Rajasthan Board RBSE Solutions for Class 12 English Grammar The Prepositions Exercise Questions and Answers.
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The Prepositions
“In a sentence a preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation with another noun or pronoun.”
याद रखिये कि एक ही Preposition कई अर्थों में प्रयुक्त होता है । जैसे :
He is at home (Place). He goes to school at ten (Time).
I was surprised at his behaviour. (Mental attitude).
देखिये, यहाँ at तीनों जगह विभिन्न रूपों में काम कर रहा है ।
Grammar की दृष्टि से अंग्रेजी भाषा में Prepositions का बहुत महत्वपूर्ण स्थान होता है । इनके बिना किसी वाक्य के Subject (Noun or Pronoun) द्वारा किये गये कार्यों अथवा Subject की स्थिति (position) का उसी वाक्य के Object (Noun or Pronoun) से सही सम्बन्ध नहीं जुड़ पाता है । कभी-कभी Preposition नहीं होने से अर्थ का अनर्थ हो जाता है । जैसे -
1. Mamata is in the kitchen. (ममता रसोईघर में है ।) (with Preposition)
यदि इस वाक्य में से in' हटा दिया जाये तो वाक्य बनता है -
Mamata is the kitchen. (ममता रसोईघर है।) (without Preposition)
2. The pen is on the table. (कलम मेज़ पर है ।) (with Preposition)
यदि इस वाक्य में से 'on' हटा दिया जाये तो वाक्य बनता है - The pen is the table. (कलम मेज़ है।)
(without Preposition) उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों से स्पष्ट है कि Prepositions वाक्यों में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं ।
1. Prepositions Of Motion
1. After : To indicate 'following somebody' :
('किसी का अनुगमन करने' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है ।)
(i) The cat is running after the rats.
(ii) e ran after the thief.
2. From/to : सामान्यतया ये दोनों ही Prepositions एक-दूसरे के विपरीतार्थी हैं ।
To : इसका प्रयोग किसी स्थान की ओर गति दर्शाने के लिए होता है ।
From : इसका प्रयोग किसी स्थान से दूर जाने या वापस लौटने वाली क्रिया के साथ होता है ।
(i) I went to market.
(ii) He walked from home to school.
(iii) They are going to Kota next week.
(iv) He must come to my office tomorrow.
3. On to loff : ये दोनों ही Prepositions एक-दूसरे के विपरीतार्थी हैं । एक किसी धरातल पर पहुँचने का तो दूसरा धरातल से पृथक् होने का भाव देता है ।।
Onto : To indicate ‘movement on' or 'to a particular place':
(किसी विशिष्ट स्थान पर (या को) गति दर्शाने के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग होता है | जैसे
(i) One stepped down from the train onto the platform.
(ii) The fruit fell onto the roof of my house.
Off : To indicate 'a movement away from a place' :
(किसी स्थान से दूर होने की गति दर्शाने के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग होता है ।) जैसे
(i) I called him but he ran off.
(ii) Take your coat off.
(iii) He fell off the bicycle.
(iv) She took the things off the trolley.
4. Intolout (of) : ये दोनों ही Prepositions एक-दूसरे के विपरीतार्थी हैं ।
Into : To indicate 'a movement inside something.' (किसी स्थान के अन्दर की ओर गति इंगित करने के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग होता है
Out (of) : To indicate 'a movement away from the inside of a place.':
(किसी स्थान के अन्दर से बाहर की ओर गति इंगित करने के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग होता है ।) जैसे
(i) The god of water dived into the river
(ii)The god of water came out of the river.
5. Across : To indicate the meaning of 'from one side to the other side of something':
(किसी स्थान (वस्तु) के एक ओर से दूसरी ओर (अर्थात् आर-पार) का आशय इंगित करने के लिए इसका प्रयोग होता है। जैसे -
He walked across the field.
6. Along : To indicate the meaning of 'from one end to or towards the other end of
something' : (किसी स्थान (वस्तु) के एक छोर से दूसरे छोर की ओर (अर्थात् 'के सहारेसहारे')' का आशय प्रकट करने के लिए इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे -
(i) They walked slowly along the road.
(ii) We planted trees along the bank of the river.
7. Over : To indicate the meaning to cross something and be on the other side.'
(किसी स्थान (वस्तु) को पार कर दूसरी ओर आ जाने' (अर्थात् के परे) के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग होता है । जैसे -
(i) She climbed over the wall. (वह दीवार फाँदकर दूसरी ओर चली गई ।)
(ii) A bird flew over my house.
(iii) A cat jumped over the table.
8. Through : To indicate the meaning ‘from one end/side to the other'.
(इसका प्रयोग भी 'एक ओर/छोर से दूसरे ओर/छोर तक (अर्थात् में होकर)' के अर्थ में होता है।)
The burglar got in through the window.
9. Under : To indicate the meaning 'below the surface of something'.
(किसी वस्तु की सतह के नीचे' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग होता है । जैसे -
(i) Have you looked under the bed.
(ii) The toy has rolled under the sofa.
10. Up/down
दोनों ही Preposition एक-दूसरे के पूरक हैं । जहाँ up ऊपर की ओर (upward movement) गति दर्शाता है, वहीं down (downward movement)
नीचे की ओर गति दर्शाता है ।
(i) Ram stood up and went out of the room.
(ii) Would you like to sit down, please ?
2. Prepositions Of Time
1. At
To indicate a point of time (समय-बिन्दु को इंगित करने हेतु)
समय-बिन्दु - घड़ी का निश्चित समय, दिनों के नाम, महीनों के नाम तथा वर्ष आदि से समय बिन्दु का तात्पर्य है। किन्तु at का प्रयोग 24 घण्टों की अवधि में बताये गये समय से पूर्व, उम्र जिसमें कोई कार्य होता है तथा अवधि प्रकट करने वाले त्यौहारों के नामों से पूर्व किया जाता है। दिन, दिनांक, महीने या वर्ष से पूर्व इसका प्रयोग नहीं होता है ।
Point of time के उदाहरण देखिये :
(i) The sun rose at 6 a.m.
(ii) He will come back at sunset. (sunset = सूर्यास्त) समय-बिन्दु है ।
(iii) I can repay the amount at any moment. We had lunch at noon.
(iv) People whitewash their houses at Deepawali. (अवधि प्रकट करने के लिए)
2. On
Before days and dates (दिनों व दिनांकों से पूर्व) नोट - दिनों या दिनांकों से पूर्व का तात्पर्य
Point of time (समय-बिन्दु) से है । जैसे -
(i) Ram will go to Jaipur on Monday.
(ii) John goes to church on Sundays.
(iii) People worship Goddess Laxmi on Deepawali. (निश्चित दिन के लिए)
(iv) We celebrate the Independence Day on 15th of August.
(v) He is returning on 7th instant. (7th instant अर्थात् 'इस माह में 7 तारीख को'।)
3. In
(a) Before names of the months, seasons and years
(महीनों, ऋतुओं व वर्षों से पूर्व) जैसे -
(i) I was born in 1985.
(ii) We took exams in March. (हमने मार्च में परीक्षा दी )
परन्तु यदि time के पूर्व this/last/next/every इत्यादि दिए हों तो at/on/in का प्रयोग नहीं होगा।
(i) He is going out this morning.
(ii) She comes here everyday.
(b) Before morning, evening, afternoon etc.
(morning, evening, afternoon आदि शब्दों से पूर्व) जैसे -
(i) I shall go to school in the morning.
(ii) Meet me in the afternoon. लेकिन night के साथ at का प्रयोग होता है ।
The thieves start their work at night. परन्तु यदि इनके पूर्व सप्ताह के दिनों के नामों का प्रयोग हो तो on का प्रयोग होगा|
on Sunday morning / on Tuesday night etc.
(c) Before a period of time (for future)
(भविष्य की उस समय-अवधि से पूर्व जितनी देर में कोई काम समाप्त/पूरा हो जायेगा।) जैसे- I shall be back in an hour.
(भविष्य के समय के साथ in/by में अन्तर देखें By शीर्षक पर)।
4. Before
To indicate 'earlier than' (इसका प्रयोग ‘से पूर्व' के अर्थ में किसी समय या घटना से पूर्व किया जाता है। यह 'after' का विपरीतार्थक है ।) जैसे -
(i) Meet me before dinner. (भोजन से पूर्व)
(ii) The patient had died before the doctor came. (डॉक्टर के आने के पर्व)
(iii) Sunday comes before Monday. (सोमवार से पूर्व)
5. After
To indicate 'following in time' or 'later than'
('किसी समय के बाद' या 'के पश्चात्' के अर्थ में किसी एक समय या कार्य से पूर्व इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे -
(i) Meet me after dinner.
(ii) Don't go out after dark. (भोजन के पश्चात् मुझसे मिलो ।) (अन्धेरा होने के पश्चात् बाहर मत निकलो ।) .
6. During
To indicate the meaning throughout the continuance of
('किसी समय की निरन्तरता के दौरान' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग समय से पूर्व किया जाता है ।) जैसे -
(i) The sun gives us light during the day. (दिन के दौरान)
(ii) During my school days I watched several movies. (स्कूली दिनों के दौरान)
7. By
(a) To indicate the meaning of 'as soon as' or 'not later than' (भविष्य के समय को व्यक्त करने के लिए 'तक' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है। दिये गये समय से 'पूर्व तक' के अर्थ में या 'जैसे ही' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग होता है।जैसे -
(i) I shall finish my work by Sunday. (रविवार तक)
(ii) By July 15th he will have left the place. (15 जुलाई तक)
By और In दोनों का ही प्रयोग भविष्य के समय को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है । By भविष्य के उस निश्चित समय को व्यक्त करता है जब तक कोई काम पूरा या समाप्त होगा जबकि In का प्रयोग कार्य पूर्ण होने की समयावधि को बताता है - In five minute (पाँच मिनट में) अवधि period of time by five O'clock (पाँच बजे तक) point of time (b) Before time to indicate conditions and circumstances
(स्थिति या परिस्थिति इंगित करते समय इसका प्रयोग समय से पूर्व 'को' के अर्थ में भी किया जाता है।) जैसे
The thief thought it fit to break into the house by moonlight.
8. For
(a) To indicate extent of time ('समय-सीमा' इंगित करने के लिए इसका प्रयोग के लिए' के अर्थ में समय से पूर्व किया जाता है।) जैसे - I am going abroad for a month. (एक माह के लिए)
(b) To indicate period of time' in the Perfect a Perfect Continuous Tenses (Perfect व Perfect Continuous Tenses में 'समय की अवधि' 'से पूर्व ‘से' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है ।
I have been learning driving for a month. (एक माह 'से')
9. Since
To indicate 'a point of time' in Perfect a Perfect Continuous Tenses (Perfect व Perfect Continuous Tenses में 'समय-बिन्दु' से पूर्व 'से' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे -
(i) They have been working hard since Sunday. (रविवार से)
(ii) I have been reading in this school since 2019. (सन् 2005 से)
10. Through
To indicate 'from the beginning to the end of time' । ('शुरू से अन्त तक' के अर्थ में समय से पूर्व इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है ।) जैसे -
(i) The patient will not live through the night.
(मरीज 'रात भर' जिन्दा नहीं रहेगा, अर्थात् प्रात:काल से पूर्व मर जायेगा ।)
(ii) You can't work in the sun through the day. It is very hot. (पूरे दिन भर)
11. Till
To indicate 'up to the time when' ('किसी समय तक' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे -
(i) I shall wait for you till 7 o'clock. (सात बजे तक)
(ii) Ram works hard from morning till night. (रात्रि तक)
12. Until
Till और Until दोनों ही समानार्थी व समान प्रयोग वाले Prepositions हैं। Until का प्रयोग अधिकांशतः उन वाक्यों में किया जाता है जब इससे सम्बन्धित clause (उपवाक्य) या phrase (वाक्यांश) वाक्य में पहले आता है । जैसे -
(i) Until his marriage he spent his time with his friends.
(ii) Until 7 o'clock I waited for him.
(iii) Until Mary's return, John waited.
13. With
To indicate 'at the same time as' ('ठीक उसी समय' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग समय से पूर्व किया जाता है । जैसे -
(i) With the approach of the sunset it became chilly. (सूर्यास्त होते ही)
(ii) With these words the teacher started to teach us. (इन शब्दों से)
14. Within
to indicate 'in less than (time)' ('से कम (समय) में' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग समय से पूर्व होता है ।) जैसे -
(i) Do it within an hour. (एक घंटे से पूर्व)
(ii) He will finish his work within a week. (एक सप्ताह के समय से पूर्व)
15. From
To indicate the starting of a period of time (From का प्रयोग समय अवधि के प्रारम्भिक बिन्दु (अर्थात् समय (बिन्दु) से पूर्व 'से' के अर्थ में NonPerfect Tenses में किया जाता है। सदैव ध्यान रखिये Perfect Tenses में Point of time से पूर्व since का प्रयोग होता है ।) जैसे -
(i) Our school will start from 1st of July. (एक जुलाई से)
(ii) Our exams will start from Saturday. (शनिवार से)
3. Prepositions Of Space
1. At
To indicate the place in which something or somebody is/was/will be. ('उस स्थान को इंगित करने के लिए जिसमें कोई संज्ञा स्थित है, थी या रहेगी।') जैसे -
(i) Mr Mohan is at his office.
(iii) I saw a beggar at the station.
(ii) John is at home.
(iv) In the evening Hari was at his uncle's house.
2. On
To indicate the position of a thing covering or forming part of a surface
(किसी वस्तु के किसी सतह या धरातल पर स्पर्श करते हुए, टिके रहने के अर्थ में on का प्रयोग होता है ।)
(i)The book is on the table.
(ii) He is sitting on the grass.
3. In
To indioate something in a surrounded place
(किसी परिवेश में किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति का होना in' के प्रयोग द्वारा दर्शाया जाता है।) जैसे
(i) John is sleeping in his room.
(ii) This is the only shop in the village.
4. Against
To indicate support or close proximity
('सहारा' या 'अत्यधिक निकटता' इंगित करने के लिए स्थान से पूर्व इसका प्रयोग होता है।) जैसे-
The ladder is placed against the wall. (दीवार के सहारे)
5. Above
To indicate 'higher than' or 'at a higher point' ('से ऊँचा' के अर्थ में) जैसे -
(i) The sun rose above the horizon. (क्षितिज से ऊँचा)
(ii) The kite is flying above the clouds. (बादलों से ऊपर)
6. Before
To indicate the meaning of 'in front of ('के सामने' के अर्थ में) जैसे -
(i) There is a tree before his house. (घर के सामने)
(ii) The thief was brought before the judge. (जज के सामने)
7. Opposite (facing) ('आमने-सामने' के अर्थ में) जैसे - [ → <-]
There is a theatre opposite my house.
8. In front of [→ →]
To indicate the meaning of 'directly before' ('ठीक सामने' के अर्थ में) जैसे
(i) There are some trees in front of my house.
(घर के ठीक सामने)
(ii) There is a garden in front of the post office. (डाकघर के ठीक सामने)
9. Behind
To indicate the meaning of 'at the rear of ' ('के पीछे' के अर्थ में) जैसे -
(i) The sun was behind the clouds.
(बादलों के पीछे)
(ii) The thief hid behind a tree.
(पेड़ के पीछे)
10. Over
(a) To indicate a thing covering the surface partly or completely (किसी सतह को आंशिक या पूर्ण रूप से ढकने के अर्थ में) जैसे -
(i) Mohan spread his handkerchief over his face and slept.
(ii) He spread a cloth over the table.
(b) To indicate 'vertically above or directly higher' (सीधे या लम्बवत् ऊपर होने के अर्थ में) जैसे -
(i) The sky is over our heads.
(ii) Many aeroplanes fly over the Indian Ocean
11. Below
To indicate 'a position lower than' ('से नीचे' के अर्थ में इसका प्रयोग होता है। यह Above का विपरीतार्थी है।
Below के स्थान पर, कभी-कभी under का प्रयोग भी किया जा सकता है।) जैसे -
(i) Don't write below this line.
(ii) The sun went below the horizon.
12. Between
(a) Used with two persons, things or groups. (दो व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं के बीच में) जैसे --
(i) She stood between her husband and son.
(ii) The old man divided his property between Ravi and Anand.
(b) With two or more limits when boundaries are concerned (सीमाओं के सम्बन्ध में दो या दो से अधिक संज्ञाओं के साथ) जैसे -
Rajasthan lies between Haryana, Gujarat, M.P. and U.P.
13. Among
Used with more than two persons or things (specially a group)
(दो से अधिक व्यक्ति या वस्तुओं के लिए, विशेष तौर पर एक समूह) जैसे -
(i) Distribute these mangoes among these boys.
(ii) He divided his property among his five sons.
4. Prepositions Of Mental Attitude
'Mental Attitude' से तात्पर्य 'मानसिक प्रवृत्ति' से है । इसको निम्न प्रकार समझा जा सकता है :
'किसी भी व्यक्ति की किसी अन्य व्यक्ति या वस्तु के प्रति सोच या भावना या व्यवहार' 'Mental Attitude' कहलाता है । अंग्रेजी भाषा में ऐसी अनेकानेक Verbs (क्रियाएँ) इस प्रकार की हैं जो Mental Attitude को प्रदर्शित करती हैं । जैसे -
1. Argue (तर्क करना)
Argue against (किसी विषय के विरुद्ध तर्क करना)
Argue with (किसी व्यक्ति से तर्क करना)
Argue for (किसी बात के पक्ष में तर्क करना)
2. Apologize (क्षमा माँगना)
Apologize for (किसी बात पर क्षमा माँगना)
Apologize to (किसी व्यक्ति से क्षमा माँगना)
3. Agree (सहमत होना)
Agree with (किसी व्यक्ति से सहमत होना)
Agree to (किसी प्रस्ताव से सहमत होना)
Agree in (किसी के दृष्टिकोण से सहमत होना)
Agree on (किसी विषय पर सहमत होना)
Adjectives (विशेषण) भी Mental Attitude को प्रदर्शित करते हैं, जैसे :
1. Afraid of (किसी से भयभीत)
2. Angry at (किसी बात पर नाराज) Angry with (किसी व्यक्ति से नाराज)
3. Envious of (किसी दूसरे की वस्तु से ईर्ष्या या जलन)
4. Ready for (किसी कार्य के लिए तैयार)
Nouns (संज्ञाएँ) भी Mental Attitude प्रदर्शित करते हैं, जैसे :
1. Complaint against (किसी के विरुद्ध शिकायत) Complaint about (किसी विषय में शिकायत)
2. Desire for (किसी वस्तु के लिए लालसा)
3. Necessity for (किसी वस्तु की आवश्यकता)
4. Gratitude for (किसी बात के लिए कृतज्ञता)
Gratitude to (किसी व्यक्ति के प्रति कृतज्ञता)
इस प्रकार Mental Attitude से सम्बन्धित Prepositions वे हैं जो हमारी मानसिक भावनाएँ यथा क्रोध, प्रसन्नता, अवसाद, सहमति, असहमति, कृतज्ञता, झुंझलाहट, हठ, लालसा, ईर्ष्या, डाह आदि को किसी वस्तु, व्यक्ति या बात के प्रति दर्शाते हैं । Mental Attitude तथा उसके पश्चात् आने वाले मुख्य Prepositions निम्नलिखित हैं:
(A) Verbs' Denoting Mental Attitude + Prepositions
1. Appeal to (किसी व्यक्ति से निवेदन करमा) Appeal for (सहायता हेतु निवेदन करना)
2. Bear with (किसी की गलती को सहन करना) ।
3. Beg pardon of (किसी व्यक्ति से क्षमा याचना करना)
4. Beg for (किसी चीज के लिए याचना करना)
Beg a person to (किसी व्यक्ति से किसी कार्य हेतु याचना करना)
5. Believe in (विश्वास करना)
6. Beware of (किसी से सावधान होना)
7. Congratulate on (किसी बात पर बधाई देना)
8. Disagree with (किसी व्यक्ति से असहमत होना)
9. Fall in love with (किसी से प्यार होना)
10. Fight for (पक्ष में लड़ना)
Fight against (विपक्ष में लड़ना)
11. Laugh at (किसी व्यक्ति पर हँसना)
12. Long for (किसी वस्तु की इच्छा करना)
13. Mourn for (मृत के लिए शोक करना) ।
14. Pray to (ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करना)
15. Repent of (किसी बात पर पछताना)
(B) Adjectives' Denoting Mental Attitude + Prepositions
1. Anxious for (किसी बात के लिए चिन्तित)
Anxious about (किसी परिणाम के विषय में चिन्तित)
2. Ashamed of (किसी बात से शर्मिन्दा)
3. Busy with (किसी कार्य में व्यस्त)
4. Eager for (किसी कार्य के लिए उत्सुक)
Eager in (किसी विषय में कार्य करने का इच्छुक)
5. Faithful to (किसी के प्रति वफादार)
6. Fearful of (किसी बात से भयभीत)
7. Fond of (किसी बात का शौकीन)
8. Good at (किसी विषय में कुशल)
9. Greedy of (किसी वस्तु आदि का लालची)
10. Jealous of (किसी अन्य की बात से ईर्ष्यालु)
11. Responsible to (किसी व्यक्ति के प्रति उत्तरदायी)
Responsible for (किसी कार्य के प्रति उत्तरदायी)
12. Proud of (किसी बात/व्यक्ति पर गर्वित)
13. Hopeful of (किसी बात के लिए आशावान)
14. Fit for (किसी कार्य के लिए योग्य)
(C) Nouns + Prepositions Denoting Mental Attitude
1. Affection for (किसी व्यक्ति के लिए स्नेह)
2. Ambition for (किसी वस्तु हेतु महत्त्वाकांक्षा)
3. Attention to (किसी बात के प्रति ध्यान)
4. Opposition to (किसी के प्रति विरोध)
5. Quarrel with (किसी से झगड़ा)
Quarrel between (दो के मध्य झगड़ा)
6. Sympathy with/for (किसी के प्रति सहानुभूति)
7. Pride in (किसी बात पर गर्व) ।
मुख्य Prepositions एवं उनके कुछ और प्रयोग
1. Above
(a) Only higher than (केवल ऊपर के अर्थ में)
The kites are flying above the tree.
(Kites की स्थिति बिना स्पर्श किये हुए पेड़ के ऊपर है।)
(b) Superior in rank (पद या दर्जे में उच्चतर के अर्थ में)
The Major is above the Captain in the army.
(c) Coming earlier (पहले आना/होना के संदर्भ में)
His name is above mine in the list.
2. After
(a) Later than, next in order (अगला)
Please see me after this period.
(b) Next (Place) (दूसरा या अगला स्थाना)
We went to Amber Palace after Hawa Mahal.
3. At
(a) In the state of (की अवस्था/ हालत में)
India and China were at war in 1962.
(b) With some Verbs as an appropriate Preposition
throw at, look at, point at, shoot at, aim at, laugh at, strike at, इत्यादि
(c) गति (speed), वस्तुओं के भाव (rate) तथा निश्चित तापक्रम (temperature) बताने में ।
She drove her car at 70 km per hour. Water boils at 100°C.
Bananas are sold here at eight rupees a kilogram.
4. Before
(a) In the presence of (की उपस्थिति में)
The prisoner was brought before the judge.
(b) Earlier than (showing time) (से पहले के अर्थ में)
You should return before sunset.
5. Behind
(a) In support of (मदेद में)
Don't worry, we are all behind you.
(b) Backward or inferior (पिछड़ा होना या निमने होना)
He is behind all other students at studies in the class.
6. Below (above of का विलोम)
(a) Lower or inferior in rank (पद या दर्जे में निमन)
The Tehsildar is below the S. D. M. in position.
(b) Coming after (बाद में अना/ होना)
His name is below hers in the programme.
(c) Lower than in condition, value or importance (दश, मूल्य या महत्व में कम)
(i) Above 33% people live below the poverty line in India.
(ii) There is nothing below ten rupees here.
(iii) This is below my dignity.
7. From
(a) Indicating the starting point of place, person, time or anything (स्थान, व्यक्ति
समय या किसी भी बिन्दु से प्रस्थान करने के अर्थ में – प्रायः to के साथ)
(i) He travelled from Delhi to Jaipur.
(ii) He sold caps from village to village.
(iii) She works in an office from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(b) निम्न Phrases में to के साथ
from time to time, from day to day, from beginning to end.
जौसे - He read the book from beginning to end.
(c) Indicating source (सत्रोत दर्शाने के लिए)
(i) Apples come from Kashmir.
(ii) These quotations are from Tagore.
(d) वस्तुओं का प्रयोग तथा परिवर्तन दर्शाने के लिए
(i) Butter is made from milk.
(ii) Dalda is made from vegetable oils.
यदि वस्तु का अस्तित्व न रहे तो from का प्रयोग होता है परन्तु यदि वस्तु. का अस्तित्व मौजूद हो तो of का प्रयोग होता है।
The chair is made of wood. (लकड़ी का अस्तित्व है ।)
(e) Indicating separation (अलगाव दर्शाने के लिए)
The teacher stopped him from going out of the class.
(f) Showing reason, sense, etc. (कारण, बोध, आदि प्रदर्शित करने में)
(i) He is suffering from malaria.
(ii) They did it from a sense of duty.
(g) Showing difference (प्रायः क्रिया differ के साथ भिन्नता दर्शाने के अर्थ में)
This dog differs from all the others.
(h) Showing time (समय का भाव प्रदर्शित करने के लिए)
He was blind from birth. Some other uses of 'from'
1. I saved the boy from drowning.
2. She comes from a poor family.
8. In
(a) In the sense of time ‘when' ('जिस समय' के अर्थ में)
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.
We go for a walk in the morning.
(b) Showing job or profession (कार्य या व्यवसय प्रदशिति करने केलिए)
(i) He has been in Indian politics for about 30 years.
(ii) His father is an officer in the army.
(c) Indicating colour, material of thing or showing situation or condition (रंग, वस्तु का पदार्थ या दशा बताने में) ।
(i) Today Abhishek is in Khaki dress.
(ii) Anurag is in a very happy mood.
(iii) She is still in great trouble.
(iv) He signed in ink/pencil.
9. To
(a) Suggesting destination (मंजिल या गन्तव्य स्थान दर्शाने के लिए)
(i) We walked to the station.
(ii) He goes to school every day.
(b) In the sense of till (of time) (प्रायः from के साथ 'से ......... तक' के अर्थ में समय दर्शाने के लिए)
She visited the town from 3 to 5 p.m.
(c) Showing comparison (तुलना दर्शते हुए) - inferior to, superior to, junior to, senior
to, prefer to, prior to, इत्यादि
(i) I prefer walking to running.
(ii) He is junior to her.
(d) बाकी समय बताने के लिए
(i) It is five to six.
(ii) It is a quarter to ten.
(e) Showing purpose (उद्देश्य दर्शाने के लिए)
(i) He came to see us.
(ii) She came to our help.
Some other uses of ‘to’
1. There are mountains to the north of India.
2. She tore the book to pieces.
3. I gave the book to Mohan.
10. On (ऊपर या पर) स्थिरता के लिए
(a) In the sense of ‘about concerning a person, topic or subject
(लिए किसी व्यक्ति, विषय या प्रकरण के सन्दर्भ में)
He is writing a thesis on Prem Chand.
(b) निम्नलिखित Phrases में -
on account of, on hearing this/that, on behalf of, on the occasion of, on fire, on sale, on purpose, on the whole, on the contrary, on foot, Fruilci
(c) Suggesting direction (दिरा दर्शान में )
(i) Pinky was hit on the head.
(ii) I met him on the way.
(d) Indicating engagements (विभिन्न कार्यें,अवसरों या दिनों में कार्य में लगे होने का भाव द्शाने में)
(i) He keeps himself busy on holidays.
(ii) He is there on some business.
11. Over
(a) More than (से अधिक) He is over fifty.
(b) From one side to the other (एक छोर से दूसरे तंक - आर - पार के अर्थ में)
(i) There was a bridge over the river.
(ii) She ran over the ground in no time.
(c) Showing command, control, authority superiority etc.
(आदेश, नियंत्रण, अधिकार, श्रेष्ठता आदि प्रकट करने के अर्थ में)
(i) He ruled over our country for about 30 years.
(ii) She has no control over her emotions.
12. Through.
(a) From one side to another in a closed place (घिरे हुए या बन्द स्थान में से एक तरफ से दूसरी तरफ' के अर्थ में)
(i) He passed through the forest.
(ii) He looked through a telescope.
(b) Indicating means or agency (साधन या माध्यम दर्शाने हेतु)
I knew it through a newspaper.
(c) सफलतापूर्वक समाप्त करना He got through his examination.
(d) से होकर (एक छोर से दूसरे छोर तक, across the interior of anything)
(i) There is no way through the forest.
(ii) Trucks are not allowed to go through the city during the day time.
(e) व्यक्तिगत सदस्यों के बीच में के अर्थ में This book has passed through many hands.
(f) किसी भी वस्तु के तैयार होने की पहली प्रक्रिया से अंतिम प्रक्रिया तक
The body of a car passes through 147 stages on the production line.
13. Into
(a) दशा में परिवर्तन या घटना के परिणाम को दर्शाने में
(i) Translate these sentences into English.
(ii) When he saw his mother, he burst into tears.
(b) समय के अर्थ में He often works late into the night.
14. Under (over का विलोम)
(a) अन्दर तथा डूबा या घिरा होना
The railway line near Jaipur remained under water for many days.
(b) अपेक्षाकृत कम
She is under forty.
(c) की अवस्था में
The house is under construction.
(d) पद या दर्जे में निम्न के अर्थ में
No one under the rank of an Inspector shall enter the hall.
(e) शासित होने या नेतृत्व में रहने के अर्थ में ।
India, under Pt Nehru, progressed much.
15. With
(a) साधन, औजार, हथियार, आदि के प्रयोग करने के अर्थ में
(i) He killed the lion with a gun.
(ii) She hit the crow with a stone.
परन्तु He wrote a letter in ink.
(b) साथ या सम्बन्ध दर्शाने के अर्थ में
(i) She went there with her husband.
(ii) He lived with his wife and children.
(c) Having के अर्थ में ।
(i) A girl with blue eyes is coming towards us.
(ii) A woman with a child is coming here.
(d) because of या owing to के अर्थ में (कारण दर्शाने में)
(i) She was trembling with fear.
(ii) He was silent with shame.
(e) तरीका या ढंग दर्शाने में
(i) She accepted the present with pleasure.
(ii) He reached there with courage.
(f) किसी की देखरेख, संभाल या अधिकार में छोड़ने, रखने के अर्थ में
They left the child with the nurse.
(g) farmfrica Phrases :
deal with, quarrel with, sympathise with, 'agree with, part with, down with, fight with, pleased with, angry with, इत्यादि।
The Principal is always pleased with good boys.
16. By
(a) पास में या किनारे के अर्थ में
(i) He came and sat by me.
(ii) His house is by the river.
(b) 'से होकर' (विशेष रास्ते का भाव) We came by a shortcut.
(c) किसी स्थान से होकर गुजरने या निकलने के अर्थ में
I walk by the post office every noon.
(d) During (के दौरान) के अर्थ में He prefers to travel by night.
(e) कर्ता दर्शाने में, agent या doer से पहले
'Ram Charit Manas' was written by Tulsidas.
Note : निर्जीव साधन के साथ प्रायः with का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे
He was killed with a sword.
(i) 'तक' के अर्थ में
You should join your duty by next Monday.
(g) 'के अनुसार' के अर्थ में What is the time by your watch ?
(h) आवागमन या यातायात का तरीका बताने के अर्थ में by train, by bus, by car, by plane, by ship, by sea, by air, इत्यादि ।
(i) She came by car from Agra.
(ii) They often travel by air.
परन्तु, यदि आवागमन या यात्रा के साधन के नाम के पूर्व कोई determiner लगा हो तो in/on का प्रयोग होगा।
She came here in her car but I preper to travel on a train.
(i) तरीका बताने में
by the collar, by the hair, by chance, इत्यादि ।
(i) He caught the boy by the hair.
(ii) She met one of her classmates by chance in the fair.
17. For
(a) मंजिल या गन्तव्य स्थान दर्शाने के लिए
(i) He left for Mumbai today.
(ii) The train left for Delhi.
(b) उददेश्य बताने में I go for a walk daily.
(c) तैयारी दर्शाने के लिए we should save for the future.
(d) पसंद, स्नेह, उपयुक्तता दर्शाने के सन्दर्भ में
(i) He has a taste for painting.
(ii) The climate of this place is bad for health.
(e) विनिमय या मूल्य के आदान-प्रदान के अर्थ में
(i) I bought this pen for five rupees.
(ii) They sold their house for two lakhs.
(f) निम्नलिखित Verbs के साथ
wait for, hope for, ask for, pray for, search for, affection for, long for, इत्यादि ।
He waited for the bus for an hour.
(a) Indicating connection or relation (सम्बन्ध दर्शाने के अर्थ/संकेत में)
The legs of the chair are broken.
(b) Indicating partition or conclusion (विभाजन या शामिल होने के सन्दर्भ में)
a piece of paper, a ton of coal, a lot of books, lakhs of people, इत्यादि ।
Please give me a piece of paper.
(c) Suggesting reason or cause (कारण या प्रभाव दर्शाने में) He died of cancer.
परन्तु यदि मृत्यु का कारण बीमारी न हो तो from का प्रयोग होगा :
He died from over eating.
(d) निम्नलिखित शब्दों के साथ
proud of, afraid of, fond of, tired of, ashamed of, glad of, jealous of, desirous of, accused of, इत्यादि । He is accused of theft.
Special Uses of Prepositions
Uses O Trepositions .............
1. In और At का प्रयोग
In का प्रयोग देशों, बड़े स्थानों एवं बड़े शहरों के लिए होता है जबकि at छोटे शहरों, कस्बों तथा स्थानों के लिए प्रयुक्त होता है । जैसे -
(i) She lives at Rampur.
(ii) Harish lives in Mumbai.
2. In और Into का प्रयोग।
In का प्रयोग स्थिर वस्तु के लिए तथा into का प्रयोग गतिशीलता प्रकट करने के लिए किया जाता है । जैसे
(i) He is in his office.
(ii) She is working in the kitchen.
(iii) He jumped into the river.
(iv) The frog jumped into the water.
3. In और Within का प्रयोग
Future Tense के वाक्यों में समयावधि (period of time) से पूर्व in का प्रयोग करने पर बाद में या ‘समय की समाप्ति पर' अर्थ निकलता है। परन्तु समयावधि से पूर्व यदि within का प्रयोग किया जाता है तो उससे समय से पूर्व या पहले' का अर्थ प्रकट होता है । जैसे
(i) My parents will come in a week. एक सप्ताह के बाद या एक सप्ताह की समाप्ति पर आयेंगे।
(ii)They will return within a week. सप्ताह की अवधि समाप्त होने से पूर्व ही आयेंगे ।
4. On और At का प्रयोग
(a) समय का बोध कराने के लिए किसी खास दिवस (day) अथवा तिथि (date) से पूर्व on का प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे -
We shall leave for Delhi on Sunday. परन्तु किसी निश्चित समय (point of time) से पूर्व at का प्रयोग किया जाता है (on का नहीं)। जैसे - The last train arrives here at 10.30 p.m.
(b) On का प्रयोग किसी वस्तु के ऊपरी तल को छूते हुए की स्थिति बताने में किया जाता है। परन्तु at का प्रयोग किसी स्थान के आस-पास कहीं भी स्थित होने के अर्थ में किया जाता है । जैसे -
(i) My books are on the table.
(ii) Stand at the gate.
5. On और Upon का प्रयोग
On का प्रयोग स्थिरता व्यक्त करने के लिए होता है । Upon का प्रयोग गतिशीलता प्रकट करने के लिए किया जाता है। जैसे -
(i) The book is on the table.
(ii) The dog jumped upon the table.
6. With और By का प्रयोग
With किसी instrument (यंत्र) को दिखाता है जिसका किसी कार्य को करने में प्रयोग किया जाता है और by
किसी कार्य करने वाले (agent या doer सजीव) के लिए प्रयुक्त किया जाता है । जैसे --
(i) He was killed by a robber with a gun.
(ii)He wrote a letter with her pen.
By के अन्य प्रयोग ..
(i).He sat by me. (पास)
(ii) I shall return by 30'clock. (तक)
(iii) He is a Brahmin by caste. (से) -
(iv) I swear by God. (की)
7. Beside और Besides का प्रयोग
Beside का अर्थ है 'by the side of (बिलकुल नजदीक) जबकि Besides का अर्थ है 'in addition to' (के अतिरिक्त) । जैसे - (i) Sit beside me.
(ii) Besides this, I want two other books.
8. From, For और Since का प्रयोग।
हिन्दी में इन तीनों शब्दों का अर्थ से होता है । 'for' समय की अवधि (Period of time) और 'since' समय का बिन्दु (point of time) बतलाता है । जैसे -
(i) She has not seen me for the last one week.
(ii) He has been ill since Saturday last. 'from' भी Point of time बताता है परन्तु 'from' का प्रयोग Perfect Continuous को छोड़कर सभी Tenses में होता है साधारणतया इसका प्रयोग 'to' के साथ होता है । जैसे - He was ill from Sunday to Thursday.
Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions
कुछ शब्दों के अन्त में कुछ निश्चित Prepositions प्रयुक्त होते हैं । जैसे -
1. absent from - He was absent from the class yesterday.
2. according to – He works according to my advice.
3. apply for - He applied for the post of a clerk.
4. apply to - He applied to the manager.
5. arrive at - She arrived at the stage.
6. ashamed - I was ashamed of my behaviour.
7. ask for – I asked my friend for some money.
8. belong to - This book belongs to me.
9. believe in - I believe in your theory.
10. blame for - He blamed Ramesh for his carelessness.
11. busy with - He is busy with his studies.
12. care for - He does not care for me.
13. capable of - He is capable of doing this exercise.
14. compare with - Don't compare this pen with that.
15. complain to (a person) - She complained to the teacher.
16. complain of (a pain) - The student was complaining of headache.
17. careful about - Be careful about your health.
18. depend on - A child depends on its parents.
19. die of - He died of cholera.
20. differ with - Ramesh differs with you on this point.
21. expert in - Asha is expert in singing.
22. familiar with - He is not familiar with me.
23. full of - The glass is full of water.
24. filled with - The glass is filled with milk.
25. fined for - Sohan was fined for absence.
26. grateful to/for - I am grateful to you for your help.
27. interested in - He is not interested in politics.
28. jealous of - He is jealous of my success.
29. knock at - Who is knocking at the door ?
30. knowledge of - He has a good knowledge of English.
31. kind to - We should be kind to the poor.
32. laugh at - Do not laugh at him.
33. listen to - Listen to him.
34. long for - She longs for seeing her son.
35. married to - She was married to a rich man.
36. made of - My ring is made of gold.
37. obedient to - Children should be obedient to their parents.
38. opposite to - His house is opposite to the college.
39. play on - He was playing on flute.
40. proud of -He is proud of his wealth.
41. prefer to - Suresh prefers coffee to tea.
42. preparation for -They are making preparation for annual function.
43. qualified for - Naresh is qualified for this post.
44. related to - He is related to me.
45. rely on - You should not rely on Kiran.
46. run over - The young boy was run over by a bus.
47. reply to - He has replied to my letter.
48. request for - The beggar requested for a bread.
49. responsible for - I am not responsible for this fault.
50. run after- The cat ran after the rat.
51. search for - Ram is searching for his lost book.
52. sentence to - He was sentenced to death.
53. satisfied with - I am satisfied with my work.
54. speak to - I do not want to speak to you.
55. suffer from - He is suffering from fever.
56. superior to - Your book is not superior to mine.
57. sure of - I am sure of my success.
58. sympathy for - He has sympathy for the poor.
59. sorry for - He was very sorry for what he had done.
60. similar to - Many of her habits are similar to mine.
61. tired of - He is tired of doing nothing.
62. true to (Holl) - He is true to his word.
63. thankful to/for - I am thankful to him for his help.
64. useful for/to - Exercise is useful for health. It is useful to you.
65. wait for - We waited for you at the bus-stand.
Exercise 1.
Use the appropriate prepositions to complete the sentences below :
1. Can you wake me .............. 6.20 ?
2. Can we meet ............. lunch time ............. Monday ?
3. My brother is always hungry .............. the morning.
4. My father doesn't like driving .............. night.
5. I didn't like the film. So I didn't stay ............ the end.
6. Can you clean the coat ............. tomorrow ?
7. Could I talk ............ you .............. a few minutes ?
8. I got a headache .............. the examination.
9. This sweater looks good .............. you.
10. Who is the man .............. grey suit ?
11. She had a ring .............. every finger.
12. There's nothing..............the fridge.
13. Are there any good films .............. the cinema this week ?
14. Will you be .............. the party .............. my uncle's house next week ?
15. I usually sit .............. a window in a train. So I can look out.
16. The door wouldn't stay shut. So I put a chair ............. it.
17. There's a big clock ............. the door.
18. The officer went ............. the stairs and ............ his office found a letter ............. the table and began to read that.
19. What time do we arrive .............. New Delhi ?
20. When we arrived ............. his house, he had already left.
1. at
2. at, on
3. in
4. at
5. till
6. by
7. to, for
8. during
9. on
10. in
11. on
12. in
13. at
14. in, at
15. by
16. between
17. above
18. up, in, on
19. in
20. at
Exercise 2.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions from brackets :
1. He is junior ...............me. (with/from/to)
2. The soldier fought ................ (with/to/by) courage.
3. The train was passing............... (for/through/about) a tunnel.
4. I shall come............... (in/with/into) an hour.
5. Can she depend............... (upon/above/under) you ?
6. This white car belongs.............. (to/for/about) me.
7. The ladies were surprised............... (from/at/in) the seller's rudenes.
8. He always boasts.............. (of/with/in) his high connections.
9. What grudge do you have ............ (from/against/at) me ?
10. His disease is ............. (beyond/along/above) cure.
1. to
2. with
3. through
4. in
5. upon
6. to
7. at
8. of
9. against
10. beyond
Exercise 3.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions from the brackets:
1. Please stay here. ............(at/until/with) next Monday.
2. Do it.............. (before/with/on) March.
3. They did it...............(in/during/on) my absence.
4. Please wait for me............... (for/to/of) ten hours.
5. The boys have been playing ............... (with/since/on) morning.
6. He worked............... (throughout/with/upon) the night.
7. He was born.............. (at/in/among) Deeg in Bharatpur.
8. Days are hot............... (into/in/with) summer.
9. Switzerland lies. ..... (between/among/from) France, Germany and Italy.
10. The tiger was killed............. (by/with/from) Mohan.
1. until
2. before
3. during
4. for
5. since
6. throughout
7. at
8. in
9. between
10. by
Exercise 4.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions :
1. Itshas been raining ............. 6 a.m.
2. Leaves are falling...............the trees.
3. He agrees...............me.
4. Please beware................dogs.
5. He is quick.............. mathematics.
6. That house is ............... fire.
7. The situation is ............... control.
8. He sits...............an easy chair.
9. I invited him............... dinner.
10. It is seven ...............my watch.
No Answers.
Exercise 5.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions :
1. Mohan has been accused...............murder.
2. She did not agree...............me.
3. I was astonished..............his success.
4. This book belongs..............Suresh.
5. He lives close............... my house.
6. The thieves broke...............the house.
7. These boys depend...............you.
8. His father died...............Cholera.
9. He is superior...............me.
10. The teacher is tired...............me.
1. of
2. with
3. at 4. to
5. to
6. into
7. on
8. of
9. to
10. of
Exercise 6.
1. This theme would be the most important guide.........us in the choice of reading.
2. A great book grows exactly...... proportion to the growth of the reader's mind.
3. I came.................a portfolio of water colour drawings.
4. I thought................ the dealer again.
5. My father used to read................us the story every night.
6. Sambu sat...........the trailers and slide advertisements without enthusiasm.
7. Ronald Ross was born............. Almora in the Himalayas.
8. The needle shaped forms find their way.........the salivary gland of the mosquito.
9. I was sorting ................. the contents of a trunk.
10. It was ............the early part of 1947.
11. I was trying to work................a tactful way.
12. The king went................to explain.
13. Chronic stress can lead...............continuously high levels of cortisol.
14. Belief ...............an ideal dies hard.
15. I had grown...............British in every way.
1. for
2. in
3. upon
4. about
5. to
6. through
7. at
8. into
9. out
10. in
11. through
12. on
13. to
14. in
15. up
Exercise 7.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions from the brackets :
1. You can have it...........that; but I don't mind if you don't.
2. The fire walker splashed water.............my feet.
3. I went looking.............him, but he had disappeared.
4. Rosamond poured the flowers............... the carpet.
5. Manish went to Bhopal .............. his car.
6. You can see the manager ............... 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
7. I have no objection ............... your opening the window.
8. The child has been missing ............... Monday.
9. I am aware ............... his intention.
10. The young boy was run ............ by the bus.
11. My daughter always goes to market ............ my wife.
12. I was born .............. the month df July.
13. The author thought .............. the dealer again.
14. We celebrate the Republic Day ................. 26th January.
15. Ramesh is senior ................ me.
1. for
2. over
3. for
4. upon
5. in
6. between
7. to
8. since
9. of
10. over
11. with
12. in
13. about
14. on
15. to
Exercise 8.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
1. The child threw a stone ................ the bird.
2. Many people died ..............the independence of the country.
3. I prefer badminton ............tennis.
4. Now-a-days people quarrel .............. petty things.
5. I am not interested .......... writing to him.
6. Some people are always opposed ............... the resolution of problems.
7. Please speak only when you are spoken .................construction.
9. He has been suffering from cold .................. Monday.
10. He caught the thief ...............the neck.
11. I have to do something ..................him.
12. To many outside this country Thakur Rabindra Nath is known just.......... the name of Tagore.
13. We have decided to withdraw our son ............. that school.
14. This won him the Noble Prize literature.
15. Will you come home ............. lunch, please?
1. at
2. for
3. to
4. over
5. in
6. to
7. to
8. under
9. since
10. by
11. for
12. by
13. from
14. for
15. after
Exercise 9.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
1. You have to see it................ order to believe it.
2. He did as he was asked ..............
3. She made a request.................her teacher.
4. He reminded them.............the party.
5. Alan's parents were proud ........... him.
6. Both of them were never good.
7. The rising bell went. ................4 o'clock.
8. There was a roll-call.............the morning and evening prayers.
9. We used to go.................. long walks.
10. They use to play .............. the tress the whole numbers.
11. Courtesy springs....................good breeding and kindness of heart.
12. A courteous man always thinks......... the feelings of others.
13. Todd had owned a dollar.................me.
14. He came back ....................three weeks.
15. The glass fell down on the ground and broke...............pieces.
1. in
2. to
3. to
4. of
5. of
6. at
7. on
8. in
9. for
10. under
11. from
12. of
13. to
14. in
15. into
Exercise 10.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions :
1. He tried to find out the solution of the problem but....vain.
2. A shooting star has a cloudy tail ................light.
3. One should know what is necessary..................the success in life.
4. He was sentenced................ jail in Siberia.
5. She always writes ..................... haste.
7. They were accused......................the theft.
8. They were not agreed................ my proposal.
9. He is not true ..............his promise.
10. We are not interested ........... such programmes.
11. She has no faith...............religious matters.
12. He tried his best but couldn't get any chance ...............any job.
13. I don't know who was knocking .................at door.
14. Little children are often afraid ............ darkness.
15. We often listen .......... the TV-news at 10 p.m.
1. in
2. of
3. for
4. to
5. in
6. from
7. of
8. to
9. to
10. in
11. in
12. in
13. at
14. of
15. to