Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 6 English Grammar Articles Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.
The questions presented in the RBSE Solutions Class 6 English are solved in a detailed manner. Get the accurate RBSE Solutions for Class 6 all subjects will help students to have a deeper understanding of the concepts. Students who gain good command in stories for class 6 can easily score good marks.
1. Articles
Articles : तीन होते हैं - A, An तथा The. Articles का प्रयोग Noun के पहले किया जाता है। इनके प्रयोग के नियम निम्न प्रकार हैं
(1) A का प्रयोग-एकवचन एवं गिनने योग्य संज्ञाओं के पहले A का प्रयोग किया जाता है। ऐसे शब्दों का उच्चारण करते समय प्रथम ध्वनि हिन्दी के व्यंजन (क, ख, ग.........क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ) (consonant) की निकलती हो तभी उनसे पहले a का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे-a book, a dog, a girl आदि।
(2) An का प्रयोग-An का प्रयोग उन संज्ञाओं के पहले किया जाता है जो एकवचन हों, गिनने योग्य हों तथा उनका उच्चारण करते समय प्रथम ध्वनि हिन्दी के स्वर (अ, आ, इ, ....) (vowel) की निकलती हो।
जैसे - an apple, an elephant, an inkpot आदि।
(3) The का प्रयोग-
(i) The का प्रयोग किसी निश्चित (particular) व्यक्ति, वस्तु अथवा स्थान के नाम के पहले किया जाता है। जैसेI saw a boy. The boy was good."
(ii) धार्मिक पुस्तकों के नाम के पहले the का प्रयोग होता हैthe Ramayan, the Bhagvad Gita, the Quran, the Bible
(iii) समाचारपत्रों के नाम के पहले the का प्रयोग किया जाता हैthe Rajasthan Patrika, the Dainik Bhaskar, the Times of India
(iv) ऐतिहासिक भवनों के नाम के पहले the का प्रयोग होता हैthe Taj Mahal, the Red Fort
(v) नदियों एवं पर्वत श्रेणियों के नाम के पहले the लगेगाthe Ganga, the Jamuna, the Himalayas नोट-पर्वत के नाम के पहले article नहीं लगेगा। x Everest
(vi) आकाश और आकाशीय चीजों के नाम के पहले the लगेगा। the sky, the moon, the sun, the stars
Exercise - 1.
(Based on the Textbook) Fill in the blanks with a, an or the
1. It wasn't..........doll at all, but.........man of........... tiniest size.
2. The little man's face wrinkled like........... dishc loth thrown in..........hamper.
3. ..............elf didn't always know what to do.
4. As...... matter of fact, everyday in every way that little elf was a nag.
5. He was now..............model kid.
6. He thought it over and decided that..............best thing for him to do.
7. Seeing that .............. Bear was stronger than.............. wolf.
8. Then he named.............most beautiful fountain in the city after Taro.
1. a, a, the 2. a, the 3. the 4. a 5. the 6. the 7. the, the 8. the
Exercise - 2.
Write A, B, C or D of the correct answer in the brackets :
Question 1.
Kalpana's first space mission in................space shuttle.
(A) a
(B) the
(C) x
(D) an
(B) the
Question 2.
.............crew included.............Japanese and.............Ukranian astronaut.
(A) a, an, the
(B) x, a, the
(C) the, a, a
(D) a, the, a
(C) the, a, a
Question 3.
On................ Saturday night when ............ news about the Columbia disaster broke, there was shock and disbelief.
(A) a, the
(B) a, a
(C) a, an
(D) the, the
(D) the, the
Question 4.
Kalpana Chawla said, “May you have................ vision to find............path from dreams to success."
(A) the, the
(B) a, a
(C) an, an
(D) the, a
(A) the, the
Question 5.
I had heard...............great deal about Miss Beam's school.
(A) x
(B) a
(C) an
(D) the
(B) a
Question 6.
I went to................window which overlooked.............large garden.
(A) a, the
(B) the, a
(C) an, the
(D) the, the
(B) the, a
Question 7.
This is................ very important part of our system.
(A) an
(B) a
(C) x
(D) the
(B) a
Question 8.
During...............blind day their eyes are bandaged absolutely and they are on their honour not to peep.
(A) a
(B) the
(C) an
(D) x
(B) the
Question 9.
.............. bandage is put on overnight so they wake blind.
(A) the
(B) an
(C) a
(D) X
(A) the
Question 10.
............... blind day is, of course, really............worst.
(A) the, the
(B) a, an
(C) a, a
(D) an, the
(A) the, the
Exercise - 3.
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the --
(रिक्त स्थानों में a, an या the भरिये)
1. Ghoomer is.............attractive dance.
2. Kalbelia is.............ancient folk dance of Rajasthan.
3. Walar is.............important dance of Garasia tribe.
4. .............best way to avoid accidents is to obey traffic rules.
5. Always keep to.............left while S walking or driving.
6. Do not cross the road at..........angle.
7. Do not get on or get off...... moving vehicle.
8. Prince Vikramajit, ............. unworthy ruler, was unpopular in Mewar."
1. an 2. an 3. an 4. The 5. the 6. an 7. a 8. an
Exercise - 4.
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the --
(रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति a, an अथवा the से कीजिये)
1. There was a king..........king was kind.
2. Once upon a time, there lived............ nice old woman.
3. I saw .................. elephant today.
4. There is... ............. aeroplane.
5. I can see .....
6. Abdul ate ..... apple.
7. It is ...................... windmill.
8. She is ...................... engineer.
9. We are in .................. class-room.
10. He is ...................... doctor.
1. The 2. a 3. an 4. an 5. the 6. an 7.a 8. an 9. the 10. a