RBSE 11th Geography Practical Book Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction to Maps

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Geography Practical Book Chapter 1 Introduction to Maps Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

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RBSE 11th Geography Practical Book Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction to Maps

RBSE Class 11 Geography Introduction to Maps Textbook Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Choose the right Answer out of the four alternatives given :
(i) Which one of the following is essential for the network of lines and polygons to be called a map?
(a) Map Legend 
(b) Symbols
(c) North Direction 
(d) Map Scale
(d) Map Scale.

RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Geography Chapter RBSE 11th Geography Practical Book Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction to Maps

(ii) A map bearing a scale of 1: 4000 and larger is called :
(a) Cadastral map
(b) Topographical map
(c) Wall map
(d) Atlas map
(a) Cadastral map.

(iii) Which one of the following is NOT an essential element of maps?
(a) Map Projectionn
(b) Map Generalisation 
(c) Map Design
(d) History of Maps 
(d) History of Maps.

Short Answer Type Questions

2. Answer  the following questions in about 30 words :
(i) What is map generalization?
A simplified representation of the features on the map is called map generalisation. It should be appropriate to its scale or purposes.
(ii) Why is map design important?
The map design is a complex aspect of map making. It requires a thorough understanding of the principle of map-making.

(iii) What are different types of small scale maps.

  • Wall maps - used in classrooms
  • Atlas maps-very small scale maps.

(iv) List out two major types of large scale maps.

  • Cadastral maps 
  • Topographical maps.

(v) How is a map different from a sketch? 
Map is prepared over scale, but a sketch has no scale. It is fine hand drawing.

Essay Type Questions 

3. Answer the following questions in not more than 125 words :

(i) Classify maps. Describe these briefly.
Write an explanatory account of types of maps.
Maps are as old as civilisation. The people of ancient civilisation like Hindus, Greeks, RomAnswer:etc. were familiar with art of map-making. However, the earliest maps were rough sketches of local areas. Maps can be classified on the following two bases :

  • According to Scale 
  • According to Purpose.

(A) According to Scale
1. Small-scale maps. These maps are smaller in size. They have a scale smaller than 1 inch:16 miles. World maps, wall maps and Atlas maps are small scale maps. 
{ MBD Super Refresher Geography-XI ) 
2. Large scale maps. These maps show more details as they are larger in size. These have a scale of 6": 1 mile. These show the details of buildings and property.
Thus, maps are of the following four types on the basis of scale:

  • Cadastral maps. These show full details of buildings and properties and are known as ‘answer:
  • Topographical maps. Survey of Indian department prepares these maps on a scale of 1: 50,000 or 1 inch : 1 mile. These are large scale maps showing the natural and man made features of an area.
  • Wall maps. These are small scale maps used for educational purposes.
  • Atlas maps. These are small scale maps, bound together in the form of an Atlas. These are best suited for educational purposes. As Time Atlas of world on an R.F. of: 1,000,000.

(B) According to Purpose. Different types of physical and cultural maps are prepared according to their purpose.
1. Physical Maps.

  1. Relief maps. These show the relief features, drainage, soil etc. of an area.
  2. Geological maps. These show the distribution of different types of rocks in an area.
  3. Weather maps. Weather maps show the atmospheric conditions of temperature, pressure winds, rainfall etc at a place at a given time. Indian daily weather maps are prepared at Pune.
  4. Vegetation maps. These show the distribution of natural vegetation in an area.
  5. Land use maps. These maps show the different uses of land, soils and distribution of crops.
  6. Bathymetric maps. These maps show the depth of the oceAnswer:and seas on charts.
  7. Astronomical maps. These maps show the position of stars and planets in the sky.

2. Cultural Maps

  1. International maps. These maps are prepared on a scale of 1/1,000,000.
  2. Political maps. These maps show political boundaries of countries, towns, capitals etc.
  3. Population maps. These show the density and distribution of population of an area.
  4. Transferor maps. These show roads, railways, ocean routes and air routes.
  5. Economic maps. These show the pattern of distribution of various crops, cattle, industry and trade.
  6. Linguistic maps. These maps show the distribution of different languages.
  7. Ethnographic maps. These maps show the distribution of different races.
  8. Cultural maps. These show man-made features.

RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Geography Chapter RBSE 11th Geography Practical Book Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction to Maps

3. Military maps. These show the movements of Army.

  • Historical maps. These maps show the past events and facts.
  • General maps. These show broad topographical features for defence services.
  • Strategic maps. These maps are used for planning military action.
  • Tactical maps. These serve as guides to patrolling units during movements near the front line. 

RBSE Class 11 Geography Introduction to Maps Important Questions and Answers

 Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. 
Define a ‘map’. What are its major characteristics?
Map. A map is the conventional picture of the earth surface or a part of it as seen from above. Maps are drawn to show the physical and cultural features of an area. The word ‘map’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘Mappa’.

Main characteristics :

  1. A map is a representation of an area on a flat sheet of paper. A map is a Two-dimensional diagrammatic representation of an area.
  2. Maps are drawn on a definite scale. Without scale, a map is simply a rough sketch.
  3. Conventional signs are used to show the various features of the earth surface.
  4. Maps are drawn with the help of lines of latitude and lines of longitude.
  5. Maps have two dimensions. length and breadth.

Question 2. 
What are the essentials of a perfect map? 
A perfect map should have the following essentials :

  • Title of the map 
  • Scale 
  • Direction
  • Signs
  • Lines of latitude and lines of longitude.

Question 3. 
What do you understand by the terms ‘chart’ and ‘plan’?
The word ‘Chart’ has been derived from the word carte- a French word. It means we a map. A chart is simply a diagram showing the different types of statistics. Charts are generally used to show the ocean routes. The word ‘Plan’ is used for property maps or cadastral maps. These have a scale larger than 6" 1 mile. These show the details of the property or land or a building.

Question 4. 
Define the term ‘Cartography’.
The science of map making is known as cartography. It studies the methods and principles of map making. It includes topographical maps, aerial photographs also.

Question 5. 
What is the necessity of maps? 
The earth is a sphere. A globe is the true representation of the earth. The globe is a small model of the earth. But sometimes, we have to face many problems in using a globe. So it has become necessary to use maps. Generally, maps are preferred to globes for their use for educational purposes :

  1. The whole earth cannot be studied from a globe.
  2. Globes do not show a large number of details. These can be shown on maps.
  3. Distance cannot be measured on a globe because it is a curved surface.
  4. A comparative study of two areas is not possible on a globe.
  5. Maps can be easily handled.
  6. Maps can be easily incorporated in books or bound in atlases.
  7. Maps can be drawn to any scale.

Question 6. 
Describe the uses of Cadastral maps. Answer: Cadastral maps are large scale maps which represent small areas of the earth on a large size of paper. These can be drawn on paper, cloth, plastic sheet with greater details.

  1. These are property maps which are drawn to demarcate the boundaries of fields, buildings, etc.
  2. These are especially prepared by government to realise land revenue and property taxes.
  3. The village maps of our country are an example of it.
  4. These show details.
  5. The city maps for planning may also be included in this category.

RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Geography Chapter RBSE 11th Geography Practical Book Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction to Maps

Question 7. 
What are Small Scale Maps? Give examples.
Small Scale Maps. These maps represent large areas on a small sheet of paper. These have fewer details such as Atlas and wall maps.
(i) Wall Maps. These maps are generally drawn boldly so that they can be seen from a distance. They are used in classrooms and cater to a larger audience. These maps broadly show very large areas like world as a whole, hemispheres, continents, and countries, states and districts. The scale is smaller than that of topographical maps but larger than atlas maps.

(ii) Atlas maps. The Atlas maps are drawn on a very small scale and give a highly generalised picture of the natural and cultural aspects such as the physical, climatic and economic conditions of different regions of the earth. Only a few atlases are prepared on a 1:1,000,000 scale like the ‘Times Atlas of the World'. The Registrar General of India brings out Census Atlas from time to time. NATMO is a well- known important organisation in our country that publishes all kinds of maps for various purposes depicting different parts of the country.

(iii) Thematic maps are usually prepared on small scale highlighting specific themes such as relief, temperature, and political divisions.

RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Geography Chapter RBSE 11th Geography Practical Book Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction to Maps

Question 8. 
Describe the importance of maps. 
Maps are the major tools of Geography. Maps have been used since ancient times, but they have become indispensable in modern times. Maps serve as key to Geography. Maps are becoming useful in many fields :
(1) Geographical Studies. Maps are of vital importance for Geographers. They are Geo-grapher's shorthand script.
(2) In War. The modern warfare has been guided by maps. Millions of maps were prepared during Second World War. Hitler used to say "Give me a detailed map of a country and I shall conquer it."
(3) For Travellers. Maps guide the travellers and tourists to reach their destinations.
(4) For Administrators. Maps are necessary for administrators and politicians were to run the state administration. 
(5) Means of transfer ortation. Maps are useful for different means of transfer ortation as they guide the rail, road, sea and air routes.
(6) Maps are useful for students, teachers, industrialists, economists, historians were: engineers, and merchants. 


Question 1. 
What is the origin of word ‘map’?
The word map has been derived from the Latin word ‘mappa’.

Question 2. 
Who was the first cartographer in the world to prepare a map?
Turin Pepparus.

Question 3. 
Name the cartographer who was the first to draw an accurate world map.

Question 4. 
Name the two bases for the classification of maps.

  • Scale 
  • Purpose.

Question 5. 
Name the two basic elements of a map. 

  1. Scale 
  2. Lines of latitude and longitude. 

Question 6. 
Name two types of maps on the basis of scale. 

  • Small scale maps 
  • Large-scale maps.

Question 7. 
What is the difference between a map and a sketch?
A map has a definite scale, but a sketch has no scale.

Question 8. 
Distinguish between cadastral maps and topographical maps.
Cadastral maps show the details of a property but the topographical maps show the physical and cultural features of an area.
Question 9. 
From which station are the survey maps of India published?

RBSE Solutions for Class 11 Geography Chapter RBSE 11th Geography Practical Book Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction to Maps

Question 10. 
Name two types of small-scale maps.

  • Atlas maps 
  • Wall maps.

Question 11. 
Name the geographer who prepared the National Atlas of India.
Prof. Chatterji.

Question 12.
Name the scale of international maps. 
 1 : 10,000,00 (1 : one million).

Question 13. 
In how many ways the earth can be mapped?

  • By Sketches and diagram
  • By actual surveys
  • By aerial Photographs
  • Satellite and radar charts
  • By computers
  • By global Positioning system.

Question 14. 
Name the planets and Satellites where crude maps are available.
Moon and Mars.

Question 15. 
What is the meaning of word ‘cadastre’? 
Register of territorial property.

Last Updated on Oct. 14, 2022, 9:45 a.m.
Published Oct. 13, 2022