. Sazida loves her father. Sazida loves her mother. (not only ......... but also) 
11. He failed. He was intelligent.  (although) 
12. Madhu lost her ticket. She lost her luggage.  (both.......and) 
13. He is a poet. He is a philosopher.  (both.......and) 
14. He is very old. He enjoys good health.  (though) 
15. Ramayan is a holy book. Quran is a holy book.  (both.........and) 
1. You should either pay a higher rent or vacate the house. 
2. He must either return the book or pay a higher price. 
3. He is neither a liar nor a coward. 
4. Get me either coffee or tea. 
5. The hotel was neither clean nor comfortable. 
6. Sports are good not only for the body but also for the mind. 
7. Lalit is miser, although he is very rich. 
8. He was drinking tea while he was watching T.V. 
9. Not only Rajesh but also Umesh got a prize. 
10. Sazida loves not only her father but also her mother.
11. He failed, although he was intelligent. 
12. Madhu lost both her ticket and luggage. 
13. He is both a poet and a philosopher. 
14. Though he is very old, he enjoys good health. 
15. Both Ramayan and Quran are holy books. 

Practice Exercise 10. 

Rewrite the following sentences using the connectives given in brackets : 

1. Narendra is a teacher of English. Ganesh is a teacher of English. (and) 
2. Goverdhan is a lecturer in Chemistry. Madan is a lecturer in Chemistry.  (as well as) 
3. His attendance was short. He was allowed in the examination.  (yet) 
4. Laxmikant killed a dog. He was driving his car.  (while) 
5. He hurt his leg. He was crossing the road.  (while) 
6. Hari is cruel to his wife. He is cruel to his friends.  (as well as) 
7. He was sitting on a terrace. His friend was sitting on a terrace.  (and) 
8. Ghalib was a scholar. He was a poet.  (as well as) 
9. I got a prize. I got a job.  (as well as) 
10. He met me. I was in hospital. (while) 
1. Narendra and Ganesh are teachers of English. 
2. Goverdhan as well as Madan is a lecturer in Chemistry. 
3. His attendance was short, yet he was allowed in the examination. 
4. Laxmikant killed a dog while he was driving his car. 
5. He hurt his leg while he was crossing the road. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

6. Hari is cruel to his wife as well as friends. 
7. He and his friend were sitting on a terrace. 
8. Ghalib was a scholar as well as a poet. 
9. I got a prize as well as a job: 
10. He met me while I was in hospital. 

Practice Exercise : 11 

1. He is poor. He entertains his guests well.  (yet) 
2. Sehwag does not play well. He has been selected in the team.  (yet) 
3. He waited for me. I was playing in the garden.  (while) 
4. I waited for my father. I waited for my uncle.  (as well as) 
5. I waited for my father. I waited for my uncle.  (and) 
6. Ramesh is not at fault. Ravi is not at fault.  (and) 
7. Banshi likes icecream. He likes sweets.  (as well as) 
8. This piece of cloth is dark. It is thick,  (and) 
9. Their attempts were risky. Their attempts were suicidal.  (as well as) 
10. Madhu watches TV every evening. Chitra watches TV every evening. (and) 
11. Vinod was late. The teacher did not punish him.  (yet) 
12. The problem was complicated. I solved it.  (yet) 
13. I met Chhotulal. I was going to Jobner.  (while) 
14. Priya cannot help us. Prachi cannot help us.  (as well as) 
1. He is poor, yet (he) entertains his guests well. 
2. Sehwag does not play well, yet (he) has been selected in the team. 
3. He waited for me while I was playing in the garden. 
4. I waited for my father as well as my uncle.
5.I waited for my father and my uncle. 
6. Ramesh and Ravi are not at fault. 
7. Banshi likes ice-cream as well as sweets. 
8. This piece of cloth is dark and thick. 
9.Their attempts were risky as well as suicidal. 
10. Madhu and Chitra watch T.V. in the evening. 
11. Vinod was late, yet the teacher did not punish him. 
12. The problem was complicated, yet I solved it. 
13. I met Chhotulal while I was going to Jobner. 
14. Priya as well as Prachi cannot help us. 

Practice Exercise 12.

Join the following pairs of sentences by using the conjunctions : 

1. We visited Kulu Manali. We visited Chandigarh and Delhi. (not only.......but also) 
2. Rashika, Raavi, Divya and I often indulged in playing pranks. We always remained composed and disciplined. (although) 
3. There was some fatigue and giddiness. We were travelling on hills. (while) 
4. The girls enjoyed the trip very much. The teachers enjoyed the trip very much. (Both..........and) 
5. It was a hilarious trip. I can't ever forget it. (too......to) 
6. She lost her father. She was only four years old. (while) 
7. Some people waste food. Some people do not have enough to eat. (while) 
8. You are very rich. You are not satisfied.  (yet) 
9. The phone rang three times. We were having dinner. (while) 
10. The piper played. The children danced.. (while) 
11. She is full of pride. People like her.  (yet) 
12. Sandeep has time to play Polo. Sandeep has money to play the game. (as well as) 
13. Prakhar is known to me. Javed is known to me. (as well as) 
14. I was running under a bridge. A storm broke out. (while) 
15. He wants a pair of jeans. He wants a pair of T-shirts. (as well as) 
16. She was angry. She listened to me patiently. (yet) 
17. Rabindra Nath Tagore was a poet. Rabindra Nath Tagore was a painter. (as well as) 
1. We visited not only Kulu Manali but also Chandigarh and Delhi. 
2. Although Rashika, Raavi, Divya and I often indulged in playing pranks, we always remained composed and disciplined. 
3. There was some fatigue and giddiness while we were travelling on hills.
4. Both the girls and the teachers enjoyed the trip very much.
5. It was too hilarious a trip to forget it ever (or to ever forget it). 
6. She lost her father while she was only four years old. 
7. Some people waste food while some people do not have enough to eat. 
8. You are very rich yet you are not satisfied. 
9. The phone rang three times while we were having dinner. 
10. The children danced while the piper played. 
11. She is full of pride yet people like her. 
12. Sandeep has time as well as money to play Polo. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

13. Prakhar as 
15 well as Javed is known to me. 
14. A storm broke out while I was running under a bridge. 
15. He wants a pair of jeans as well as a pair of T-shirts. 
16. She was angry yet she listened to me patiently. 
17. Rabindra Nath Tagore was a poet as well as a painter. 

Practice Exercise 13.

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions : 

1. Two ........... two make four. 
2. ........... you ........... your brother must attend the function. 
3. Speech is silver ........... silence is gold. 
4. Rajput men ........... women were brave. 
5. There are schools in villages .......... in cities. 
........... was he fined ........... sent to prison. 
7. He behaved badly .......... I remained calm. 
8. ........ he is poor ........... he is honest. 
9. You make .......... tea ........ coffee. Sorry, I like .......... tea ........... coffee. 
10. The box was ........... heavy ........... he could not lift it. 
11. He is ........... weak .......... walk fast. 
12. He was playing ......... his brother was working.
1. and 
2. Both, and 
3. but 
4. and 
5. as well as 
6. Not only, but also 
7. but 
8. Although, yet 
9. either, or, neither, nor 
10. so, that 
11. too, to 
12. while. 

 Practice Exercise 14. 

Join the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions and making one sentence as shown in the example. 

Example : He bought the chair. He bought the table also. 
He bought both the chair and the table. 
He bought not only the chair but also the table. 
He bought the chair as well as the table. 

1. He is not intelligent. He is not hardworking. 
2. You may return the goods. You may pay for the goods. 
3. She lost her watch. She lost her ring also. 
4. He worked hard. His health broke down. 
5. He is honest. He is not rich. 
6. Believe in God. Do the right. 
7. I am tired. I cannot go for a walk. 
8. The night was dark. It was chilly. 
9. Don't make a noise. We are working. 
10. The road was quite damaged. They had to drive very slowly. 
1. He is neither intelligent nor hardworking. 
2. You may either return the goods or pay for them. 
3. She lost both her watch and her ring. 
4. He worked so hard that his health broke down. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

5. Though he is not rich, he is honest. 
6. Believe in God and do the right. 
7. I am too tired to go for a walk. 
8. The night was dark and chilly. 
9. Don't make a noise while we are working. 
10. The road was so damaged that they had to drive very slowly. 

Practice Exercise 15. 

Make one sentence from two using the word(s) in brackets in your sentences. 

Example : He is rich. He is not happy. (yet) 
He is rich, yet he is not happy. 

1. My health was not good. I managed to climb the hill. (though/although) 
2. The food was not very tasty. We ate it.  (yet) 
3. We met many tourists. We were on holiday.  (while) 
4. Can you wait here? I make a phone call.  (while) 
5. Take exercise regularly. You may get fat.  (either.....or) 
6. He is not right. You are not right.  (neither.......nor) 
7. He is loved. He is respected.  (both........and) 
8. The way was long. The weather was cold.  (and) 
9. He was checked for his ticket. He was checked for his luggage.  (not only........ but also) 
10. The programme is organised. No talks overlap.  (SO........that) 
11. The batsman played well. The bowlers played well.  (as well as) 
12. He is very small. He cannot touch the ceiling.  (too......to) 
1. Though my health was not good, I managed to climb the hill. 
2. The food was not very tasty, yet we ate it. 
3. We met many tourists while we were on holiday. 
4. Can you wait here while I make a phone call? 
5. Either take exercise regularly or you may get fat. 
6. Neither the nor you are right. 
7. He is both loved and respected. 
8. The way was long and the weather was cold. 
9. He was checked not only for his ticket but also for his luggage. 
10. The programme is so organised that no talks overlap. 
11. The batsman as well as the bowlers played well. 
12. He is too small to touch the ceiling. 

Practice Exercise : 16 

Rewrite the following sentences using the connectives given in the brackets : 

1. The milk is very hot. She cannot drink it.  (too.....to) 
2. He is a poet. He is a writer.  (both.....and) 
3. He will come. She will come.  (either.......or) 
4. Neha worked very hard. She did not pass P.M.T. - (yet) 
5. Hitesh is very short. He cannot reach the shelf. (SO........... that) 
6. Imran scored a century. Abbas scored a century. (both....and) 
7. Rahul is very weak. He cannot pass this year. (So....... that) 
8.Sachin is a good player. Dhoni is a good player...... (and) 
9. An old woman is standing at the gate. Her son is standing at the gate. (as well as) 
10. The box is very heavy. He cannot lift.  (use too....... to) 
11. He is an artist. He is a musician.  (use both..........and) 
12. The food was too hot to eat.  (SO..... that). 
13. He is not a liar. He is not a coward.  (neither........... nor) 
14. The paper of Maths was very difficult. I could not solve it. (100 ............ to) 
15. Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader of India. Nehru was also a great leader.  (both ....... and) 
16. Reeta has taken my pen. Geeta has taken my pen.  (Either ............. or) 
17. Ram was invited. His brothers were invited.  (Not only ....... but also) 
18. Vijay does not like ice-cream. He does not like coffee. (neither ............. nor) 
19. The room is very small. We cannot hold a meeting in it. . (too ............ to) 
20. Nehru was a renowned politician. Gandhiji was a renowned politician.  (both............and............) 
21. Mohan is very intelligent. Mohan is a good player. (not only.............but also) 
1. The milk is too hot to drink. 
2. He is both a poet and a writer. 
3. Either he or she will come. 
4. Neha worked very hard yet she did not pass P.M.T. 
5. Hitesh is so short that he cannot reach the shelf. 
6. Both Imran and Abbas scored a century. 
7. Rahul is so weak that he cannot pass this year. 
8. Sachin and Dhoni are good players. 
9. An old woman as well as her son is standing at this gate. 

RBSE Class 10 English Grammar Conjunctions

10. The box is too heavy for him to lift. 
11. He is both an artist and a musician. 
12. The food was so hot that I could not eat it. 
13. He is neither a liar nor a coward. 
14. The paper of Maths was too difficult for me to solve. 
15. Both Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru were the great leaders of India. 
16. " Either Reeta or Geeta has taken my pen. 
17. Not only Ram but also his brothers were invited. 
18. Vijay likes neither ice-cream nor coffee. 
19. The room is too small for us to hold a meeting. 
20. Both Nehru and Gandhiji were renowned politicians. 
21. Mohan is not only very intelligent but also a good player. 

Last Updated on May 6, 2022, 12:48 p.m.
Published May 5, 2022