RBSE Class 5 English Grammar And, But तया Or का प्रयोग कर वाक्य बनाना

Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 5 English Grammar And, But तया Or का प्रयोग कर वाक्य बनाना Questions and Answers.

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RBSE Class 5 English Grammar And, But तया Or का प्रयोग कर वाक्य बनाना 

हम किसी सूचना को जोड़ने के लिए 'and' का प्रयोग करते हैं। ..भिन्न बात बताने के लिए 'but' का प्रयोग करते हैं। जैसे - 

1. Sit calmly on a mat and close your eyes. (दो बातें जुड़ी है) । 
2. You can also do it in the evening but there should be a gap of four hours after the last meal. (भिन्न बात बताई गई है।) 
3. Rohan takes tea or coffee. (एक विकल्प को चुनना बताया गया है।)

Exercise 1. (From Let's Learn English) 

निम्न वाक्यों में and, or या but में से उपयुक्त शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ति कीजिए

1. Kalibai fell down unconscious........ died. 
2. All of his friends go to school daily ............ he doesn't go there. 
3. The effigies catch fire .......... burn to ashes. 
4. That is a great idea ......... you are so talkative. 
5. He returns home ........ decides to go to school daily. 
6. Mooshakraj was happy ......... pleased with Gajraj.
7. They have wonderful bodies........... minds...........they do not want to listen to spiritual masters. 
8. Take this ............. leave this.
1. and, 
2. But, 
3. and, 
4. but, 
5. and, 
6. and, 
7. and, but, 
8. or.

RBSE Class 5 English Grammar And, But तया Or का प्रयोग कर वाक्य बनाना

Exercise 2.
Choose the correct connective (and! but / or) to complete the sentences : 

1. Shivam. ..........Nitin were students of class V. ............... they studied in the different sections. Shivam studied in section A ............. Nitin studied in Section B. 

2. All of his friends go to school daily .............. he does not go there. He says that he does not have the books of English .......... Maths. His teacher tells his friend to give him the books........... he has not yet given them. 

3. The efficies catch fire .............. burn to ashes............... there is a little girl named Sheela who thinks why people burn effigies of Kumbhkaran, Meghnad ............... Ravan. 

4. Sarita ............... Rabia are good friends ............... they live in different villages. They study. Science, Maths ....... English together. 

5. Urmila Nirma are friends ............... they study in different classes.
1. and, but, and, 
2. but, and, but, 
3. and, But, and, 
4. and, but, and, 
5. and, but.

Last Updated on Sept. 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Published Sept. 6, 2022