RBSE Class 7 English Dialogue-Writing

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 7 English Dialogue-Writing Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

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RBSE Class 7 English Dialogue-Writing

Dialogue व्यक्तियों के बीच होने वाले वार्तालाप या संवाद को कहते हैं। 

Dialogue Writing में ध्यान देने योग्य बिन्दु -- 

• Dialogue की भाषा अनौपचारिक होनी चाहिए।
• Dialogue में Negative Auxiliaries की contracted form (संक्षिप्त रूप) का प्रयोग करें, जैसे - don't, won't, shan't आदि। 
• Dialogue में interjections का प्रयोग जैसे Oh!, Aha!, Hey, Wow!, Alas!, Hurray! आदि करना चाहिए। 
• Dialogue complete grammatical sentence न भी बने तो त्रुटिपूर्ण नहीं होता है बस उस sentence की sense clear होनी चाहिए। जैसे - Going there ? लिख सकते हैं बजाय Are you going there ? लिखने के। 
• Dialogue 81 proper beginning,developing व ending होनी चाहिए। 
• Dialogue को interesting (रुचिपूर्ण) बनाइए।

RBSE Class 7 English Dialogue-Writing

Question 1. 
You are a patient. You have been under fever for four days. You have severe headache also. Write a dialogue between the patient and the doctor.
Patient : Good morning, doctor! 
Doctor : Good morning ! What's the trouble? 
Patient : I've been under fever for four days. 
Doctor : Any other illness ?
Patient : I've a severe headache also. 
Doctor : You've viral fever. Take these tablets thrice a day. 
Patient : Have the fees, please. And thanks. 
Doctor : Welcome.

RBSE Class 7 English Dialogue-Writing

Question 2. 
You are a customer. You go to a shoe shop for buying a pair of shoes. Write a dialogue between the salesman and the customer.
Salesman : What can I do for you, sir? 
Customer : I want a pair of shoes. 
Salesman : What is your shoe size ? 
Customer : Size eight. 
Salesman : Please, see in the display board and select. 
Customer : Pack the yellow one. 
Salesman : Here it is. 
Customer : Charge the amount. 
Salesman: Thanks, sir, please do visit again. 

RBSE Class 7 English Dialogue-Writing

Question 3. 
You are Karuna. Yours friend, Medhavi, has passed VII class with best marks. Congratulate her. Write a dialogue between Karuna and Medhavi.
Karuna : Congratulation Medhavi.
Passed VII class with brilliant
Medhavi : Thanks. 
Karuna : You have really worked hard. 
Medhavi : My hardwork and your suggestions, both have worked. 
Karuna : Hope, you'll maintain it in next classes. 
Medhavi : Yes, I'll try my level best. 
Karuna : Bye, then. 
Medhavi : Bye!

RBSE Class 7 English Dialogue-Writing

Question 4. 
Présume, you are Kavita. You went to the post office of your locality to buy postal stamps. Write a dialogue between you and the clerk there.
Kavita : Can I have postal stamps here,Sir? 
Clerk : Yes, you can. Of which denomination? 
Kavita : Of five rupee. 
Clerk : Yes, you can. But how many? 
Kavita : Three, sir. 
Clerk : Give me fifteen rupees. 
Kavita : Have please.
Clerk : Thank you. Have the stamps, please. 
Kavita : Thank you, sir.

Last Updated on June 18, 2022, 11:19 a.m.
Published June 17, 2022