RBSE Class 7 Science Notes Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric

These comprehensive RBSE Class 7 Science Notes Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric will give a brief overview of all the concepts.

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 7 Science in Hindi Medium & English Medium are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 7. Students can also read RBSE Class 7 Science Important Questions for exam preparation. Students can also go through RBSE Class 7 Science Notes to understand and remember the concepts easily. The class 7 science chapter 4 heat extra questions are curated with the aim of boosting confidence among students.

RBSE Class 7 Science Chapter 3 Notes Fibre to Fabric

→ Wool and silk are the fibres obtained from animals.

→ Wool is obtained from the fleece (hair) of sheep or yak. Silk fibres are obtained from the cocoon of the silk moth.

→ Wool was the first fibre to be spun into yarn.

→ Apart from sheep, wool also comes from the Angora goat, Yak, Llama, Alpaca and Camel.

→ These animals have thick hair on their body because they trap a lot of air. Air is a poor conductor of heat and does not let body heat to escape. So, hair keep these animals warm.

→ Fleece and wool bearing animals bear two types of hairs; coarse hair and fine soft under hair close to the skin. The fine hair provide the fibres for making wool.

→ The hair provide woollen fibres. Woollen fibres are then processed to obtain woollen yam.

RBSE Class 7 Science Notes Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric

→ The processing of fibre into wool can be represented as follows:

Name of breed

Quality of wool

State where found

1. Lohi

Good quality wool

Rajasthan, Punjab

2. Rampur bushair

Brown fleece

Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh

3. Nali

Carpet wool

Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab

4. Bakaharwal

For woollen shawls

Jammu and Kashmir

5. Marwari

Coarse wool

Marwar region of western Rajasthan, Gujarat

6. Patanwadi

For hosiery


→ Silk fibres are made of a protein.

→ The silk yam (thread) is obtained from the cocoon of the silk moth.

→ Weavers weave silk threads into silk cloth.

Last Updated on June 2, 2022, 12:13 p.m.
Published June 2, 2022