These comprehensive RBSE Class 6 Maths Notes Chapter 11 Algebra will give a brief overview of all the concepts.
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→ The word Variable means something that can vary, i.e., change. The value of variable is not fixed. It can take different values. Variable denoted by some letter like 'n'.
→ The letters n, m, l, p, x, y, z etc. which are used to represent or replace numbers are known as literal numbers or simply literals.
→ Many relations can be represented by the help of variables.
→ Variables are numbers which has no fix value. We can apply operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on variables. We can make expressions like x - 4, x + 4, 2n, 6m, \(\frac{p}{4}\), 2y + 3, 4l - 5 by using many operations.
→ Variables allow us to express many common rules in both algebra and arithmetic in a general way. For example, the commutative law of addition and the commutative law of multiplication can be expressed as; x + y = y + x and x × y = y × x respectively. Here the variables x and y stand for any number, 1, 32, 1000, - 7 etc.
→ A statement with variables, constants and basic mathematical operations is called algebraic expression. It can be monomial, binomial and polynomial.
→ An equation is a condition on a variable. It is expressed by saying that an expression with a variable is equal to a fixed number, e.g, x - 3 = 10.
→ An equation has two sides, LHS and RHS, between them is the equal (=) sign.
→ The LHS of an equation is equal to its RHS only for a definite value of the variable in the equation. We say that this definite value of the variable satisfies the equation. This value itself is called the solution of the equation.
→ For getting the solution of an equation, one method is the trial and error method. In this-method, we give some value to the variable and check whether it satisfiets the equation. We go on giving this way different values to the variable until we find the right value which satisfies the equation.